I have a city in another world

Chapter 3042 Collapse, purgatory!

Chapter 3042 Collapse, purgatory!
The continuous violent vibrations made the audience in the arena even more flustered, and they could no longer pretend to be calm.

They stood up from their seats and rushed to the door, trying to leave this dangerous place.

Originally, he was afraid that if he left by force, he would be killed by the gatekeepers, so he stayed where he was as required.

Although obedient on the surface, he was full of resistance in his heart.

But at this moment, they couldn't sit still any longer, they roared angrily to leave.

The audience has a feeling that they must flee the arena no matter what, or they will regret it later.

Those duelists who guard the gate can kill ten or eight, but they certainly cannot kill all the audience.

It's not that they are powerless and attack the gatekeeper together. Who can stop them?
These viewers didn't know that their fate was already doomed, and it was absolutely impossible for them to leave alive.

"Seal the door for me, don't let one go!"

The manager of the arena gave orders viciously and didn't care about the lives of these spectators at all.

As the order was issued, the gate of the arena was firmly locked, and ordinary spectators could not leave unless they grew wings.

The audience, who had nowhere to escape, wailed in despair and cursed loudly.

But it was useless, what greeted us was only indifferent eyes and cold blades.

The monks have completely torn off their masks and started slaughtering the audience, like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep.

But in the blink of an eye, blood flowed in the huge auditorium.

The blood continued to flow into the center of the arena along the drains in the auditorium, and then into the hidden drains.

The duelists in the arena cameo as corpse collectors, they loaded the corpse into the car, and then sent it to the inner dump pit.

It was a deep black hole, the bottom could not be seen at all, exuding a cold atmosphere.

Although it looked very scary, on normal days, there was nothing abnormal here at all.

But today is different. From the deep cave, reddish mist is constantly floating out.

The mist smelt of blood, drifting towards the surroundings, and then inhaled by the guards beside the corpse pit.

In just a very short time, their eyes became blood red, and red hair began to grow on their bodies.

The nails grew wildly, becoming thick and long, like sharp and curved daggers.

There are bone spurs piercing through the skin on the joints and back of the body, causing the bodies of these guards to deform rapidly.

They bowed their bodies, stared at their bright red eyes, and looked around like hungry wolves.

Seeing the traces of humans, these guards rushed forward immediately and launched an attack without hesitation.

The body collectors who transported the corpses were so frightened that they dropped the car to avoid the attack of these red-haired monsters.

The bodies of the beheaded duelists, as well as the spectators, were left unheeded in the aisle.

The red mist spread and enveloped these corpses, burrowing into the body like bugs

Not long after, the corpse opened its eyes and struggled to get up.

Just like those guards, these suddenly revived corpses quickly grew red hair.

They roared hoarsely like beasts, and their nails and bone spurs grew wildly.

The biggest change is the mouth, protruding forward like a wild beast, and growing fangs and teeth.

The light red liquid continuously flowed out from their mouths, like diluted blood.


With a roar, the monsters rushed outside, attacking any living targets.

The ground trembled more and more violently, and the red mist gushed out like a boiling pot.

A strange sound came from the depths of the cave, as if something was constantly climbing.

At the same time, there were bursts of roars, which came out from the ground, with indescribable mania and anger.

In the pervasive red mist, countless red-haired monsters crawled out from the bottom of the corpse pit.

These ferocious red-haired monsters were the corpses of duelists thrown into the corpse pit. Most of them were incomplete, and many of them were spliced ​​together with broken limbs and broken arms.

The red-haired monster surged towards the outside like a tide, causing even greater panic.

The monks who were chasing the audience were all taken aback, and quickly resisted the impact of the red-haired monster.

So did the duelists, brandishing their weapons to protect themselves.

But it didn't take long before they discovered something unusual.

It turns out that the appearance of some monsters looks familiar, which makes people feel extremely weird.

"Hey, isn't this me?"

A duelist suddenly shouted, his tone full of surprise.

Hearing this sentence, the duelists suddenly realized that something was wrong.

It turned out that the appearance and body shape of these monsters were exactly the same as his own, the difference was that the other party looked more ferocious.

The most frightening thing is that there are not just one monster with the same appearance as himself, but a group of monsters.

How many times have you died in the arena, there will be as many corpses, but now they are all turned into monsters.

After figuring this out, the duelists were both angry and terrified. They didn't expect such a thing to happen.

In this arena, they fought desperately with other duelists, and died again and again.

But today, they have to fight with their own corpses, and there are more than one of them.

Looking at the miserable corpse, the duelists couldn't describe the feeling in their hearts, they didn't expect their own death to be so ugly.

As the monsters continued to pour out, the arena was in a mess, and the spectators in the stands ran towards the center of the arena.

For them, the spacious and huge arena should make it easier to dodge monsters.

They jumped off the stands and ran desperately toward the center of the arena, fearing that they would be caught up by monsters if they were too slow.

In the central area of ​​the arena, a group of panicked duelists stood, looking around with fear and doubt.

The swarming audience makes them feel uneasy, but they have no ability to stop it.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the earth shook violently again, far more intense than before.

Cracks and cracks appeared in the flat arena, and they continued to expand and tear.

In this crack, there is a flashing red light, as if a flame is burning underground.


The fissures continued to widen, sinking rapidly at the same time, and the earth became torn apart.

The audience fell into the crack and kept screaming, but it was of no use at all.

Along the edge of the death arena, the entire ground collapsed and fell, and only one area in the center survived.

Like a pillar of the sky, standing alone in the abyss, surrounded by cliff-like ring stands.

The duelists gathered together, watching the scene of the sky falling and the earth falling, becoming overwhelmed.

But in an instant, the audience all fell into the collapsed abyss, and when they looked down, they could only see the surging fiery red magma.

But if you look carefully, you will find strange bronze jars floating in the magma.

Inside each jar was a disheveled figure who was constantly roaring crazily.

Those experienced duelists immediately recognized the origin of these jars, and they were the means used by Death Arena to deal with the enemy.

After cutting off the hands and feet, put them into a bronze jar filled with special liquid medicine, forcing the other party to die.

What is puzzling is, why did these tortured people appear in the magma, and the state was obviously wrong?

Feeling the soaring resentment, everyone realized that real trouble had come to their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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