Chapter 3079
The hidden ability of the original Lingbao is enough to make every seeker feel helpless.

Unless you see it with your own eyes, it is impossible to accurately determine what form the original spirit treasure will appear in?
Therefore, finding the original spirit treasure is destined to be a process of hardship and luck, and one must do it by oneself.

In addition to the self-obscuring characteristics of fetishes, Yuanyuan Lingbao also has the ability to actively select and follow the aborigines.

They are not ordinary aborigines, but existences similar to sons of planes, who can affect the progress of the entire world.

The higher the level of the original Lingbao, the stronger the spirituality it possesses, and it even has self-awareness.

This level of original spirit treasure is difficult for monks to discover and control, because it is also avoiding you while you are looking for it.

It is difficult to obtain the information of the high-level original spirit treasure, and it is even more difficult to obtain it.

The existence of that ball of light can be said to have helped Tang Zhen a lot.

Even Tang Zhen couldn't figure out what level of power it was that could guide the direction of the high-level original spirit treasure.

Through this point, it is enough to prove the extraordinaryness of the spiritual world.

Tang Zhen is not in the mood to find out the truth, which will involve more secrets and may put himself in danger.

You only need to use the light sphere to benefit yourself, and don't care about other things.

What makes people feel depressing is that when the arrow brought Tang Zhen to the abandoned planet, he suddenly disappeared.

This is tantamount to telling Tang Zhen that the original spirit treasure is hidden here, and he needs to find it himself.

It is already quite difficult to achieve this step, Tang Zhen has no reason to force it too much.

Although this abandoned planet has been locked, it is still not an easy task to find the original spirit treasure.

He had to be careful not to let Yuanyuan Lingbao notice his existence, otherwise he would not show up easily.

Tang Zhen had an idea when he met the bearded group and found out that they were in danger.

Join these surviving monks, pretend to be one of them, observe and wait for the appearance of the original spirit treasure.

This world is already in jeopardy, and a child of the plane must appear to save it from danger.

The original Lingbao will quietly appear in the world, looking for the child of destiny, and giving the other party the blessing of luck.

The bearded man racked his brains, but it was absolutely impossible to guess that Tang Zhen was actually a real god.

It was even more impossible to know that what Tang Zhen was looking for was the last hope of the survivors.

Although this glimmer of hope is actually very slim.


The news that Big Beard and others successfully ambushed and killed the Reaper has spread throughout the secret base.

Those monks in need rushed over one after another, hoping to make a deal with them.

During this period of war, the value of weapons is naturally the highest, and various medicines and protective gear are also very scarce.

The spoils of the bearded man and others are of very high value to the entire secret base.

Da Huzi and others also know that the current situation is difficult, and the benefits must be shared with everyone.

So they set up a stall, displayed the trophies they had collected, and bargained with the monks in need.

Being able to take it out and trade with everyone is already the best of humanity, but you must not suffer a loss in terms of price.

Otherwise, what's the point of fighting with your own life?
While the monks were trading, several leaders from the secret base also came to the booth.

After hearing that Beard and the others had won a complete victory and killed the ten Reapers, the leaders were also very excited.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a monk to achieve such a brilliant record, so there must be a special reason.

If there is any trick, or if you are lucky enough to discover the weakness of the reaper, you can help the monks find a way to fight the enemy.

Faced with the leader's inquiry, a group of monks naturally knew everything and told everything they knew.

Listening to his companion's narration, the bearded man next to him sighed secretly.

He knew very well in his heart that what his companion told him was actually false information.

If it wasn't for the action of the mysterious strongman, they would have turned into corpses now, and it would be impossible to brag happily here.

Looking at the companion who was disguised by the strong man, he was also talking about this experience, and the content was exactly the same as what others said.

However, those leaders are still nodding their heads, looking like they are analyzing seriously.

The bearded man muttered to himself, where there is no skill, the truth is the suppression of strength.

As long as the strength is strong enough, even a patrol ship can be easily destroyed.

If these leaders knew that the patrol ship was shot down by the narrator in front of them, what kind of expression would they have?
It is estimated that the eyeballs will be stared out, and then shivering and kneeling on the ground, begging the senior for help.

Thinking of the ugly appearance of those leaders, the bearded man felt very funny and couldn't help laughing.

"Fat beard, what are you laughing at?"

Big Beard is obese and usually sloppy, so he got the nickname Fat Beard.

But I don't know that before the disaster, the bearded man was definitely not this image.

"What's the matter, why don't you laugh?"

The bearded man rolled his eyes and looked at the monk opposite.

The monk had a white face and no beard, and when he looked at the bearded man, there was a trace of disgust hidden in his eyes.

"If you dare to talk back, don't think that just because you have won a victory, you can ignore the leader."

The white-faced monk said coldly, but the content was a bit excessive, obviously mixed with personal emotions.

"Hey hey hey..."

The bearded man laughed a few times, looked at the white-faced monk and said coldly: "Master just smiled, don't talk to me about those useless things, I think you are just looking for trouble on purpose.

Everyone is here today, so let everyone comment.

We worked desperately and finally won the victory, but we were not allowed to laugh even if we wanted to.

I just retorted, but he said that I took credit for myself.

Guys, tell me, from the beginning to the present, how have I ever taken credit for being proud?
It's clear that this guy doesn't like me, or is jealous of our achievements, so he deliberately finds fault! "

The bearded man's tone was sad and indignant, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Seeing this, the monks around also felt that the white-faced monk was a little too much.

They all saw the process just now, and they didn't provoke anyone's beard, obviously they were targeted by the white-faced monk.

However, the identity of the white-faced monk is the son of the leader of this secret base and one of the leaders of the survivors.

If it is not necessary, no one wants to offend this guy, so as not to cause trouble for himself.


In front of the crowd, the white-faced monk still had some scruples, he snorted coldly and stopped talking.

It's just that his eyes look very cold, like a ferocious poisonous snake.

Seeing this, the people next to him naturally couldn't say anything more.

The bearded man curled his lips, and secretly scolded the white-faced monk in his heart. This grandson always deliberately seeks trouble for himself.

He also knew the specific reason, it was because during the last exploration, he discovered two psionic crystals first.

The white-faced monk was a step slower, and it was not easy to snatch it in public, but after that incident, he began to target the bearded man everywhere.

"Smelly shameless bastard, why don't you drop a stone and kill you..."

Glancing at the white-faced monk, the bearded man cursed secretly in his heart.

As soon as this idea came up, the bearded man felt the air flow around him changing, and the energy of the world gathered rapidly.

"No, if a psychic explosion occurs, everyone dare to get out of the way!"

The monks around were taken aback, and quickly dodged without hesitation, for fear of being affected by the explosion.

There was a muffled sound, and the rock at the top of the cave suddenly exploded, and sharp broken stones flew around.

One of the stones went straight to the white-faced monk and smashed it.

The white-faced monk wanted to dodge, but found that he couldn't move his body at all, and his heart was filled with panic.

In the next instant, the stone flew straight over and hit him on the head.


The white-faced monk's brain burst, and he collapsed limply on the ground.


The bearded man was stunned, he never dreamed that the white-faced monk was actually stoned to death.

"Whatever you want, is this a coincidence?"

The bearded man was full of doubts, but suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned his head to look at the disguised companion.

Then he saw that Tang Zhen was also looking at him with a faint smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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