I have a city in another world

Chapter 3100 Moving Secret Base

Chapter 3100 Moving Secret Base

It took more than ten hours to search in the gray fog, and Big Beard and his companions returned to the secret base.

There is no limit to the patrol time in the gray mist, but most monks will patrol for more than ten hours.

In addition to combining work and rest, without delaying cultivation, it can be said to have the best of both worlds.

The secret base was originally located underground, but when the gray mist covered the ground, it was moved immediately.

It was this wave of operations that avoided the extraterrestrial attack of Battlestar, otherwise the survivors would be buried alive underground.

The dangerous ground in the past has become very safe now because of the gray fog.

According to Tang Zhen, as long as all the rune circles are not destroyed, there is no need to worry about the gray fog disappearing.

As for the location of the rune circle, it is truly top secret, and very few people know it.

Tang Zhen knew everything, but it was possible for anyone to leak the secret, but it was absolutely impossible for him.

The concentration of gray fog on the ground is increasing crazily every moment, and sooner or later it will completely cover the entire planet.

When that day comes, it will become extremely difficult for the harvesters to collect energy spars.

Today's war situation is more and more favorable for survivors.

The bearded man and the others felt the deepest. Every time they performed a task, their faces would be covered with smiles.

The maglev vehicle traveled at a very high speed and accurately avoided the obstacles blocking the road, just like a fish swimming in the water.

Being able to drive freely in the gray fog and accurately find the secret base is because the survivors have special magic weapons.

It is by relying on the guidance of the magic weapon that the monks can accurately find the location of the secret base in the thick gray fog.

This secret base of survivors is moving slowly every moment.

This happened because this special secret base was spliced ​​and transformed from patrol ships.

Using the buoyancy force of the patrol ship, a huge floating island was created, and the gathered survivors lived in it.

The purpose of doing this, as long as it is to prevent the Reaper from locking the position and then attacking from the sky.

Another purpose is to facilitate the patrolling of the gray mist area, hunting down enemies and searching for survivors at the same time.

Driving the modified suspension vehicle, the bearded man galloped all the way in the gray fog, and finally arrived at the secret base.

Because of the occlusion of the gray fog, even from a very short distance, it is impossible to see this huge monster.

Only when you get close can you see a giant cuboid floating in the air less than five meters above the ground.

The identity verification was successful, a door opened, and the bearded man drove in.

In the spacious hall, figures are busy, some are maintaining the vehicles, and some monks are preparing to go out for inspection.

"Fat beard, how's the harvest?"

"Not bad, I met two collectors!"

"Really, then you've made a lot of money!"

The bearded man stopped the car and moved forward with his companions, during which he kept saying hello to the passing monks.

Not long after, they entered a hall where the same people were coming and going.

The bearded man walked to a counter and released the energy spar in the storage equipment, filling up the containers used for measuring.

"The energy unit is 150 million, converted into reward points to be 150 eight points, which has been entered into your identity card..."

The female monk in charge of statistics looked up at the bearded man with a smile on her lips.


Beautiful women love heroes, and so do monks.

The bearded man smiled, and after distributing the points with his partners, everyone got busy.

After estimating his points, the bearded man went to the practice field, ready to continue to improve his strength.

As a result, as soon as he entered the practice field, he saw Tang Zhen, who seemed to be building a rune circle.

Seeing this, the bearded man hurried forward and bowed to Tang Zhen.

The survivors of the secret base all know that Tang Zhen is extremely extraordinary, calling him a super genius who is rare in 10 years.

Otherwise, he would not have led the survivors to establish a secret base with his own power, making the Reapers miserable.

The most important point is that he gave the survivors hope and the confidence to defeat the reaper.

Only the bearded man knew that what the survivors saw was not Tang Zhen's true face at all.

Compared with the ability to kill patrol ships at will and manipulate time at will, everything today is nothing at all.

It's just this secret, as long as you know it, there is no need to mention it to others.

After seeing the bearded man, Tang Zhen nodded and chatted with him for a few words.

While chatting with him, Tang Zhen had already scanned the bearded man to see if there were traces of the original spirit treasure.

Still the same as usual, nothing unusual.

Although there was no gain, Tang Zhen was not in a hurry, he had enough time to wait slowly.

Under Tang Zhen's deliberate guidance, among the cultivators in the secret base, several arrogance-like figures appeared one after another.

They are also Tang Zhen's bait, used to catch the extremely cunning original spirit treasure that has been reluctant to take the bait for a long time.

If Yuanyuan Lingbao didn't like Tang Zhen, maybe he would choose Big Beard and others, but they also couldn't escape Tang Zhen's palm.

As soon as he returned to the ground, Tang Zhen ordered people to search for survivors and gathered them all to the secret base.

As long as the remaining survivors are brought together and kept under surveillance at all times, the Yuanyuan Lingbao will fall into Tang Zhen's hands sooner or later.

It is impossible for the original spirit treasure not to appear. At the critical moment when the world is about to be destroyed, it must appear in the world to turn the tide.

In the process of chatting, Tang Zhen pointed out the knowledge about spiritual practice, which gave the bearded man the enlightenment.

The bearded man thanked him repeatedly. He knew that his cultivation speed would definitely increase again.

Thinking back to himself back then, and looking at his current cultivation, the bearded man felt like he was in a dream.

Coming to the front of the rune circle, the bearded man took out a bunch of energy spars and poured them into the center of the circle.

With the operation of the rune circle, the energy spar seemed to melt, and colorful clouds rose up.

The bearded man no longer hesitated, and quickly entered the rune circle, greedily absorbing the energy clouds.

The spiritual energy transformed from the energy spar can directly enter the monk's body and be directly absorbed and utilized.

The speed of improving cultivation is simply unbelievable.

The bearded man was extremely excited, and hurriedly devoted himself to the practice, needless to say the excitement in his heart.

In addition to the bearded man, there are many monks in the hall, who are also using the rune circle to improve their strength.

Like the bearded man, they were originally of low strength, and they were only at the bottom of the original practice world.

After joining the secret base, the improvement of cultivation was rapid, so fast that the monks themselves were afraid.

Before I knew it, a day had passed.

Big Beard exited the cultivation state and looked at the energy cloud in the rune circle. It had been completely absorbed by him.

Looking at his strength again, he has been promoted to another level, and he can barely fly in the air.

Although it is not as good as the big leader at the beginning, it is almost the same, and if you absorb it again, you will be able to surpass the opponent.

If you put it in the past, trying to achieve such a cultivation level in such a short period of time is completely nonsense.

At this moment, the bearded man wants to look up to the sky and laugh three times to express his excitement.

This is just a thought, if he really laughed out loud, he would definitely be laughed at by other monks.

Although he really wanted to make persistent efforts, but remembering Tang Zhen's warning, Big Beard finally chose to give up.

Practice this kind of thing, you can't rush it, the rune circle has developed the potential of the monk to the limit.

If you are still not satisfied and try to seek a faster speed, the final result will be to waste all previous efforts.

After looking at the time, the bearded man made up his mind to continue hunting the enemies in the gray mist.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly felt a special wave sweeping across his body.

"Hey, what's the situation?"

The bearded man hurriedly searched and tracked, but found nothing, as if it was just his hallucination.

Shaking his head slightly, the bearded man walked out the door.

At the same time as he left, Tang Zhen came out from the next room with a faint smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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