I have a city in another world

Chapter 3085 Crisis Moments

Chapter 3085 Crisis Moments

The bearded man exposed the secret and denounced the big leader for worshiping the demon god, in order to gain support and prevent more monks from being deceived.

But he didn't want the big leader to admit in public that he was indeed offering sacrifices to the demon god, and he insisted that he did nothing wrong.

It also did not expect that one-third of the monks had secretly become believers of the demon god.

Seeing those sarcastic eyes, the bearded man was a little embarrassed, and at the same time felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

When a person insists that he has done nothing wrong, he will not care about the accusations of the outside world.

If there are like-minded people, the other party will insist even more that they are on the side of the truth.

The thing to do at this time is to use facts and actions to prove that your choice is not wrong.

For those who disagree, we must eliminate them immediately to avoid creating more trouble for ourselves.

But the bearded man and the others were the pre-selected sacrifice objects, and it was only because of a series of accidents that they escaped in advance.

The sudden arrival of the Demon God completely disrupted the chief's plan, but it didn't matter because there was still a possibility of remedial action.

"Now I give you a chance to follow the Great Demon God to his Kingdom of God and obtain a safe haven.

And wait for the right opportunity, defeat those damned reapers, and regain control of this world! "

Looking at a group of monks with complicated expressions, the chieftain's tone was full of bewitchment, and he chose the method of combining grace and power.

"This is your only chance, if you miss it, the end result can only be destruction and death.

Now that the demon god has been enraged, in order to appease his anger, a devout sacrifice must be made.

These damned idiots, as well as the stubborn guys, will all become sacrifices to the Great Demon God.

This is the glory of you rubbish, you should be full of gratitude, thankful that your stupid and dirty self has the qualifications to be sacrificed! "

The big leader pointed at the bearded man and the others, raised his arms high, with an excited and crazy expression on his face.

Followers of demon gods guarding around.At the same time, he cheered excitedly, and at the same time looked at the bearded man and the others with wolf-like eyes.

"Why are you hesitating, make your choice quickly and cheer for the great Demon God!"

The big leader's blood-red eyes swept across the hesitating monks, and delivered an ultimatum viciously.


The monks who were originally standing with the bearded man and the others, who were shocked and angry at the chieftain's belief in the demon god, had to make a choice at this moment.

If you want to survive, you must obey the big leader, otherwise you will die with the bearded man and the others.

It is pure nonsense to expect the big leader to find out with his conscience and let the rebels survive.

Although the monks have experienced the catastrophe of annihilation and have been able to look down on life and death, it does not mean that they can easily give up life.

They retreated silently to express their attitudes, and at the same time cast complicated glances at the bearded man and the others.

I chose to surrender in order to live, and my heart was full of respect and guilt in the face of the bearded man and others who had the courage to expose.

It's just such behavior, but it caused the devil's believers to laugh wildly, and their faces were full of pride and madness.

These devil believers feel that they have made the most correct choice, otherwise how could they have the last laugh?
As for the bearded man and the others, they are simply idiots who go against the trend and are destined to be eliminated.

The situation was changing so fast that it far exceeded everyone's imagination, and the bearded man who spoke righteously was also dumbfounded at this moment.

None of his companions, including his companions, expected such a result to happen. He clearly revealed the conspiracy, but the bad guys teamed up with the victim and turned against him.

Between the sky and the earth, is there any justice at all?

"Damn, how did it become like this..."

The companion cursed angrily, his tone full of unwillingness.

"If I also believe in the evil god, will I be able to avoid death?"

A monk beside him said in a mocking tone, but there was a kind of indifference that could see through life and death.

Looking like other demon believers, their eyes are full of contempt and deep disappointment at the same time.

"Don't worry, they won't accept your surrender, otherwise who will be used as a sacrifice?"

The monk next to him said, sneering non-stop.

"Do you think just a few of us can satisfy the demon god's appetite?

Those guys who have no stand really think that if they choose to obey, they can really survive. ?
In fact, they are all sacrificial offerings, and they died one step later than us. "

Even in the face of the threat of death and about to become a sacrifice to the demon god, a group of monks still did not panic.

They continued to laugh and curse in a calm tone, with a bit of pride in seeing death as home.

Seeing this scene, the bearded man who was originally nervous and indignant showed a faint smile.

His companion is so free and easy, why should he be afraid?
The only pity is that he couldn't die on the battlefield where the reaper was hunted, but at the hands of his former companions.

No, these demon god believers are not worthy of being called companions at all!

In fact, in the heart of the bearded man, there is still a glimmer of expectation.

Under such circumstances, how can the hidden boss around him "help" resolve the crisis?
So he turned his head and looked at Tang Zhen next to him, only to see that his expression was still calm and composed.

The bearded man secretly sighed in his heart, the boss is indeed so chic, and in such a crisis environment, he can still keep his expression on.

Maybe it's because you have enough strength to deal with all changes and keep everything under control?

The big leader on the opposite side has become more and more complacent at this moment, and he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Look, this is the general trend, as long as we can save this world, you and I will be famous in history!

Now listen to my order, arrest these blasphemous idiots and sacrifice them to the great demon god! "

Hearing the order from the big leader, the followers of the demon god around him immediately surrounded the bearded man and the others.

"Brothers, fight to the death!"

The bearded man roared angrily, no longer thinking about how Tang Zhen would help him break out of the siege, but actually decided to fight the opponent.

Just because he couldn't see any hope, he didn't expect that the big leader who was the leader of the survivors would surrender to the demon god.

He kept saying that it was for the survivors, but such behavior was even more abhorrent than being a lackey of the reaper.

Using innocent people to sacrifice and sacrifice in exchange for his own interests, the big leader is not as lofty and great as he said.

If possible, Big Beard is willing to use his own life as the price to kill this damned bastard.

Anyway, I have nothing to worry about my life, if I can eradicate the scourge for the survivors, it doesn't matter if I die.

There was no need for a big beard to greet, the companions beside him had already drawn out their weapons, with a ferocious smile on the corner of their mouths.

Like the bearded man, they were full of grief and indignation.

Not long ago, he had just wiped out a group of Reapers, protecting the safety of his companions and the secret base.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he would face the slaughter of his companions.

This battle, whether it is won or lost, is a kind of sadness.

"Hahaha, you idiots, you dare to resist when you are about to die.

Sure enough, your value is to sacrifice to the demon god, otherwise you will be wasting resources alive! "

A believer of an evil god let out a wild laugh, and rushed towards the bearded man and the others viciously.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a cold light flashed.

Clouds of blood mist erupted from the body of the evil god believer, and was then torn into countless pieces.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, one after another agile figures rushed over from the other end of the cave.

"The Harvester!"

The followers of the demon god screamed, showing horror, turned and fled without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was another loud noise.

The cave, the secret base of the imprisoned demon god, was pierced by the light beam from the space fortress, leaving a terrifying hole leading directly to the ground.


The ferocious demon god screamed, more than half of his body was turned into nothingness, and the remaining half also broke through the seal and got into the cave.

"I need a sacrifice...!"

The crippled demon roared loudly, and at the same time, the hot magma swept across the cave like a strange python.

Those fanatical Demon God believers, being swept and swallowed by the magma, uttered desperate and unwilling cries one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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