I have a city in another world

Chapter 3018 Traps, lay mines!

Chapter 3018 Traps, lay mines!
After receiving the fruit presented by Tang Zhen, the monster seemed very happy and approached the bow like a giant snake.

It let out a "moo" roar, like an old cow, and nodded twice at Tang Zhen.

Seeing this, the other monks at the bow quickly dodged aside, fearing that they would be swallowed by the monster.

Having experienced a narrow escape, the monks have become more vigilant now, avoiding danger far away.

Even the crazy monk chose to retreat aside, not wanting to cause trouble for himself.

This is the world of purple light, the real cemetery of monks, this monster that is integrated with the giant ship can bite him to death with one bite.

"It likes you very much and is expressing its thanks to you."

A voice came from behind Tang Zhen. The ragged little boy appeared on the deck again at some unknown time.

There were still a bunch of locks hanging on his body, as if he would carry them with him wherever he went.

Tang Zhen had a feeling that the boy was a charterer who charged food as rent.

If you don't pay for food, you can never get out of the locked room, and you can never get off the ship.

The boy turned a blind eye to the complicated eyes of the monks around him, as if they didn't exist.

"I think it should also like it. After all, this red fruit looks very delicious."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he took out another fruit from his cuff and handed it to the boy.

"Why don't you try it too?"

The boy looked at Tang Zhen, and then at the fruit in his hand, his indifferent expression softened a bit.

"Thank you."

He reached out to take it, took a bite hard, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"This kind of fruit is very rare. If that guy knows that you have picked it all, he will definitely be furious."

The boy looked in one direction. There was obviously nothing there, but Tang Zhen could see an island gradually receding from his pupils.

"If that's the case, then I can't help it. After all, he didn't remind me before that we are not allowed to pick these fruits."

Tang Zhen shrugged his shoulders and said in a light tone.

"Whether you mean it or not, I want to thank you for bringing delicious food to my pet, and at the same time making that guy fly into a rage."

The boy took another bite of the apple, looked at Tang Zhen and said, with a smile on his lips.

From the look on his face, he was obviously very happy.

"Since you said that, I can only answer that you are welcome. If it weren't for your guidance, I wouldn't be able to reach the island of desire first."

Tang Zhen has always been like this. If others have helped him, he will definitely find a way to repay him.

If the boy hadn't reminded him, he might still be sitting on the giant boat, slowly waiting to approach the island.

These red fruits are actually to express gratitude.

"First of all, when you arrive at the Island of Desire, you rely on your own strength and have nothing to do with me.

Besides, you gave me food and I provided you with information, which is a matter of course. "

When the boy said this, he pointed to Tang Zhen's chest, and said in a cold tone: "There is something in your arms, it should be given to you by that guy, can you give me a look."

Hearing what the boy said, Tang Zhen reached out without hesitation and took out the special ball of light.

The inside of the sphere is like a nebula twinkling, with five conspicuous arrows pointing in different directions.

After the boy saw it, he stretched out his hand and tapped it lightly, and soon showed a sneer.

"You shouldn't just pick his fruit, you should destroy even the palace so that he doesn't even have a place to live."

As soon as the boy said that, Tang Zhen already knew that there was definitely something wrong with this ball of light.

"Is that true..."

Tang Zhen was not surprised. After all, with the boy's clumsy personality, he would definitely not willingly provide benefits.

The calculation of laying mines and digging pits has long been expected, and there is more than one.

For example, the corpse of the god was a trap set by the boy, but unfortunately it did not achieve the desired effect, which also made him very disappointed.

This ball of light, which represents treasure, is also given by the boy, and it is very likely that there are dangerous traps hidden.

But even so, Tang Zhen intends to verify it, after all, it is about the five original spirit treasures.

Now that someone helps him to verify, it saves a lot of trouble, and it is more authoritative and credible.

It's just the loss in his heart, there must be some points, because it means that several original spirit treasures have left him.

"You want the original spirit treasure to build the kingdom of mind?"

The boy looked at Tang Zhen and asked suddenly.

This seemingly random question surprised Tang Zhen and looked at the boy with serious eyes.

Among the great thousand planes, there are countless systems of practice, but only monks in Loucheng build the kingdom of mind.

The fact that the boy said this proves that he has seen through Tang Zhen's identity, and that he knows the monk Loucheng very well.

If it is an ordinary monk, it is absolutely impossible to get in touch with these secrets, which is enough to prove that the boy is not simple.

"The number of Loucheng monks who have entered the purple light world is far more than you can imagine, and there are also gods among them.

It is through them that I have a little understanding of the world of Loucheng.

Knowing that it is a very powerful plane, with countless monks, many war zones, and powerful gods.

You seem to be very persistent in obtaining the original spirit treasure, and you will get it at any cost.

I was very impressed with this matter, and I asked a god in the Loucheng world, and the other party gave me a detailed answer.

Cultivator Loucheng's way of cultivation is indeed very miraculous, creating a special world in the body has infinite possibilities.

However, there are also disadvantages, that is, once you encounter a cracking method, you are likely to suffer a fatal blow. "

When the boy said this, he glanced at Tang Zhen with a half-smile.

Tang Zhen was able to understand the meaning of the other person's eyes, because in the purple light world, he had already experienced this powerless feeling of being violated.

Of course, the main reason is that he is in the purple light world, a world that is most likely composed of dreams of gods.

This special world is actually very similar to the kingdom of the mind, even if the gods are in it, they must be manipulated by the rules.

Therefore, in Tang Zhen's view, it was only because of the special environment in which he lived, and the rules of the Purple Light World were too strong that the Kingdom of God in his mind was invaded.

If you are in the outside world, wanting to invade the Kingdom of God in your mind unimpeded is simply a dream.

Of course, at such a time, Tang Zhen would definitely not argue.

Disputes between schools of practice sometimes last for tens of thousands of years, but there is still no clear result.

No matter how boring Tang Zhen is, he will not get involved in this kind of thing and waste his time in vain.

"In the world of purple light, it really feels like walking on thin ice."

Tang Zhen said softly, with a serious expression on his face. This time, in his adventures in the Purple Light World, he had indeed narrowly escaped death several times.

This made Tang Zhen clearly realize that even as a god, there are times when he is helpless.

If you encounter similar situations in the future, you must be more careful, and never think that you are a god, so you relax your vigilance.

"For the sake of bringing food for my pet and making me angry again, I can do you another favor.

The ball of light points to five coordinates, two of which are traps, and they are extremely ominous places where gods enter and may fall.

If you enter it, you may not be able to leave alive, let alone find the original spirit treasure. "

Tang Zhen kept silent, just listening to the boy's narration, but secretly sneered in his heart.

He had known for a long time that the boy had bad intentions, so he secretly left behind in that city.

It won't be long before the boy will be surprised to find that there are practitioners appearing in this city!
City residents have the ability to resurrect from the dead, coupled with the special environment, and the practice skills instilled by Tang Zhen, it is not too easy to practice.

As long as the city residents die ten times, their memories will be awakened, and the thunder that Tang Zhen planted will be detonated.

At that time, the boy will suffer the consequences.

When the strength of the city residents improves enough to crack the rune circle, he will flee for his life on the island under the pursuit of monks all over the city.

(End of this chapter)

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