I have a city in another world

Chapter 3030 It's finally here!

Chapter 3030 It's finally here!

Just a few death matches made Tang Zhen's reputation even more famous.

Many spectators in the arena, knowing this outstanding rookie, feel that he has the potential to become a star duelist.

A small number of spectators who were optimistic about Tang Zhen made a big bet when he appeared on the stage.

It is this trust that has been rewarded handsomely.

Those spectators who bet on Tang Zhen earned huge bonuses, and they were all extremely excited.

Envious of other people's gains, more viewers made up their minds and tried to earn more lucrative returns from Tang Zhen, a dark horse.

The operators of the death arena are very willing to see this kind of thing happen, and are never afraid of the crazy betting of the audience.

They immediately set up operations, summoned some truly powerful masters, and participated in the battle with Tang Zhen joining.

According to the official statement, because Tang Zhen's level has risen rapidly, he must participate in higher-level battles.

When the battle lineup was arranged, those spectators who were counting on Tang Zhen to make a lot of money were all angrily scolded their mothers loudly.

If the opponent is still in the early stage, Tang Zhen will definitely win, and their investment is guaranteed to reap rewards.

However, the strength of a high-level duelist may not be any worse than Tang Zhen, or even much stronger.

After careful analysis, every duelist is not weaker than Tang Zhen. If you still place your bets on him, there is no guarantee that you will get a profit.

The audience who were originally optimistic about Tang Zhen began to waver, fearing that they would lose all their money after betting.

When the call was made to place a bet, the audience who originally planned to bet on Tang Zhen switched to the opposite camp one after another.

The betting is over and the battle begins.

As a rookie, Tang Zhen has been targeted by these veterans. If he is killed, he can gain both fame and fortune.

Many of these duelists who joined temporarily received assassination missions to end Tang Zhen in this battle.

The person who issued the task is naturally the top of the arena, and the purpose is to manipulate the game.

No matter who accepts the task, as long as he successfully kills Tang Zhen, he will receive a generous reward.

Those who succeed can get benefits, and the death arena will get even more benefits. Those spectators who bet heavily because of Tang Zhen will definitely lose everything.

This seemingly simple and cruel arena obviously hides a lot of darkness, playing duelists in the palm of their hands.

It didn't take long before the fighting started again.

The fighting of advanced duelists is far more exciting and straightforward than that of junior fighters, and it is absolutely impossible for you to fight back and forth for a long time.

With one move, life and death are immediately apparent.

In the eyes of the vast majority of the audience, it would be difficult for Tang Zhen to amaze the audience in this level of battle.

But he didn't want Tang Zhen to explode just after the battle started, beheading the two enemies who were trying to kill him.

After that, he took the initiative to attack, killing three out and three in the enemy's camp, and the places he passed were full of heads.

By the time all the audience stood up in shock and the enemy duelists were terrified, Tang Zhen had already killed twelve duelists.

According to the normal ratio, there are more than a hundred people in both camps, Tang Zhengang wiped out one-tenth of the enemy's members as soon as he made a move.

Such an astonishing record shocked all the spectators present, and even made those enemies fearful.

The audience who bet on Tang Zhen shouted excitedly, because they saw the hope of victory.

The audience who originally planned to bet on Tang Zhen, but looked back and switched to the opposite camp, almost regretted it at this moment.

It's useless to regret it any more, after all, this is a place for gambling and fighting, and there is no room for regrets.

After being shocked, the duelists of the same faction immediately seized the opportunity to attack the enemy.

They actually felt threatened. Fortunately, at this moment, they belonged to the same camp as Tang Zhen.

Get the victory in this battle first, as for what to do in the future, you can only wait until the battle is over.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, the duelists rushed towards the enemy camp fiercely like a rainbow.

Flesh and blood were still splattered, bones and tendons were broken, and the sound of roaring and screaming could be heard endlessly.

Such a bloody scene is all too familiar to the audience, and so are the duelists.

It's just that today's battle was particularly easy, and before the duelists had exerted their full strength, they had already won the final victory.

Looking at the wreckage all over the ground, and then at the silent Tang Zhen, the duelists who should have cheered and celebrated suddenly felt dull.

They feel that cheering at this time is the greatest irony to themselves, because Tang Zhen has completely taken away the limelight of this competition.

If he cheered at this moment, it would be tantamount to admitting that Tang Zhen was great.

For these duelists who think they have status and think they are not weaker than others, it is really difficult to do such a shameful thing.

The reason is that duelists can be resurrected continuously, even if they are beheaded, they can still find ways to get revenge.

Ten times if you fail once, and a hundred times if you fail ten times, there is always a time when you will kill the opponent.

Even if you are very strong, since I can kill you, it proves that I am not weaker than you.

It is this kind of weird thinking that causes duelists to be very conceited, and never easily admit that others are better than themselves.

But at this moment, they were indeed shocked and felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

If it were them, it would be impossible for them to have such a brilliant record like Tang Zhen.

Single-handedly killed one-fifth of the enemy's enemies, how embarrassing is this for other duelists, and how can they surpass them?
The surrounding darkness disappeared, and the audience reappeared, cheering one after another.

Some viewers noticed the abnormality in the duel arena, but they didn't care at all. They only knew that they had earned a huge bonus.

Most of the cheers at this moment were for Tang Zhen, and had nothing to do with the other duelists.

It's just that Tang Zhen, who was leaving the arena, including the other duelists, all had indifferent expressions on their faces.

The cheers and encouragement of the audience, or the ridicule and curse, were all ignored.

Tang Zhen walked at the back, seemingly not looking sideways, but actually monitoring the entire arena.

The weaving of the collective dream was completed in an instant, and Tang Zhen patrolled again, wanting to see if there were any abnormalities.

This was a routine inspection, and Tang Zhen didn't hold out much hope.

But when he inspected the VIP seats, he found a suspicious figure staring at him.

This kind of look is very special, Tang Zhen can tell the difference at a glance.

There was both surprise and doubt in the other party's eyes, as if they couldn't figure out why Tang Zhen participated in the death competition?

During the fight between Tang Zhen and the other duelists, the monk kept staring at Tang Zhen, as if he wanted to see through him.

Tang Zhen was already sure that the other party must have a problem, and probably knew his true identity.

After exiting the collective dream, Tang Zhen looked at where the monk was, but found that he had long since disappeared.

Although the target has fled, Tang Zhen is not in a hurry, as long as the target is targeting him, he will definitely reappear.

The problem is that this suspicious cultivator is definitely not the mad god, Tang Zhen can be sure of this.

The other party was able to recognize himself, it must be because of the crazy god.

An ordinary monk knew him, and his expression was still surprised and happy, which made Tang Zhen more sure of a guess.

I didn't continue to chase, which made the crazy monk feel anxious, so he used the method of finding a needle in a haystack to search for his traces.

(End of this chapter)

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