I have a city in another world

Chapter 3055 The Means Of Crazy Gods

Chapter 3055 The Means Of Crazy Gods

When Tang Zhen beheaded the two guardian envoys and erased all traces, the mad spirit had already sensed it.

But this cunning guy didn't look at it curiously at all, but continued to escape desperately.

Because he knows very well that he has no teammates and companions, and the enemy's enemy is also an enemy.

In the blink of an eye, the mad spirit disappeared without a trace.

If the gods get rid of the induction lock, and after a certain period of time, it is really possible to disappear without a trace.

It was for this reason that the two guardian envoys pursued him relentlessly.

Tang Zhen knew about this matter, so he took the shortest time to solve all the two guardian envoys.

Then lock on the crazy god, and start chasing and killing again.

He once dared to plot against Tang Zhen, including Taoist Lone Star, this guy's courage was astonishing.

It is such an existence that dares to invade the Chaos Pool and crazily snatch the world seeds.

From the beginning, he never thought of leaving a way out.

Tang Zhen didn't know why the idea of ​​crazy gods was so persistent, but he knew that such lunatics would often do some unbelievable things.

But at this moment, this guy is just fleeing crazily, the speed is shockingly fast.

Such an abnormal situation immediately aroused Tang Zhen's vigilance.

Tang Zhen had already analyzed and judged during the tracking before, and knew the true speed of the false gods in the spiritual world.

Even if he turned on the teleport all the way, he would definitely not be able to compare with himself, after all, there was a gap in strength.

But at this moment, the speed of the crazy god is incredibly fast, and it is still accelerating.

Unknowingly, the speed of the crazy god has exceeded Tang Zhen's prediction.

Seeing this situation, Tang Zhen couldn't realize that there was definitely something wrong with the mad spirit.

This guy is obviously not a true god, but his escape speed is no worse than that of a god.

Although it didn't reach Tang Zhen's limit, it was almost the same.

This made Tang Zhen vigilant, deliberately broke out at the maximum speed, and narrowed the distance between the two sides.

Then, in front of Tang Zhen, the space suddenly collapsed, trying to trap the black streamer in it.

If the siege is successfully completed, the mad god has great abilities, and he is doomed to die.

Perhaps aware of the fatal crisis, the mad spirit sped up again, and rushed out of Tang Zhen's arrest in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen didn't find it strange.

He speculated just now that the mad god should have mastered some kind of secret technique to escape, and that's why he dared to break into the Chaos Pool so arrogantly.

In front of the four guardian envoys, he forcibly snatched away the seeds of the world.

Previously in the Chaos Pool, he was able to tease the four guards with ease, and easily completed the snatch under the opponent's siege and interception.

Perhaps at that time, a similar ability was used.

When fleeing for his life earlier, the crazy god didn't use this ability, apparently to hide his hole cards, so as to prevent danger from appearing.

As a result, Tang Zhen burst out suddenly, forcing the crazy god to use his hole card, otherwise he would surely die.

After the mad spirit broke out, its speed was extremely fast, and it was already a million miles away in an instant.

But in a very short time, it has already left the meteorite belt.

Tang Zhen followed closely behind, also catching up with all his strength, if he was a little slack, he might lose his target.

Although the situation was weird, Tang Zhen was not worried.

The speed of the crazy god at the moment is completely inconsistent with his real strength, and this situation is destined to be impossible for a long time.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry at all, he just chased after him slowly, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

Time passed slowly, and the chase and escape had been going on for a day.

It seems that the time is not long, but if the teleportation is maintained at a high speed, the total distance traveled will be terrible.

The most surprising thing is that during such a long period of time, the speed of the crazy god has not slowed down at all.

This situation can no longer be said to be abnormal, but truly weird.

Even ordinary gods can't withstand this kind of explosion, and it will definitely cause great harm to themselves.

The crazy gods are just false gods, and they can't do this at all. If they were in a normal state, they would have been consumed by life and death.

Just like a ferocious beast chasing its prey, it ran until the blood boiled, and finally fell to the ground and died.

But at this moment, he is still alive and well, as if consumption has nothing to do with him.

Tang Zhen recalled the various manifestations of the crazy gods before, and suddenly remembered one thing.

In the purple light world, he encountered the mad god for the first time.

The opponent's goal is very clear, which is to find the corpse of the god, and to get it at all costs.

Tang Zhen thought at the time that the other party should be an external god, and the search for the corpse might have another purpose.

Compared with the messy God Origin, the five Origin Spirit Treasures are more attractive, so Tang Zhen agreed to the deal without hesitation.

But now it seems that things should not be so simple.

Tang Zhen seriously suspected that the other party's purpose of obtaining the corpse of the god was actually for the origin of the god.

The function of the origin of God is to carry out this plan.

It is this kind of consumption regardless of cost that has obtained the abnormal speed and can maintain it for such a long time.

The more you think about it, the more crazy you feel.

In order to achieve his own purpose, he even specifically searched for the corpse of a god, and increased his speed by burning the source of the god.

Even Tang Zhen himself had never thought of such a thing.

But if you think about it carefully, this approach is indeed very feasible, and the effect is amazing.

Of course, there is a prerequisite, that is, you must have the corpse of the god and the corresponding secretary.

The former is equivalent to fuel, and the latter is equivalent to a means of transportation. It can be said that both are indispensable.

It is precisely because the corpses of the gods are difficult to find that the crazy gods will enter the world of purple light, even at the risk of their lives.

It's completely different from Tang Zhen who strayed into it. In order to achieve his goal, the crazy god really spared no expense.

The crazy gambling at the beginning led to the current outbreak, which is obviously worth the money.

It can only be said that the crazy god's luck was not good, and in the process of executing the plan, Tang Zhen was tricked.

The plan that might have been successful encountered a major change, and was forced to use the hole card that did not need to be used.

If Tang Zhen can't get rid of, then the situation of crazy nerves will become extremely dangerous.

Presumably at this moment, the other party is racking his brains to find a way, trying to get rid of Tang Zhen's pursuit.

Every second of delay can lead to fatal danger.

Both sides held back their energy, waiting for a turning point to escape successfully or kill each other.

Unknowingly, a colorful light appeared in front of him, which was constantly twisting and changing.

That is overflowing rich energy, spreading in the space, and then presenting a physical state.

Behind the colorful energy ocean, one can vaguely see a super star with a strange shape.

It looks like a honeycomb, and its size is unbelievably large.

The crazy god was full of excitement, because he had a feeling that the opportunity to escape and ascend to heaven had arrived.

Tang Zhen's complexion changed.

If the other party really escapes into it, it will be very difficult to catch him again.

Tang Zhen chased after him violently, trying to kill the opponent.

The maddened nerves began to desperately, and the remaining god's origin exploded instantly, narrowly avoiding Tang Zhen's pursuit.

In the next moment, both sides rushed into the energy nebula at the same time, and drilled into the huge honeycomb-shaped star.

(End of this chapter)

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