Chapter 3163

This not-so-salty reminder surprised the Alliance monks.

Some monks who were greedy in their hearts immediately put away their thoughts that they shouldn't have, so as not to bring disaster to themselves.

Outsiders don't know that the monk alliance hides a big secret.

Every high-level monk in the alliance has signed a secret contract, not allowed to participate in the matter of the frozen planet.

Even under the [-]-meter ice cap, there are golden mountains and silver seas hidden, and you must never get your hands on it.

The secret contract is extremely magical, involving the power of rules, and no monk can defy it.

Not only can you not make profits from the frozen planet, but you must be careful when trying to order outsiders to participate or disclose information.

If you are not careful, you will be punished.

There used to be alliance monks who were burned to ashes by flames in public because they revealed important information in private.

Several other participants also had skin ulcers and rotten flesh, which eventually turned into a puddle of pus and blood.

A powerful monk is helpless in the face of the punishment of the contract, which is tantamount to sounding the alarm.

After this incident, the monks of the alliance became more and more aware that the frozen planet hides a big secret.

No one knows exactly what the secret is, and no one dares to investigate and explore.

The outside world didn't know about this, so they questioned the rules of the alliance. They didn't know that this was the real reason.

Thousands of Xingdao cultivators were killed and their bodies were hung on the ice field. This is definitely not a trivial matter.

If it is not handled properly, it is likely to cause great changes.

"This matter must be dealt with. Once it becomes a big problem, it will definitely cause endless troubles!"

Some alliance monks suggested that they must intervene, and there must be no mercy.

Dozens of star islands were involved in the matter, so we must deal with it carefully, so as not to become the source of disaster.

"This matter is actually easy to handle, as long as the group of treasure hunters are responsible and bear the corresponding losses.

If necessary, you can also use the method of thunder, so that it can be done once and for all! "

Another alliance monk made a suggestion, but they wanted to take a shortcut and solve this matter simply and neatly.

As for the cause of the matter, who is more reasonable, but there is no need to think too much about it.

The surrounding cultivators could understand that the other party was obviously planning to take Huot and his group to appease the anger of dozens of star islands.

Some monks nodded in agreement, and some monks sneered.

"Handle things as you want, without getting involved in personal grievances. Could it be that some people can ignore right and wrong if they have good relations with a few of the star islands?"

Where there are monks, there are fights, and the alliance is not monolithic. Some monks have just proposed to use Holt for surgery, and some monks have spoken out against it.

"Don't think that Holt and his gang are easy to bully, if you really think so, it can only be said that they have no brains.

Not to mention that up to now, I still haven't figured out the secret of Holt, and what organization is involved.

Just talking about the thousands of Xingdao monks who were killed, there are many monks who are not weaker than you and me, but they are still hanged in the ice field after being beheaded.

Without strong strength, the opponent can do this? "

All the monks nodded, secretly thinking that this is indeed the case.

To be able to kill thousands of monks in one battle without any movement before that, such strength is indeed appalling.

The more the alliance monks thought about it, the more frightened they felt, feeling that the background of Huot and his gang was unfathomable.

In the past, some people thought about trying to overwhelm others or even wipe out the roots, but thinking about it now is very ridiculous.

If Hult and his gang were really angered, a fight would be inevitable, and the monk alliance would suffer losses.

Some alliance monks were not convinced, and retorted in a cold voice: "Even if you are relying on the back, dare to fight against the monk alliance, it really is life and death!"

The monk alliance dared to let go of its authority and let the major star islands participate in the development, so it naturally has the confidence to control the overall situation.

If there is a real fight, no star island will be an opponent of the monk alliance.

"Although the strength of the alliance is strong, it must not be abused, and it is even more impossible to use it to avenge private revenge and serve some people's selfish desires.

If things are done unfairly and war breaks out and you suffer losses, who of you would dare to take responsibility?

If you want to deal with this matter, it is best to be fair and just, so that no one can find fault.

Or stay out of the matter and let the two parties involved resolve it privately.

We only need to monitor secretly, control the incident within a certain range, and prevent it from spreading on a large scale. "

The monks of the alliance continued to discuss, but there was no clear solution, but the high-level alliance suddenly issued an order.

There is no need to pay attention to this matter for the time being, and let Xing Tao, who is involved in this matter, resolve it privately. The alliance only needs to monitor it secretly and appear on the stage to deal with it at an appropriate time.

Many alliance monks did not understand the high-level decision, but the discussion ended there.

This is a high-level decision, and no one dares to question it, otherwise, wouldn't it be asking for trouble?


Just when the monk alliance made a decision and chose to stand by and watch, the dozens of star islands involved were in chaos.

Knowing the news of Brother Xingdao's death, they were all shocked and unbelievable.

The purpose of the whereabouts of thousands of monks, Xingdao high-level clear, because they are behind the scenes.

I thought I would gain something, but I didn't want to suffer such a loss. I was caught off guard.

The loss of more than a hundred monks per star island may not sound like a lot, but it requires a lot of resources.

Now that they are beheaded, how can these Xingdao let them go?
Contacting each other, knowing that all had suffered heavy losses, these star island masters became shocked and angry.

What was surprising was that Huot's group was abnormally powerful, and they were able to kill thousands of monks, which was obviously not as simple as the information described.

What made him angry was that the other party went so far, beheading thousands of them, leaving no way out.

These Xing Tao acted with double standards, only thinking of suffering losses, but forgot that their previous actions were also killing them all.

Now that something has happened, it must not be indifferent, and there must be an explanation anyway.

Otherwise, after the news spread, Xing Tao, who did not seek explanations for his subordinates who died in battle, would inevitably be ridiculed by other monks.

After discussing dozens of star islands, they jointly dispatched master monks to go straight to the territory where Huot and his gang were located.

In view of the fact that thousands of monks were killed before, the major Qingdaos have raised their vigilance and sent more masters this time.

During the march, dozens of monks from Qingdao kept gathering, and the size of the team became bigger and bigger.

When the team was assembled, the total number of people had exceeded [-], and they were marching in a mighty manner.

Along the way, passing through the sites of other star islands attracted the attention of those treasure hunters, all of whom chose to follow out of curiosity.

When they arrived at Hult's site, there were more than [-] people in the team, and more than half of them were watching the fun.

Seeing the broken corpses hanging around the ice cave, the monks were shocked, and the monks on dozens of star islands were even more furious.

"These bastards are simply deceiving!"

The big Xingdao monks were furious, and immediately rushed to the ice cave, ready to avenge their dead accomplices.

The onlookers also found it inconceivable, they didn't expect Huot and his group of treasure hunters to be so decisive in their actions.

Killing and hanging corpses, this is a real provocation, do you really have the confidence to deal with all revenge?
While thinking in his heart, he saw hundreds of figures flying out of the ice cave, heading straight to the monks on the star islands to kill them.

After seeing the appearance of these monks, the spectators immediately became dumbfounded, more shocked than seeing the hanging corpses of the monks.

(End of this chapter)

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