I have a city in another world

Chapter 3046 Doomsday

Chapter 3046

Today's arena not only has a group of deformed spectators, but also has performers.

But in the eyes of the Demon God, these are far from enough.

He has been suppressed and sealed for a long time, and too much anger has accumulated in his heart, and he is eager to vent it now.

The head made of smoke turned around in the arena of death and landed on the body of a duelist.

"You idiot, the way you die is different every time, could it be that you deliberately experience different ways of dying?

Since your hobbies are so special, then I must be satisfied, and I must let you re-experience these death methods tens of thousands of times! "

As soon as the demon's voice fell, a group of mutilated red-haired monsters rushed over and arrested a monk.

But in the blink of an eye, they moved to the sea of ​​magma and flames, a newly-appeared scorching open space.

Unlike the group of red-haired monsters who kept beheading, when this group of red-haired monsters attacked, they used the means of being beheaded.

Some were pierced through the heart by a sharp weapon, some were directly cut in half, and some had their guts pierced through.

Every method of death reappears in the duelist. Under the stimulation of dozens of times of pain, it is simply torture like purgatory.

All the duelists already understood what the demon god was planning, but it was precisely because of this that they trembled in fear.

Because they have died in the arena countless times, they are afraid that those cruel injuries will be re-inflicted on themselves.

Especially the punishment of doubling the pain, as long as you think about it for a while, you will know what a terrible torture it is.

If you don't believe me, just look at the two duelists and listen to their wailing voices, and you will know what it feels like.

Afraid of enduring such pain, the duelists chose to flee without hesitation, or directly swung their knives to commit suicide.

The only way to avoid suffering is to die.

However, under the supervision of the demon god, these cleverness of duelists have no chance to succeed at all.

"I don't allow you to die, then no one can die!"

The voice of the demon god sounded, with indescribable coldness and uncontrollable pride.

At the same time as these words were spoken, the duelists who tried to escape suicide immediately fell into a state of paralysis.

Countless red-haired monsters rushed over again. They lifted the duelists who had collapsed on the ground, and entered the center of the arena one after another.

Pieces of circular fields surrounded by flames appeared in front of them one after another, and bloody beheading scenes began to be staged.

The duelists who had mental breakdown were beheaded by the red-haired monsters turned into by their own corpses in various ways one after another.

You want to get rid of the pain and torture, but you can't do it at all.

The big-headed monster in the stands was extremely excited. It kept swaying and turning, cursing and applauding.

The arena was extremely lively, and the Demon God laughed happily.

"Have a good time, have a good time, let you bastards disgust me again!"

The demon god cursed loudly, while scanning the entire arena, wanting to appreciate his masterpiece.

Then he saw that there was a special isolated island in the sea of ​​magma and fire.

On this isolated island, a group of duelists unexpectedly gathered, shrinking their heads to avoid the gaze of the demon god.

Apparently they were praying that the Demon God would not find him, so that he could escape this catastrophe.

When the demon god's eyes fell on them, feeling the coldness and ruthlessness, the duelists completely extinguished their illusions.

"I'm going to die!"

While speaking, a duelist raised a dagger and wiped it fiercely towards his neck.

As long as he succeeds in suicide, he will be able to escape. He has never been like this, hoping that he can die quickly.

However, as expected, the feeling of cutting the throat with the cold blade did not appear, and there was also a problem with the dagger in his hand.

It became limp and limp, like a mass of mud.

Looking down, it turned out that the dagger was no longer a dagger, but drooped softly.

"I must die today!"

With a roar, the duelist snatched the big knife from an accomplice beside him, and slashed at his own forehead.

There was a "snap" of the big knife, and it rotted like rotten wood, scattered all over the ground.


Seeing this, the duelist immediately wailed in despair and rushed towards the magma in front of him.

"Please, let me die!"

He prayed loudly, without any hesitation, he jumped and fell into the sea of ​​magma and flames.

Feeling the scorching temperature, a happy smile appeared on the duelist's face.

I can finally die...

But in the next second, his face hit the ground, and all his teeth fell out.

"Uh... ho ho ho..."

The duelist didn't get up, he just lay on the ground with his butt pouted, and let out a desperate wail and wry smile.

He already knew very well that without the permission of the Demon God, he would not be able to die at all.

Suffering hell-like torture is already an inescapable thing.

When the other duelists saw this, they didn't think it was funny at all, but they were even more sad and frightened.

They also wanted to try to escape by suicide, but everything that happened just now proved that this was just wishful thinking.

My current destiny is already in the hands of the demon god, even if I want to die, I can't do it.

"You idiots, I have already told you that none of you will die until you have my permission!"

The demon god let out a triumphant laugh, and at the same time stretched out his hand, countless red-haired monsters swarmed over.

They rushed in front of the paralyzed duelists, dragged them to the field surrounded by flames, and continued the killing show.

The duelists wailed desperately, but they couldn't get rid of it at all. They could only live and die in the painful torture.

"Hahaha, you idiots, do you know that you regret it now?

I want you to regret breaking down every second, seeking relief but not being able to!

For not cherishing life so much, and disgusting me for so long, this is the punishment you deserve! "

The voice of the demon god echoed in the air, causing the lucky duelists to fall into despair.

As soon as he said this, the demon god widened his eyes and looked towards the central area of ​​the isolated island.

There were metal pillars erected there, and besides that, there was a figure standing there silently.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

The huge head made of smoke slowly leaned over, covering the figure in the center of the isolated island.

Tang Zhen, who was stared at by the demon god, just stood there quietly, as if he didn't hear the other party's questioning at all.


The Demon God looked at Tang Zhen and waved his hand again, trying to drive the red-haired monster to attack.

Unexpectedly, after the order was issued, those red-haired monsters remained motionless.

"Interesting, there is no body of yours, is it a newcomer?"

The demon god's head made of smoke, like a huge dark cloud, floated above Tang Zhen's head.

The blood-red eyes made of magma were staring at Tang Zhen, as if they wanted to see through his roots.

It's just that with Tang Zhen's method, if he wants to hide himself, not many people may be able to see through.

After staring at Tang Zhen for a full minute, the smoky head of the demon god floated into the sky, suspended above the headless body.

"Looking at it now, you should be the only innocent, or not particularly asshole.

In this case, I will give you a chance to live, but you must firmly remember what happened today, and then find a chance to tell everyone.

How did I, Taoist Lone Star, show off my might and demolish this damn city of sin, and how did I deal with these bastards! "

(End of this chapter)

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