I have a city in another world

Chapter 3125 A Gift Before Parting

Chapter 3125 A Gift Before Parting
Tang Zhen looked at the bearded man and smiled.

Without him, Yuanyuan Lingbao would not appear easily and be subdued by him smoothly.

I was very optimistic about him at the beginning, and I didn't let myself down.

"Tell me, how do you feel now?"

Tang Zhen refers to the difference between the body after Nirvana and rebirth, and the previous body.

As the person involved, the bearded man naturally has the clearest feeling and knows what changes have taken place in his body.

"It feels... great!"

The bearded man's eyes were shining, and his tone was full of excitement, as if he was thinking about what words to use to describe his current feelings.

But after searching for a long time, I found that some words were poor.

"Anyway, it's very good, too good to describe!"

Tang Zhen nodded, he naturally knew exactly what benefits the bearded man had gained.

The purpose of doing this is to let the other party become the leader of the survivors and lead the survivors to rebuild their homes.

In such a special era, there must be a powerful monk who can act as the magic needle for calming the sea.

Whether it fits or not, Tang Zhen has already chosen the bearded man.

After subduing the original spirit treasure, Tang Zhen's purpose of this trip has been achieved, so naturally he won't waste too much time in this world.

But everything starts and ends well, since I have already helped, I will definitely help to the end.

"Come with me, there are still some things that I need to let you know."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, the gray fog behind him had dispersed, revealing a quietly floating mobile base.

When the bearded man saw this, he was startled.

He had just checked around and didn't find the existence of the mobile base, but now it appeared directly in front of him.

Obviously this was Tang Zhen's method, but in an instant, an unknown distance was crossed.

Although he knew how powerful Tang Zhen was, after seeing it with his own eyes, he was still shocked from the bottom of his heart.

After careful observation, the bearded man realized that time had stopped, and the monks patrolling around were like statues.

Big Beard had seen this method of manipulating time before, so he didn't make a fuss about it.

He just couldn't figure out why Tang Zhen wanted to stop time, did he have any special intentions?

He was thinking about it secretly, but Tang Zhen had already opened his mouth slowly.

"In this secret base, several rune circles have been built, which can help mortals become monks, and can also help monks improve their strength.

They are all improved rune circles, the effect has been increased several times, you can experience it later.

Rune Falton needs energy spars, you can collect them yourself first, this is the most indispensable thing on this planet today.

Only by improving your own strength can you ensure that you will not be beaten helplessly in the face of similar disasters.

In this secret base, I left some things that can help you build a survival base.

But in the final analysis, everything requires the survivors to work together and make continuous efforts.

After this catastrophe, the origin of the world has been destroyed, and it will take at least a few hundred thousand years to return to a normal state.

Unless there is a breakthrough on the path of practice, no one including you can wait until that day.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the inheritance is guaranteed to be immortal, your descendants will one day be able to witness the revival of the green mountains and green waters. "

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the bearded man became more and more excited.

He never dared to hope that the world that has been destroyed like this can be restored to its original state.

Since Tang Zhen said yes, there is absolutely no problem.

It's just these 10 years, which makes people feel desperate, and makes the bearded man hate the invaders even more.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency Tang Zhen, how should we deal with the invaders?"

The bearded man had already heard that Tang Zhen was planning to leave, so he gave special instructions.

It's normal to think about it, Tang Zhen was originally a visitor from another country, and he came here only to track down the original Lingbao.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is really no need to stay any longer.

Although he felt a little regretful, the bearded man knew very well that Tang Zhen had provided enough help.

If you don't know how to be satisfied and just ask for it blindly, that is purely a way of death.

A supreme existence like this can give favors out of pity, and can also kill all survivors with one blow because of dissatisfaction.

"I told you once that the invaders are nothing to me.

Now that I am about to leave, I will give you the last gift, let you watch a splendid fireworks. "

Tang Zhen snapped his fingers lightly while speaking.

I saw the thick gray fog above the head, rapidly diluting and revealing a huge hole in the sky.

There is no gray fog in this area, and you can directly look into the depths of the sky, the space fortress suspended outside the sky.

At the same time, the mobile base behind him began to operate, and the violent energy of the world gathered rapidly.

Seeing this spectacular scene, the bearded man trembled with fear, fearing that the energy of heaven and earth would explode in an instant.

What shocked him was that although the surrounding area was filled with muffled thunder, and there were constant flashes of thunderbolts, once he approached the secret base, he immediately became calm.

There is no doubt that this is Tang Zhen's handwriting again.

Immediately afterwards, the bearded man saw that huge runes appeared one after another, slowly rotating around the secret base.

Those turbulent heaven and earth energies are constantly gathering and compressing, forming a terrifying aura that makes the bearded man's legs tremble.

It seems that as long as it breaks out, the whole world will be destroyed.

If it weren't for Tang Zhen's presence, with a calm expression on his face, the bearded man would have turned around a long time ago, turned around and fled without looking back.

He was not afraid of death, but the scene in front of him was indeed too scary, making people dare not take a second look.

It took a full half an hour to accumulate the terrifying energy, and the energy of the world above the secret base was as sticky as paste.

Watching the big bearded super bomb, I feel my soul is trembling, and I am suffering every minute and every second.

"The bombing of Battlestar, you have suffered too much.

It's not rude to come and go, today I will help you and return an attack on Battlestar! "

As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, the heaven and earth energy accumulated in the mobile base suddenly shot towards the space fortress outside the sky.

But in the blink of an eye, the energy shield surrounding the space fortress was directly pierced by the terrifying light beam.

The ring, which was constantly rotating, exploded and collapsed under the shock wave, and the debris flew around inside.

The space fortress, which is comparable in size to an asteroid, appeared out of thin air with dazzling lightning, and disasters of flame and frost also erupted one after another.

The light beams that entered the space fortress were actually the compressed energy of heaven and earth, and now they are being released again.

They are crazily destroying inside the space fortress, making the losses bigger and bigger.

During the destruction, an unknown number of Space Fortress residents lost their lives in a daze.

The disaster continues.

Because the protective shield was seriously damaged, the creatures exposed to the vacuum environment lost their lives in a short period of time.

The Space Fortress that was originally shining like the sun is now like an orange that has been smashed by bullets, and more than half of the place has been completely plunged into darkness.

The residents of the space fortress in this area, unless they are lucky enough, have no chance of surviving.

The area where the light still exists has suffered less damage, but it looks like it will definitely not be easy.

The bearded man looked up at the sky with a shocked expression on his face, but tears were already rolling down the corners of his eyes.

The space fortress that destroyed the entire world and made the survivors feel hopeless was destroyed so easily?
(End of this chapter)

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