I have a city in another world

Chapter 3093 Strange Fresh Soup

Chapter 3093 Strange Fresh Soup
Without the old man's prompting, the bearded man and the others quickly gathered in front of the stone platform and picked up the skull bowls with patina.

Smelling the fragrance, the monks were all intoxicated.

Their strength is limited, and they are far from reaching the realm of eating qi without food, and they still need to devour food to supplement their consumption.

Of course, the food for monks needs to be more refined and advanced, and it is often refined into pills.

They walked along the way, although they occasionally brought in some food, but they couldn't fill their stomachs at all.

As for the taste of the food, it doesn't matter.

At this moment, with the delicious food in front of him, the glutton in his stomach has long been hooked, and he can't wait to drink it.

Holding the human skull bowl, he raised his head and took a sip, the creamy and fragrant liquid poured directly into his throat.

I just feel that my teeth are fragrant, and the taste is unspeakable.


"It's really delicious."

"Eating chaff when you are hungry is as sweet as honey, and eating honey when you are full is not as sweet. Let me tell you, we are simply too hungry."

"That's not the case. The taste of this fresh soup is indeed the best, but I don't know what to cook it with?"

After a monk finished drinking the thick soup, he looked like an old man next to him and said in an urgent tone: "Come, have another bowl!"

The old man didn't speak, and waved the long spoon again, filling out a spoonful of steaming thick soup from the cauldron.

The monk quickly handed out the bone bowl, filled it to the brim, and drank it happily.

The monk next to him did the same, quickly licked the bottom of the bowl, and then passed the bowl over.

I'm afraid that if you take a step too late, you won't be able to get the fresh soup.

The diners next to him were all carrying pots and bowls, secretly looking at the bearded man and the others.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the smiles in the corners of their eyes are slightly weird.

The bearded man is a glutton himself, and he was already suffering from hunger all the way.

After smelling the aroma of food, he didn't have the mood to pay attention to other things at all, he just wanted to fill his stomach as soon as possible.

It is strange that even after drinking a few bowls of fresh soup, I still feel hungry.

There is also a feeling that the hunger is getting worse.

Because of the doubled hunger, the monks didn't have the mood to pay attention to other things at all, but wanted to drink soup wholeheartedly.

"Bring me a bowl."

"Hurry up, old man, have another bowl!"

"Don't grab it from me, the leftover fresh soup is not enough for me to drink alone!"

"Smelly shameless, if you have the ability, you can fill the upper and lower holes together!"

The monks were swearing, and they didn't want to see others throw away the fresh soup, as if they were cutting their own flesh.

The bearded man frowned, feeling that the situation was abnormal, and his lost sanity slowly returned.

"What's going on, how did I become like this?"

After waking up, the bearded man realized how abnormal his behavior was, and he would be fascinated by a mouthful of soup!
His eyes froze slightly, there might be something wrong with this pot of soup.

The bearded man didn't say anything, but quietly looked around, trying to see what was going on.

Then he saw that the diners who had been drinking soup had stopped eating now.

Looking at the fresh soup in their bowls, it seems that something is different, not the same thing at all.

The key is that their expressions are really weird, with an indescribable feeling.

“There is absolutely something wrong with this soup!”

When the bearded man thought of this, he became more and more surprised, and at the same time subconsciously searched for Tang Zhen.

Then he saw Tang Zhen sitting on the rock beside him, looking at him with a smile.

Tang Zhen didn't take a sip of the fresh soup that his companions were vying for, but threw it on the stone nearby.

What was strange was that although Tang Zhen was sitting there, the diners around seemed to be unable to see him at all.

The bearded man was already sure that there was indeed something wrong with this pot of fresh soup, but why didn't Tang Zhen remind himself?
Maybe it's because the current situation is not too dangerous, so Tang Zhen didn't take the initiative to remind?

There is another problem. I obviously rely too much on Tang Zhen, thus losing the ability to think and detect danger.

If this is the case, what if Tang Zhen is not in the team?
The bearded man reflected and confirmed that there was something wrong with his state, and he had to get rid of this dependence as soon as possible.

While thinking in my heart, I heard my companion calling for the old man to serve soup again, looking impatient.

Up to now, all the monks have drank an unknown amount of soup, and their bellies are round like balls.

The clothes had been stretched out a long time ago, protruding fiercely forward.

No matter how strong the digestion ability is, it is impossible to digest so much soup in a short period of time.

This state is very dangerous. If you continue to drink it, you may be tortured to death.

But even so, the monks still didn't realize it, and waved big bowls for soup.

"You can't drink any more, or something big will happen!"

Thinking of this, the bearded man immediately jumped out, trying to stop his companion.

They are not aware of the danger, only they are sober, so they must bear this responsibility.

"I can't drink any more, get out of here, no one is allowed to drink any more!"

Standing in front of his companion, the bearded man roared sharply.

When he shouted in this voice, the surroundings immediately fell silent.

The roar not only stunned his companions, but also the surrounding diners and vendors who set up stalls next to him, all of them looked at the bearded man.

There was an indescribably strange and gloomy look in the eyes of these people, as if they wanted to eat him skinny and boneless.

The bearded man was trembling in his heart, but he bit the bullet and saw his companion, he knew that he couldn't back down at this moment.

The companions are out of control, and the only one who can save them is himself. He is the hope of the whole team now.

The companions stared at him blankly, and then their expressions became ferocious.

"Bastard, what do you want?"

"Fat beard, if it's a brother, then don't delay my soup!"

"Don't pay attention to him, pour me soup quickly!"

Not only did the companions not wake up to Fat Beard's obstruction, but they became furious one by one.

They stared at the bearded man viciously with their blood-red eyes, wishing they could tear him to pieces.

The bearded man was taken aback by the strange and ferocious gaze of his companion, but it confirmed his guess more and more.

This weird fresh soup has completely confused the minds of the companions and made them irrational.

The more this is the case, the more you can't let your companions drink anymore, otherwise even the gods can't save them.

Thinking of this, the bearded man immediately gritted his teeth, raised his hand and smashed the human skull bowl in his companion's hand.

Seeing this, the companion who was waiting to drink the soup became furious and wanted to reach out to slap the bearded man.

"You are all idiots, you have been dazzled by this fresh soup, why don't you ask what makes this soup?"

The companion, who was about to hit someone with wide eyes, froze for a moment, and looked at each other.

They suddenly realized that this matter was indeed very abnormal.

Why do you lose control when you smell fresh soup and drink it endlessly?
When the body shakes, there will be a "squeaky" sound of water, just like a water tank.

"This soup...what is it made of?"

The companion blinked and asked the bearded man.

Disturbed by the beard, the monks gradually regained their sanity, and their high vigilance was activated again.

"Don't ask me, you have to ask him!"

The bearded man turned his head, pointed at the old man who was holding the soup, and said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, a group of monks immediately turned their heads to look at the old man Shengtang, their eyes became a little dangerous.

"Old guy, tell me quickly, what is this soup made of?"

A group of monks were angry and asked the old man loudly.

The old man who always bowed his head was not afraid of the monks' scolding at all, but said in a cold voice: "I want to know, why don't you go and see for yourself?"

"Okay, then I'll see for myself."

While the bearded man was talking, he walked to the side of the old man, grabbed the long spoon and scooped it up in the cauldron.

While the soup was stirring, the things boiled in the cauldron appeared in front of everyone.

It was a human corpse, boiled until its bones and flesh floated, exuding a strange aroma.

(End of this chapter)

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