I have a city in another world

Chapter 3060 Unstoppable

Chapter 3060 Unstoppable
The speed of an ordinary beast rider cannot be compared with that of a tiger demon at all, it is not at the same level at all.

In terms of endurance, it is even more unmatched.

After practicing the skills taught by Professor Tang Zhen, the strength of the tiger demon has improved by leaps and bounds, and it has been reborn in a short period of time.

The current tiger demon can defeat ten of his previous selves, and it is still more than capable.

But the side effect is also obvious, that is, you will be very hungry. Even if you have just swallowed a few wicked people before, you are still so hungry that you feel panicked.

This terrifying digestion ability is derived from the consumption of long-distance running, and it is mainly due to the super absorption power attached to the practice of kung fu.

This is the exercise given by Tang Zhen. It doesn't even need to be practiced, and it can become stronger by eating it.

The already strong tiger demon gradually became muscular, and the density of its body increased rapidly.

The ordinary knives and crossbows fell on the body and could no longer cause damage.

If you continue to practice, I'm afraid that you will really become a copper head and an iron brain, and your skin and fascia are as tough as steel.

It was this rapid increase in strength that made the tiger demon no longer have much fear of the pursuers behind him.

If Tang Zhen allowed it, the tiger demon would definitely turn around and rush into the chasing team to bite.

The tiger demon had already noticed before that among the enemies it was following, there were a few villains.

They are full of vengeful souls, and they must do a lot of evil, and their hands are stained with the blood of innocent people.

But for the tiger demon, any villain like this is an irresistible delicacy.

Forcing himself to ignore the pursuers behind him, the tiger demon continued running with his head buried in his head, leaving his target behind in a blink of an eye.

"The next time you come across delicious food, you can eat by yourself, but don't be greedy and delay your journey."

Tang Zhen's voice sounded, making the tiger demon ecstatic, and he quickly accelerated his running speed.

It just wants to meet the interceptor as soon as possible, find the criminals, and fill its stomach.

Unknowingly, at the end of the road ahead, a big city appeared.

It's just that the gate of the city was closed tightly. Obviously, after receiving the news, demon hunters and troops had been sent to stop Tang Zhen.

The moment the tiger demon appeared, there was a dull sound from the top of the city, and shells kept flying down.

It was not a solid iron ball, but a flowering shell, which caused the mud to splash everywhere.

If it was an ordinary monster, hearing the deafening sound of artillery, it would definitely be frightened into a frenzy.

The sound of thunder hurts the soul the most. Weaker monks will avoid thunderstorms or face guns.

When the defenders encounter evil things, they will use this kind of artillery to repel or kill them.

Sitting down, the tiger demon was obviously frightened, his footsteps became a little hesitant, and his body was trembling.

"Idiot, what are you afraid of, I'm here!"

Hearing Tang Zhen's cold snort, the tiger demon's body shook suddenly and let out a roar.

As if reborn, he became extremely fierce in an instant, and seemed to have added infinite confidence.

In the process of roaring, the tiger demon kept jumping and leaping, passing through the blockade of the artillery.

Seeing this, the defenders on the city quickly accelerated their firing speed, and at the same time, muskets continued to fire.

In this world, there are already gunpowder weapons, and the power of the projectiles fired is indeed not weak.

If it was an ordinary monster, after being shot a few times, it would probably lose its life immediately.

Just as the dense bullets were flying, Tang Zhen pinched a bone talisman and threw it forward continuously.

As the bone charms continued to explode, the flying bullets were blocked and fell to the ground one after another.

The tiger demon ran all the way, and the road behind him was covered with lead bullets that were still warm.

"Demon cultivator!"

Seeing this scene, the demon hunters who intercepted in front let out angry roars.

The monks in this world are called demon hunters, and their main task is to slay demons and eliminate demons to maintain the peace and stability of the world.

However, there are also some monks who collude with demons and do evil things that harm the world.

The royal family has set strict rules of black and white, even if they domesticate monsters, they will be regarded as monster cultivators and evil sycophants, and they must be severely punished and killed if they are found.

Tang Zhen's behavior of controlling a tiger demon is an undeniable crime, and everyone can kill it to receive a reward.

The people who had no grievances before, but also because of this rule set by the royal family, regarded Tang Zhen as a heinous person.

Seeing Tang Zhen manipulating the tiger demon and coming through the hail of bullets, the demon hunters immediately attacked.

Compared with the means of ordinary soldiers, this group of demon hunters is undoubtedly stronger, and the attack methods they use are also more deadly.

Due to the influence of the rules, the demon hunters cannot walk in the air, probably to prevent them from prying into the truth of the world.

The attack power of a demon hunter is equivalent to that of a low-energy world. Although it is cool and fancy, its killing effect is very ordinary.

To make a simple analogy, the same type of attack is like a large firecracker in a low-energy world.

In a medium-energy world, it is equivalent to a grenade, or even stronger.

But in the high-energy world, it is equivalent to a heavy aerial bomb, which can easily destroy a street.

Obviously the conscious body is not confident, for fear that these toys will go too far and ruin this special playground.

Facing the attack of a group of demon hunters, Tang Zhen followed suit to prevent the tiger demon from being killed by the opponent.

With a roar, the two sides fought together.

Tang Zhen held a bone knife and faced the attacks of more than 30 demon hunters with a calm and calm posture.

After every swing of the knife, a figure must be chopped down. Even if the enemy tried his best to dodge, he would still be cut across the body by the blade.

Blood was flying, limbs were flying, and heads were rolling everywhere.

But in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen hunter demon masters were cut down to the ground, and the other demon hunter masters were terrified.

Obviously, he did not expect Tang Zhen to be so fierce.

The demon hunters who participated in the operation were all famous monks, but at the moment they seemed vulnerable.

So far, Tang Zhen has only used bone knives and has not used magic attacks.

The demon hunters couldn't help but suspect that if Tang Zhen used his spells, no one would be able to leave alive.

At the same time, the tiger demon was also showing off its power, chasing and killing those who were haunted by evil spirits.

As for the other demon hunters, the tiger demon didn't bother to talk to them at all.

The demon hunter who was hunted down could be said to be at a loss, wondering why he was being pursued by the tiger demon?
The problem is that in this situation, no one will explain it at all, and every demon hunter's nerves are stretched to the limit.

But in the blink of an eye, the demon hunter's screams came one after another, and they were all caught up and devoured by the tiger demon.

Compared with Tang Zhen, the tiger demon's hunting speed was pitifully slow.

The demon hunters discovered this, and quickly pulled out more people to cooperate in besieging and killing Tang Zhen.

They received an order to kill Tang Zhen, and even if they couldn't do it, they had to delay as much as possible.

Originally thought it was a fuss over a molehill, a group of demon hunters would definitely be able to kill Tang Zhen and the tiger demon.

But now it seems that there must be a corresponding reason for the royal family to issue such an order.

This pair of demon cultivators and tiger demons is indeed a powerful and perverted pair. I am afraid that they will really have to use their lives to fill in today.

The demon hunters who participated in the battle did not have any confidence in the safety of being able to stop this human and demon.

A few minutes later, following Tang Zhen's call, the bloody tiger demon rushed over.

Shaking his body violently, the blood and flesh were shaken clean, and the hair all over his body was as clean and elegant as if washed with water.

Tang Zhen jumped and landed on the tiger demon.

"Keep going!"

With a long howl, the tiger demon stepped on the corpses all over the ground, and rushed to the distance like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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