I have a city in another world

Chapter 3096 We all join!

Chapter 3096 We all join!
The sudden appearance of the poisonous dragon frightened the survivors to dodge quickly, for fear that they would be swallowed by this terrible monster.

Even in their dreams, they couldn't believe that there was such a huge monster hidden above their heads.

Every time he trades or rests, he will be watched by this monster, and his every move is under the monitoring of Dudulong.

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became. That was a cowardly guy, whose body had already started to tremble.

Thinking about what Tang Zhen said before, that the zombie broth was made from the saliva of the poisonous dragon, the disgusting feeling in my heart can no longer be described in words.

Want to vomit but can't vomit, and worry that I will really become a poisonous dragon puppet, life and death are no longer under my control.

He gritted his teeth with hatred for the old man who cooked soup, and he was no longer as amiable as before.

At this time, many survivors rushed towards Tang Zhen involuntarily.

They had grim expressions and waved the weapons in their hands, trying to tear Tang Zhen into pieces.

Apparently, these survivors have become the puppets of the poisonous dragon, and were manipulated to attack Tang Zhen.

However, the role of the puppet is limited, because in a short period of time, the poisonous dragon has been completely maimed by Tang Zhen.

Facing the weapon in Tang Zhen's hands, the seemingly mighty thousand-year-old poisonous dragon was no match at all.

The survivors were curious, when did the Reaper's weapon become so powerful?
If it weren't for the critical situation now, they would definitely rush forward to find out what is the reason?
If he had such a weapon, wouldn't it be easier to deal with the Reapers!
Some people suspected before that Tang Zhen's plan was just talking nonsense, but now they don't think so anymore.

If this weapon can be widely used, it seems not impossible to defeat the Reaper.

At least when encountering the reaper, he also has the power to fight.

At the same time as the survivors dodged, Tang Zhen jumped up and pointed his gun at the huge head of the poisonous dragon.

"Surrender, or die!"

Everyone has already seen the power of this weapon clearly. If Tang Zhen chooses to fire, he will definitely be able to blow the head of the poisonous dragon.

Many survivors showed anticipation, eager to see the scene where Tang Zhen pulled the trigger and exploded Dulong's head.


But he didn't want the poisonous dragon to growl, lie down on the ground directly, and chose ups and downs decisively.

Seeing this, the survivors watching the battle sighed at the same time, not knowing whether to be happy or disappointed.

After confirming that Dulong had surrendered, Big Beard and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the strange gun in Tang Zhen's hand with piercing eyes.

"Your Excellency, what weapon is this?"

The survivors at this moment were all extremely curious about Tang Zhen's weapon, wishing they could own one too.

Not only can you have the courage to go out, but you don't have to worry about being killed when you meet a reaper.

You can even change your identity and become a hunter to release the long-standing bad breath in your heart.

"This is a new type of weapon that I have transformed using the captured weapons and the means of monks.

Compared with the original weapon, the power has been increased by at least ten times, which is more than enough to deal with the reaper. "

Hearing someone asking about the origin of the weapon, Tang Zhen explained that it was one of the props he used to prove that his plan was feasible.

No matter when, a powerful weapon will make a warrior even more powerful.

Survivors suffer from a severe lack of confidence, and having access to a powerful weapon can bring about an instant mentality shift.

"Then may I ask your Excellency, can your weapon modification method be promoted on a large scale?"

The brawny monk just now asked Tang Zhen cautiously, his eyes full of anticipation.

Tang Zhen easily killed the giant zombie and subdued the poisonous dragon effortlessly, which has already proved his own strength.

If he dared to be disrespectful and was killed by Tang Zhen, it could only be regarded as his own death.

The issue of the strong man is also of great concern to other survivors.

They held their breath and stared at Tang Zhen intently, hoping to get an accurate answer.

"Since I put forward the plan in public, it can definitely be done, and transforming weapons is one of my reliance.

As for what you are worried about, it is actually not a problem at all.

For you, some things may be difficult to do, but in my opinion it is easy. "

Having said that, Tang Zhen looked around again.

He has already said what should be said. If the survivors are still unwilling to join, it can only be said that they are doomed to escape.

The bearded man next to him was the first to react.

He knew Tang Zhen's strength best, and he was also full of confidence in his plan. After seeing Tang Zhen's expression, he immediately reacted.

At this moment, Tang Zhen needs someone to support him.

I saw him rushing out of the crowd, coming to Tang Zhen, waving his arms and shouting loudly: "The situation is getting more and more serious, and the crisis of death is approaching step by step. If you don't want to find a way to get out of the predicament, extinction will only happen sooner or later.

Perhaps our prayers moved God, so this Lord appeared and brought us real hope.

This is our only chance, we must not miss it, otherwise we will regret it! "

When the bearded man spoke, his voice was full of emotion, as if he was so moved that he was about to cry.

The contagious power of words is indeed strong enough, but in the eyes of the companions, there is a very weird feeling.

They couldn't help but secretly wondered if the bowls of stinky broth just made their brother's head faint?

Otherwise, when this idiot speaks, how could he have such a tone and posture, which makes people want to punch him hard

In addition, his posture and tone were obviously flattering Tang Zhen on purpose, which made people feel extremely awkward.

Although the bearded man's behavior was abnormal, what he said was very reasonable.

If Tang Zhen didn't lie, and really mastered the high-level transformation method of powerful weapons, and could spread it, it would really be a life-saving straw for the survivors.

Seeing that the bearded man was so supportive and Tang Zhen was his accomplice, the monks really had no reason not to support it.

After making up their minds, the monks also waved in response, expressing their support for Tang Zhen's plan.

On the other hand, those survivors looked confused at the moment, not knowing how to choose?

Just because this plan is too tempting, it seems that as long as everyone works together, it can really be realized.

That's why the survivors couldn't believe that hope would come so quietly?

Just when they were hesitating, Tang Zhen said slowly: "Although you don't believe it, then let's let this matter go, I just hope you don't regret it in the future..."

"I'll join!"

The strong monk who had asked before suddenly shouted loudly, for fear that Tang Zhen would turn around and leave.

"I will join too!"

"Count me in."

"Instead of living like this timidly, it's better to fight hard, even if you die, you are willing to die."

"That's right, as long as I can kill a Reaper, I can be worthy of the dead family members.

If two or three harvesters are killed, Lao Tzu will be reunited with his family after death, and he will definitely be able to hold his chest high! "

After the strong monk spoke, the other monks responded one after another, with resolute expressions on their faces.

They are indeed afraid of their hopes being dashed, but they are even more afraid of passing them by, and they will never have the opportunity to choose in the future.

Now choosing to join the plan is to take a gamble, after all, they have no way out.

But in the blink of an eye, all the survivors in the cave chose to join the counterattack plan.

Especially those ordinary people, who rely on monks to survive, even if they don't want to fight against the reaper, they have to join the plan now.

But at this moment, the bearded man cautiously approached Tang Zhen, and asked in a tentative tone, "Do you know how to remove the venom of the poisonous dragon?"

The other survivors fell silent again, wondering how to detoxify the zombie broth.

"It's very simple, just pick up the minced meat of the poisonous dragon, boil a pot of broth and drink it."

Tang Zhen looked at the bearded man and said in a calm tone.


Looking at the muddy and foul-smelling pieces of poisonous dragon meat, the bearded man's expression was a little distorted.

Thinking of the scene where he drank his head up after the broth was cooked, the bearded man felt a sense of collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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