I have a city in another world

Chapter 3118 Mistakes

Chapter 3118 Mistakes
Hearing the voice in his mind, the bearded man froze for a moment, but returned to normal in an instant.

The identity he is playing now is an enemy soldier, so he can't reveal too many flaws.

But in his heart, he had already cursed angrily.

"What are you, why do you care about me?"

The bearded man made up his mind, and the nine cows could not be pulled back.

"You should be glad that I'm not your father, otherwise you would have to be beaten to death just because of this kind of mindless behavior.

You careless bastard..."

The bearded man was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that his mysterious consciousness would become so vicious after not seeing him for a while.

Unlike when we met before, a word can choke him for a long time, and he can't even swear.

The bearded man really wanted to ask, what happened to the mysterious consciousness during the time he was gone?
How did he know that when the high-level original spirit treasure was born, its thoughts were actually as immature as a child's.

But as time goes by and more and more things come into contact with, Yuanyuan Lingbao's thinking will gradually mature.

It is for this reason that the Yuanyuan Lingbao has become very cunning, and it is difficult to find its traces.

After getting in touch with the bearded man, Yuanyuan Lingbao got in touch with some candidates, all of whom were survivors that Tang Zhen didn't know about.

This was done on purpose by Yuanyuan Lingbao, because it found that the monks related to Tang Zhen all had a faint sense of danger.

As for why it feels dangerous, Yuanyuan Lingbao actually doesn't know.

But after searching for a week, Yuanyuan Lingbao felt that the candidates outside were not qualified at all.

If there is no comparison, naturally there will be no harm.

The seeds carefully cultivated by Tang Zhen are all worthy of the arrogance of heaven, and all meet the standards of the children of the plane.

If these excellent candidates were given up due to uncertain dangers, Yuanyuan Lingbao would not be able to convince himself at all.

The current situation is that the good horse and the bad horse are put together, so that the origin Lingbao can choose freely.

The bearded and other monks are good horses, and the other candidates are bad horses. This is already a certainty.

Obviously, time is running out and we need to reach the finish line as soon as possible, so what choice should Yuanyuan Lingbao make?

If the ending is none of your business, Yuanyuan Lingbao is free to do what he wants, no matter whether it is good or bad, it will not be lost.

It's a pity that this is not the case. If all the survivors die, the Yuanyuan Lingbao will also be doomed.

After the investigation, Yuanyuan Lingbao had to turn around and find the bearded man it thought was the most suitable.

Because the bearded man is the most repulsive to it, he doesn't accept temptation at all, he doesn't look like someone with evil intentions.

In the end, he didn't expect that the bearded man was so unreliable.

Single-handedly trying to sneak into Battlestar, isn't this boring and what is it?
The Yuanyuan Lingbao, who was in a state of desperation, cursed directly, without giving the bearded man any face at all.

It would be great to be able to wake up the bearded man.

If the bearded man is stubborn, let him die, anyway, he is not the only candidate.

"Ha ha……"

The bearded man had already made up his mind that he must break into the Space Fortress, and he didn't care about the curse of Yuanyuan Lingbao.

A disdainful sneer is enough to prove his attitude.

Benyuan Lingbao was very disappointed, and cursed at the bearded man: "It is the greatest luck that you are alive, and it is only natural that you want to avenge your family.

But in my opinion, your family hopes that you can live well while taking revenge.

If it's just a momentary impulse to take your own life, is it worth it?

Don't let your whole family die in the end, but the enemy is still at ease, and when your corpse is stepped on, he will curse an idiot by the way.

Do your best to inflict heavy damage on the enemy, have the last laugh and watch the enemy fall, that is the real hero and winner! "

Yuanyuan Lingbao squirted wildly, as if venting his anger, and then there was no more movement.

The bearded man blinked, suddenly chuckled, and shook his head slightly.

While the two sides were talking, the soldiers had joined the troops.

After indicating the number of the unit they belonged to and the reason for their disappearance, they began to follow the team.

Soon they were notified that, as members who lost and returned, they would have the opportunity to return to Battlestar for recuperation.

After getting the news, some soldiers burst into tears on the spot, unable to persuade them no matter what.

Called into battle without any preparation, they went straight into hell mode.

To be able to return to the team after being lost for many days can no longer be described as good luck.

Since the launch of the ground operation, nearly 30 soldiers have disappeared for various reasons.

Although it is called missing, everyone knows that this is just another adjective for death in action.

In the place where the ground army passed by, an unknown number of corpses fell, and it was feared that no one would ever restrain them.

What is frightening is that under the influence of the gray mist, the fallen soldiers have now mutated.

They turned into ghouls like the aborigines, wandering around in the gray mist, attacking any living targets.

Fortunately, the areas where the ghouls are active are all places where the ground legion has collected, otherwise it will inevitably cause greater losses.

Fortress gave up collecting the corpses, and there is probably a reason for this. I am afraid that it is not the corpses of the fallen soldiers that are restrained, but the hideous and terrifying monsters.

Things that don't make sense really don't need to be executed.

The time waiting to go home always feels extremely long, especially for these soldiers who survived the catastrophe.

They followed the team, feeling the thicker gray fog, and from time to time let out desperate roars.

Perhaps it won't be long before these severely traumatized soldiers will suddenly collapse completely.

Another day later, Big Beard and the others were notified to prepare to leave.

Without waiting too long, a patrol ship descended from the sky.

Because of the gray fog, few people saw this scene, otherwise I don't know how many soldiers would be envious.

They also want to go home, but unfortunately they can't do it for the time being.

The soldiers who had been waiting for a long time couldn't wait to board the patrol ship, and slowly left the land shrouded in gray mist.

At this moment, they had mixed feelings.

Carrying the soldiers' nostalgia for their homeland and their fear and loathing of war, the patrol ship suddenly broke through the gray fog.

The journey that followed was beyond everyone's expectations.

The patrol ship did not go to the space fortress, but flew over the sea of ​​fog, and finally landed on a huge floating platform.

The platform was obviously built not long ago, floating above the sea of ​​fog, isolated from the world and not in contact with any place.

Everyone walked out of the patrol ship, and after seeing the scene in front of them, they all fell into a state of sluggishness.

"Why don't you send us to Battlestar, but let us stay here, what the hell are you trying to do?"

A soldier yelled suddenly, apparently unable to accept the military's arrangement, thinking he had been fooled.

The same was true for the other soldiers, with angry expressions all over their faces, shouting loudly at their surroundings.

It's a pity that there is no one around, and no one pays attention to them at all, as if this place is an abandoned place.

The bearded man mixed in the crowd had a slightly gloomy expression. He didn't expect things to go so wrong.

He is now trapped in mid-air, there is no way to reach the space fortress, and he is so depressed that he almost vomits blood.

(End of this chapter)

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