I have a city in another world

Chapter 3106 Who Are You?

Chapter 3106 Who Are You?
After his companion left, the bearded man turned his attention to the silk thread, and seriously thought about the method of cracking it.

He must be careful, and must not take it lightly, otherwise he may be blown to pieces.

The main purpose of the bearded man is not simply to break the trap, but to have other plans.

He still remembered Tang Zhen's words, thinking about how to use the trap to plot against the enemy?
Unexpectedly, at this moment, that weird fluctuation appeared beside the bearded man again.

It didn't flash away like before, but hovered around the bearded man, as if deliberately observing and teasing.

Of course the bearded man would never forget that it was the other party who reminded him just now that those survivors were in danger.

But until now, the bearded man still hasn't found out, where is the danger hidden?
But he didn't take it lightly, and when his companions left, he didn't let them take the survivors away.

Because he wanted to find out for himself, what did the other party mean by the danger?
Unexpectedly, before he could act, weird fluctuations appeared again, and became more and more unscrupulous.

This time, the bearded man was somewhat nervous.

What he is doing is already taking great risks, and he must concentrate on it.

If someone made trouble at such a critical moment, it was really impossible to predict what would happen.

The bearded man secretly raised his vigilance, glanced at the five survivors who were in a sluggish state, and confirmed that they should be fine.

But the most dangerous existence is the mysterious fluctuation of unknown origin. The bearded man has not forgotten that the other party broke into his sea of ​​consciousness before.

Just when he was uneasy, a voice sounded in his mind again.

"The survivors behind you, they are very dangerous!"

The bearded man didn't expect that the other party would speak directly, pointing out that there were problems with the five survivors.

But where is the danger, but did not directly say clearly.

The bearded man was puzzled, and was about to ask who the other party was, but the mysterious wave disappeared again.

"Hide your head and show your tail, what the hell is this?"

The bearded man muttered to himself, but he didn't dare to take it lightly, and carefully observed the five survivors.

Seeing that the other party was still in a sluggish state, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and turned his head to concentrate on manipulating the disc in the sky.

Following the operation of the bearded man, a pillar made of mud rises from the ground, connecting with the mud disc in the sky.

It looks like a large mushroom, but it keeps the dirt disc fixed in the air so that the beard doesn't need to be distracted to control it.

Then he stared at the sky, wanting to see if the floating bomb would fall down in this state?

After waiting for about 3 minutes, the bearded man breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After such a long time, the floating bomb has not fallen, indicating that the cracking has been successful.

It's not that the bearded man is very powerful, but that the enemy's traps are hasty and simple. If it was the kind of device that automatically triggers when the signal is cut off, the floating bomb would have fallen down long ago.

The reaper did not do this, and there are actually certain reasons.

Being in the gray fog, the technological equipment was seriously affected, which was the main reason why the Reapers and Gatherers were trapped.

Battlestar knew this, so when setting traps, it used the most primitive means.

They were obviously worried that the traps they set up did not kill the enemy, but they killed themselves first.

Therefore, these collectors and reapers are not the group that was trapped before, but were actively released by the space fortress.

The question then arises, since Battlestar can release this kind of trap, can it also release other things?

Thinking of this, the bearded man once again looked at the five survivors behind him with a heavy expression.

If the mysterious fluctuation just now did not deceive him, there must be something wrong with these five survivors.

Since the other party has a problem, the bearded man will definitely not take them back to the secret base, so as not to bring unpredictable dangers.

If it was because of his recklessness that the secret base was lost, the bearded man would be to blame for death.

The problem is that up to now, the bearded man hasn't figured out the origin of the mysterious fluctuations, so why should he trust the other party's tips?
If the other party has bad intentions, wouldn't it be that a group of innocent people were cheated in vain?
The bearded man didn't particularly care about the lives of the survivors, but he had to figure out the position of the mysterious wave.

If it is an enemy but not a friend, the next thing Big Beard will do is to find ways to kill him.

The other party's ability to sneak into the secret base and follow him all the time is enough to show that he knows a lot of secrets about the base camp.

If the other party cooperates with the Reapers to launch an attack on the secret base, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The bearded man was preoccupied, but his mental power was focused on the five survivors, trying to figure out what was wrong with them.

But after some investigation, the bearded man frowned and found that things were not simple.

According to the feedback from the investigation, there seemed to be no problem with the five survivors.

"Could it be that you lied to me..."

Such an idea popped up in the bearded man's mind.

"I didn't lie to you, they just have problems!"

As soon as the idea of ​​the bearded man came up, a voice popped up in his mind, loudly defending him.

The bearded man froze for a moment, but a touch of fear rose in his heart.

He originally thought that the mysterious fluctuation had disappeared, but who would have thought that it would hide in his sea of ​​consciousness!
Before that, I didn't know anything about it.

This behavior of the other party made the bearded man angry and annoyed, but he was helpless.

Now it is certain that this guy of unknown origin must be far stronger than himself.

Otherwise, I wouldn't hide in my own sea of ​​consciousness without making a sound, but I haven't noticed it yet.

At this moment, the bearded man could only pray secretly in his heart that the other party did not do anything to harm him.

"Just put your heart in your stomach, I don't bother to hurt you at all..."

There was another voice in the sea of ​​consciousness, and this time the bearded man was really shocked, because he suddenly realized a terrible thing.

"What the hell are you, that you can know my thoughts!"

The bearded man asked in horror, unable to remain calm any longer.

If this is the case, the bearded man will no longer have any secrets in front of the other party.

No matter what the plan is, the other party will know it instantly. In this case, how can we get rid of the other party's control?

There was a flash of sadness in the bearded man's heart, and even more anger, because the other party was really bullying too much.

Without my own permission, I broke into the sea of ​​consciousness without permission, peeping at my own thoughts and still speaking out.

Damn bastard, what the hell are you trying to do?

This thought just came up, and the response came again in my mind:

"Hehehe, what do I want to do?
Do you want to know, then I will tell you.

I can make you a child of destiny, possessing unparalleled luck, being able to do whatever you want, and turning bad luck into good fortune along the way!

As long as you obey my command and do what I ask, you will become the master of this world in a short time! "

The voice in my head was full of excitement and bewitchment, and listening to it made my blood boil.

The bearded man seemed to be affected, and the golden light in his eyes gleamed, revealing a strong expectation.





"Okay then, help me blow up the Battlestar first, I believe you are not bragging!"


(End of this chapter)

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