I have a city in another world

Chapter 3021 Tracking, cunning

Chapter 3021 Tracking, cunning

About three thousand miles away from Ziguang Ruins, it is a desolate barren land.

There is no grass growing here, and the maroon rocks are as sharp as knives, as if they will fall down at any time.

There is also an inexplicable gust of wind, blowing from nowhere, grinding those rocks into strange shapes.

Although the environment is extremely harsh, there are still a large number of weird creatures, fierce and vicious.

On a steep mountain about a thousand meters high, a figure suddenly appeared. It was Tang Zhen who had just left Ziguangxu.

He didn't follow the guidance of the light sphere to find the possible original spirit treasure, because he didn't know how long it would take and how far he would have to travel.

Finding the mad monk and taking back the two original spirit treasures owed by the other party naturally became Tang Zhen's top priority.

Relying on the contract signed by the two parties, Tang Zhen could ask the crazy monk for the original spirit treasure, and the other party would definitely not refuse.

But there is a premise, Tang Zhen must find the mad monk, otherwise who will he ask for it?
Before the other party left, he told Tang Zhen that if he wanted the original spirit treasure, he had to find him first.

This problem is not big or small. It would be easier to say if it is outside, but it is not an easy task in this special place of the spiritual world.

Methods such as divination cannot be used normally at all. For monks, this is definitely a big challenge.

Tang Zhen had experienced similar things before, and had to go to great lengths to find the owner of the original Lingbao.

Although this spiritual realm is good, it also has various drawbacks, which make foreign monks feel particularly uncomfortable.

Fortunately, after exploring, Tang Zhen already knew some special methods to help him track down people.

The first thing he has to do is to control the creatures in the entire area and make them all enter a dream state.

The next thing to do is to evoke the deep memory and find useful information for oneself in the collective dream.

Combined with previous experiences, and this adventure in the purple light world, Tang Zhen confirmed the magic of the dream world.

Of course, this refers to the dream of the gods. If it is the dream of ordinary people, it has no meaning at all.

All the residents of Ziguang Ruins, unknowingly, collectively had a daydream.

The dreams of all residents come together to form a complete world and combine with reality.

Reality is both dream and dream is also reality.

There is no need to elaborate on the principle of operation. In short, it is Tang Zhen's thought that allows him to observe the entire Purple Light Market from the perspective of God.

This is not going back in time, nor will it disturb the rules of the plane, it is just a playback of collective memory.

While constantly replaying the video, Tang Zhen finally saw the scene he wanted in the memory of a Ziguangxu resident.

A monk appeared out of nowhere, he looked around, and then disappeared in an instant.

The resident of Ziguangxu who saw him thought he was dazzled and didn't take this matter to heart.

How did he know that just for a moment, he had a face-to-face meeting with a god.

Fortunately, the crazy monk did not intend to kill, otherwise the resident of Ziguangxu would have been attacked.

Perhaps in the eyes of the crazy monk, this is just an ant, and it doesn't make any sense whether he is trampled to death or not.

Furthermore, the residents of the Spirit Realm are all immortal, so attacking them would be a waste of time and cause unnecessary trouble.

It was these reasons that led Tang Zhen to discover the clues.

Although the crazy monk only disappeared briefly, in Tang Zhen's eyes, a lot of things were exposed.

After the analysis, Tang Zhen can get a lot of information, such as the method used by the other party to leave and the direction they intend to go.

These are very important pieces of information. With the results of analysis, Tang Zhen can complete the tracking of the crazy monk.

Although it sounds simple, it is not an easy task to actually do it.

After careful analysis, Tang Zhen came to the conclusion and left Ziguangxu to start tracking.

This barren land was the third stop Tang Zhen followed. According to his analysis, the mad monk should have appeared here.

The spiritual world is different from the outside world. Monks cannot travel in the void, and there is also a distance limit when teleporting.

A teleportation of a thousand miles at a time is the limit of a monk's teleportation, and it must reach the level of a god.

By judging the distance, Tang Zhen accurately locked the location of the mad monk and tracked it all the way.

Creating a collective dream again, Tang Zhen saw the figure of a mad monk through the eyes of a monster.

Like the previous two times, this time it was still fleeting and did not stay for a moment.

Through observation, it was found that the direction of travel of the mad monk was very regular, and it seemed that he was going to a certain place.

If it was to avoid Tang Zhen, he would definitely run around instead of behaved like he is now.

It's not good to hide from yourself, otherwise it will definitely become very difficult to find the trace of the other party.

Although a cunning fox can't beat an experienced hunter after all, not every hunter can return with a full reward.

If the other party really wants to avoid Tang Zhen, then the chasing game between the two parties may take a long time to end.

If that's the case, Tang Zhen would rather give up this pursuit, so as not to waste his precious time.

After a later time, or by chance, continue to complete this tracking, and get back the double compensation.

Fortunately, considering the current situation, Tang Zhen didn't need to make this choice.

After determining the direction of the mad monk's travel, Tang Zhen used the means of teleportation to continue tracking.

But not long after, Tang Zhen returned with a look of doubt on his face.

Because of this tracking, he did not find the crazy monk, who seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

This situation was very wrong, and it made Tang Zhen realize that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Returning to the place where he stayed before, Tang Zhen cast his spell again, and then carefully observed the changes in the collective dream.

Compared with the last time, Tang Zhen deliberately observed for a longer period of time this time, that is, after the mad monk teleported away, he continued to observe.

After waiting for half an hour, a figure slowly appeared where the mad monk had disappeared.

It was the crazy monk who teleported away earlier, this guy didn't really leave, but hid it by special means.

The purpose of doing this is probably to make sure if someone is secretly following you behind you?

Unexpectedly, after a while, Tang Zhen was misled and almost chased in the wrong direction.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen discovered the anomaly in time and waited patiently, only then did he discover the crazy monk's little trick.

As the other party is a god, ordinary monks will not pay attention to it at all. The purpose of doing this may be just to guard against Tang Zhen.

Because he couldn't be sure when Tang Zhen would leave the purple light world and whether he would follow behind.

Proper precautions should be taken for granted.

If he is unsuspecting, Tang Zhen should be more careful, because the other party is likely to plot against him.

Seeing the mad monk leaving smoothly, Tang Zhen did not leave the collective dream, but continued to wait silently.

Sure enough, another half an hour later, the crazy monk reappeared at the same place. Obviously, the teleport away just now was another illusion.

Such a cautious performance is completely inconsistent with his crazy image, and it is most likely a deliberate disguise.

After two consecutive tests, the mad monk finally felt relieved and teleported in another direction.

(End of this chapter)

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