I have a city in another world

Chapter 3015 Resentment, scramble!

Chapter 3015 Resentment, scramble!

But in the blink of an eye, blood flowed like rivers on the deck of the dilapidated giant ship.

The monk holding the bronze oar desperately attacked the targets he could see, as if he had fallen into a state of madness.

The monk who fell on the deck roared unwillingly, unexpectedly, after overcoming many obstacles, he fell on the last hurdle.

Many injured monks were attacked by their companions, even if they were fighting side by side not long ago.

Sure enough, in the face of interests, this kind of temporary cooperative relationship is not reliable at all.

The vast majority of monks avoided the fight from a distance, but they kept their eyes on the bow of the ship.

There is the best landing place, the closest to the shore, and you can be the first to board the island of desire.

It was for this reason that the tragic fight took place, and everyone wanted to occupy this excellent landing site.

But if you really want to get it, you have to pay a terrible price.

At the current position of the bow, there are four figures standing tall. They are covered in blood, and they are full of murderous intent.

Holding a bronze oar and looking around with a cold drink, anyone who dares to approach the bow will be attacked without hesitation.

This is the winner of the fight, firmly occupying the four spots, and if he wants to replace him, he must be killed first.

To be able to survive the fight is obviously to have extraordinary strength, and it can be said that it is not easy to replace it.

But in the face of the only four places, no one is willing to give up easily, otherwise it means a waste of work.

Before the final quota appears, this tragic fight will definitely not stop.

"What are you doing, there are only four places, why don't you hurry up and kill them?"

The boy appeared in the air and asked condescendingly, with an anxious and angry expression on his face.

"Hit, kill, as long as you kill others, all the rewards will belong to you!"

The boy bumped and jumped in the air, constantly bewitching the monks below, but hearing these words made people feel bored, as if he was deliberately urging the monks to die.

Seeing that the monks were staring at him, the boy became more active, urging loudly, while screaming "Ahhh".

After hearing this voice.The faces of many monks changed, because the scream at the beginning was exactly the same as this voice.

This also made them realize that this boy was probably the one who provoked the initial fight and screams.

The monks at that time were nervous and didn't make a careful distinction at all, so they were teased by the boy.

After realizing this, the monks were angry and annoyed, but there was nothing they could do.

It didn't matter, of course, because fights and fights would still happen even if there were no boys.

After all, the places are limited, so if you want to get what you want, you have to fight with your life!
Just when the monks were hesitating, they saw a figure slowly walking out of the dilapidated cabin.

This figure was thin and thin, covered in tattered clothes, dragging a pile of brand new locks.

The moment the boy stepped onto the deck, he was immediately recognized by the monks as the mysterious man who begged him for food.

A monk gave him food, so he escaped.

There are also some monks who were locked in the cabin and are still trying to escape at this moment.

There are also some monks who have not obtained the key, but have avoided the pursuit of monsters through some other methods.

After seeing the boy's appearance, the monks couldn't help being surprised, because his appearance was exactly the same as the boy in the sky.

No need to think about it, there must be a special relationship between the two boys.

After the ragged boy appeared, he didn't talk to anyone at all, he just looked at the figure in the sky.

"Get the hell out of here right now!"

With a cold voice, he shouted at the boy in the sky, his tone full of disgust.

"I just won't go, what can you do to me!"

The boy in the sky flew around, speaking in a provocative tone, with a smug smile on his face.

"you wanna die!"

The boy's expression twisted, and he stretched out his arms suddenly, roaring towards the sky.

At the same time, the dilapidated big boat under his feet suddenly jumped up from the sea.

The head of the monster carved on the bow suddenly came to life, and stretched out its long neck to bite the air.

The monster attacked extremely fast, but in an instant, it had already rushed in front of the boy.

The huge mouth opened and bit down on the boy, trying to tear him to shreds.

"It's not that easy to kill me!"

The boy in the air let out a strange laugh of "Jie Jie", and avoided the monster's attack in a blink of an eye, and his mouth was still mocking.

"Your pets are as stupid and stupid as you are, and they are only worthy of transporting idiots like you in this ocean."

The boy's words in the air were extremely vicious, and there seemed to be a deep hatred between him and the boy on board.

"I said, get out!"

The monster controlled by the boy on the boat continued to attack, as if he would not give up until he reached his goal.

The boy in the sky was provocative, not afraid of danger at all, and looked very excited.

The two boys fought, but it hurt the monks on the boat.

In a short period of time, many monks have accidentally fallen into the ocean due to violent swings.

The four monks who previously occupied the bow of the ship have disappeared with the accident.

The huge ship didn't dock, and the fate of falling into the sea can be imagined, even if it is desperately struggling, it is useless.

The monks could even see that the monks who fell into the sea sank to the bottom of less than 10 meters, but they could not surface no matter what.

At this critical juncture, the monks had no intention of fighting, but desperately fixed their bodies so as not to be thrown into the ocean.

During the battle between the two sides, the giant ship kept approaching the shore and would soon arrive at the Island of Desire.

The monks stared round their eyes, holding back their energy secretly, just to launch a sprint at the last moment.

"Come on, come on, it's almost here!"

They growled in their hearts, and their eyes were full of anticipation, because the most important moment was coming.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a row of monks suddenly rushed over the crazily shaking deck.

They were connected to each other through the traction of chains, and rushed to the bow of the ship desperately.

"No, stop them!"

A monk roared loudly, anyone could see that they should be planning to go ashore first.

But at this moment, the bow of the ship was swaying, and it was still difficult for the monks to protect themselves, so how could it be possible to stop the team of 12 people?

Some monks were thrown backwards as soon as they approached, and there was no way to stop them.

Although the huge ship has a large deck area, it only takes a short time to reach it under the full sprint.

Looking at the distance between the giant ship and the shore, it was still far away, and the monks behind couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It was just a waste of worry just now, those monks couldn't go ashore at such a long distance.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, something unexpected happened, the twelve monks suddenly changed their formation.

The monks at both ends of the line rushed forward while pulling the chains in their hands, tightening them and pulling them violently.

The cultivator in the center of the chain rushed forward, and his body flew out from the bow of the ship.

After the No.1 monk flew out, followed by the No.2 monk, and then the third and No.4 modification.

The four monks also had chains pulling each other, flying from above the giant ship to the shore at the same time.

The monks who saw this scene were all dumbfounded, they never expected such a thing to happen!
(End of this chapter)

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