I have a city in another world

Chapter 3142 Entering the Frozen Planet

Chapter 3142 Entering the Frozen Planet
"Very good, just buy this place!"

Tang Zhen made up his mind, turned his head to look at Huo Te, and signaled him to go and handle it.

"Okay, I'll go buy it right away."

At this moment, Huot waved decisively at the staff without any hesitation.

"See, I want all of this piece of land."

The staff member nodded quickly, glanced secretly at the Iceman servant, and at the same time pondered secretly in his heart.

It was very rare for an iceman servant to pick land, at least it was the first time he had seen it.

In the hall at the moment, it is estimated that there will be many monks secretly paying attention to this matter.

If the Iceman's servant regained his memory, then there must be a big problem with the place he chose.

A series of mental power scans came and landed on the Iceman servant, trying to find out his specific situation.


At this moment, Tang Zhen snorted coldly.

The consciousness of those unscrupulous explorations was all bounced back, and at the same time suffered serious trauma.

A series of screams came, and many monks vomited blood on the spot and fell into a coma.

The sudden change shocked the onlookers around, and looked at Tang Zhen with more fear.

For those who were injured, there was no one to help them out at this moment, so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

After all, their behavior is provocative and illegal. Since their strength is not as good as others, they should knock out their teeth and swallow their blood.

With this little episode, no monk dared to investigate again, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

But for Tang Zhen and his group, they have secretly paid attention to it, and plan to investigate it later.

The land chosen by the Iceman's servant was bought by Holt, and at the same time he ordered a rune chain.

This special rune chain is a magic weapon refined by the monk alliance, and it is specially sold to Xingdao who enters the frozen planet to hunt for treasure.

Of course it's not free, but you need to pay.

Many Xing Tao expressed indignation at this behavior of the monk alliance, but there was nothing they could do.

The monk alliance is the largest monk group in Nebula Sea, with many senior monks.

At the same time, it was they who dispatched masters, who spent a lot of effort to lead the wandering frozen planet into the Nebula Sea.

The Monks Alliance declared to the outside world that it wanted to recover the huge cost of the initial investment, so it was justifiable when charging.

After obtaining the rune chain, some monks kept coming forward, asking for employment from their own families.

These monks who took the initiative to contact were all loose cultivators and small sects. Since they did not have Xingdao, they could only obtain admission qualifications through certain methods.

Holt once said that there are monks seeking Xingdao to be affiliated to, referring to these guys in front of him.

Because of the lack of numbers, Huot agreed to their appointment, which made these casual monks and monks from small sects extremely excited.

Although the second method exists, it is very difficult to succeed, and few Xingdao would pay attention to these casual cultivators and small sects.

They are looking for opportunities here, but most of the time, they will be directly rejected by the major star islands.

There are many casual cultivators and small sects who choose to give up in disappointment, but there are still some who are still persisting, hoping to have a chance to appear.

Just today, the opportunity finally came, and it was still in the camp of a strong man.

They could see clearly from the side that many of the monks injured by Tang Zhen were masters from the major star islands.

But such a strong man is not the enemy of Tang Zhen's one move, which shows how strong his strength is.

Following such a strong person, there is no need to worry about being bullied, because no one dares to provoke easily.

After completing the procurement of materials, Huot got a sign that recorded information about the purchased land.

At the same time, on the planet model, there is an extra red mark, indicating that this piece of land has already been owned.

Then everyone left the hall together, left the monk alliance, and returned to their star island.

There were only three or two people when they came, but it was a large group when they returned, the total number of people added up to four or five thousand.

These are casual cultivators who have just taken refuge, as well as monks from small sects. They have always stayed here, and now they finally have the opportunity to leave.

It's not that you leave in despair, but that you get what you want.

Not long after, Xingdao moved again and started heading towards the frozen planet.

The distance from the frozen planet is not too far, and it took half a day to arrive. We chose an open area to park on Star Island.

There are also star islands moored nearby, separated by a long distance.

After Xingdao stabilized, a rune chain flew out, heading straight for the huge frozen planet ahead.

This chain of runes extended infinitely, directly into the frozen planet, and pierced into the cold ice.

The moment the rune chain pierced the planet, it became tense in an instant, becoming a bridge between the star island and the frozen planet.

At this moment, Xingdao quickly became fixed and became the anchor pulling the frozen planet.

With these tens of thousands of anchors, the frozen planet will not run around in the star sea, and stay in a fixed place obediently.

The monks on Star Island can now directly enter the frozen planet through the rune chain.

This is a direct passage, which can travel between the frozen planet and Xingdao at the fastest speed.

It is not only a kind of traction cableway, but also a variant version of the teleportation array, which looks rather magical.

In addition, there are special forces on the frozen planet, which are not suitable for the landing and landing of ships.

There was once a guy who didn't believe in evil and forcibly drove a ship into the frozen planet, but was inexplicably frozen into a lump of ice.

Using rune chains is obviously a better choice, safe and fast.

I saw one after another figures shrouded in light, moving quickly along the rune chains, heading straight for the huge frozen planet.

Tang Zhen, Huo Te and other monks were all among them, leaving only a few monks stationed on Xingdao.

The surface of the frozen planet looked peaceful, but it was discovered after entering that it was actually completely different from what it looked like on the outside.

This planet is extremely cold, with a terrible cold wind blowing, and the low temperature is below [-] degrees in ordinary areas.

If it encounters a special area, it can even exceed the limit of coldness and reach an incredible degree of coldness.

It is not an easy task to hunt for treasure on such a desperate planet, and if you are not careful, you will be frozen into a popsicle.

There is nothing on the ground, and it is necessary to penetrate the ice sheet at a depth of [-] meters before we can really start exploring.

The process of digging the passage is also not easy, and it must be done day and night.

At the same time, the rune circle must be operated to ensure sufficient temperature to prevent the excavators from being frozen into lumps of ice by the terrifying cold air.

Around the connected rune chains, figures appeared one after another. It was Tang Zhen and others who had entered the frozen planet.

When the monks landed, scorching fireballs quickly surrounded them.

Because of the existence of the fireball, the temperature began to rise rapidly and gradually returned to normal.

"Okay, let's do it now!"

Huot greeted, and saw thousands of monks working at the same time, shaving the ice and flying it around.

On the extremely hard ice sheet, an ice hole soon appeared, and it extended all the way down.

While cleaning, holes were also dug around the ice cave, and hot spars were put in there.

These crystals originated from the depths of the lava, exuding scorching heat all the time, and they were also materials purchased from the monk alliance.

Although the speed of the cultivators was very fast, they were nothing compared to this vast ice cap.

"According to the current speed, it only takes about ten days to break through the ice cap and enter the ground!"

Holt watched the ice hole deepen with a look of joy on his face.

"No need to be so troublesome, let everyone come up."

Tang Zhen shook his head slightly, he didn't want to waste time, but he also didn't want to show too much the means of the gods.

"Everyone listen to the order and step aside immediately!"

Hearing Holt's order, the monks evacuated from the ice cave and looked over with puzzled faces.

They couldn't figure out what happened and why did they stop digging?
At this moment, Tang Zhen stretched out his hand to grab it, and a huge rune puck was condensed into one.

"Go to me!"

Tang Zhen just flicked it casually, and the rune ice ball smashed into the ice hole, directly piercing through the tens of thousands of meters of ice cap.

(End of this chapter)

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