I have a city in another world

Chapter 3177 Active Exploration

Chapter 3177 Active Exploration
The declaration of war by the Monk Alliance only made the major star islands nervous, but had no impact on the frozen planet.

The area occupied by the indigenous monks is still a restricted area, and the area is constantly expanding.

Although there was no one on the ice cap, none of the Xingdao monks dared to approach them, for fear of being caught by the native monks and killed.

On the former battlefield, the broken corpses that can be seen from time to time are enough to make the Xingdao monks flinch.

The attitude of the monks' alliance is also confusing.

Obviously surrounded the frozen planet, but did not take any further actions, but chose to encircle rather than attack.

Such an abnormal behavior makes people feel very uncomfortable, as if they have exhausted their strength but cannot punch out their fists.

Most of the Xingdao monks are very confused. They don't understand what the monks' alliance is doing?
Only a small number of monks can understand what is going on, and know that the monk alliance is not ready.

In other words, the war at the level of gods is not yet sure of victory, so it has been delayed for a long time.

However, such a posture is enough to prove the confidence of the monk alliance, and it will never be afraid of fighting.

Choosing to encircle the frozen planet is to prevent the frozen monks from escaping, and to kill the grass and roots.

The more extreme the monk alliance did, the more intense the resistance it would encounter.

The Xingdao monks knew very well that they must not act rashly at this time, lest the native monks be irritated.

After all, when a mad dog bites someone, it will never let go easily.

Just at this time, the monk alliance issued an order again, encouraging the monks of Xingdao to enter the frozen planet.

Hunting and killing the frozen monks and harvesting important information can all be rewarded with generous military exploits.

Although the task had been released, no cultivator from Xingdao accepted it. Everyone knew the hidden danger of this task.

The purpose of the monk alliance is obviously to let monk Xingdao act as a pathfinder to test the reality and position of the indigenous monks.

Such an approach is not despicable, after all, there are generous rewards, and no Xing Tao is forced to accept it.

If you are confident in your own strength and want to get this reward, you can try to enter the frozen planet.

Seeking wealth and wealth is the way it is.

It turned out that because of the ice cover, even the powerful monk alliance couldn't figure out the specific situation of the indigenous monks.

No one knows what it looks like under the ice sheet today, and are all the aboriginal monks here?
The alliance of monks launched an attack, but no trace of the native monks could be found. That would be the real embarrassment.

Therefore, the acquisition of information is actually very important.

The area of ​​the frozen planet is so large, if the frozen monks hide in any place, it is enough for the monk alliance to search for a long time.

This is also the main reason why the monk alliance has sealed off the frozen planet but has not launched an attack easily.

The alliance of monks has ulterior motives, hoping that the frozen monks can't hold back, show up and attack on their own initiative.

As long as the lair of the frozen monk is locked, the monk alliance will dare to attack, and will never leave the opponent a chance to breathe.

It's a pity that until now, the frozen monk has never shown up. Obviously, the other party is aware of the danger and hides under the ice cap and refuses to come out.

Therefore, a strange situation appeared. The monk alliance had declared war, but there was no order to attack.

The Xingdao cultivators who accepted the task are now depressed and bored, but they have nothing to do.

Originally, they were counting on fighting to earn military exploits, but judging by the current situation, this war might last for a long time.

However, the secret realm at the Alliance Headquarters made the Star Island controllers scratch their heads, and dreamed of experiencing it again.

But without enough military exploits, it is impossible for the monk alliance to let them enter, and now there is only one way to obtain military exploits.

That is to take risks and enter the frozen planet.

After confirming this point, the controllers of the major star islands cursed in their hearts, the monk alliance is really nothing, and they deliberately dug a hole for them to jump in.

It is not as easy as imagined to obtain military exploits, and the good thing about falling from the sky is not at all his turn.

In order to obtain sufficient benefits, corresponding risks must be taken.

Once you have figured this out, there is no need to hesitate.

Quite a few monks from Xingdao accepted this investigation task and entered the frozen planet collectively.

They drove the battleship, explored above the ice cap, and gradually approached the area where the Wuji Sect was located.

The scene of the original battle still remains today, making people look shocking.

Especially the severed palm of the god made the monks of Xingdao even more frightened, confirming that this war was by no means as simple as imagined.

Inspections above the ice cap are actually not very meaningful, because the real secrets are all under the ice cap.

But the problem is that once you follow the ice cave and enter under the ice cap, you will be out of everyone's sight.

Once in danger, there will be no rescue at all, and it is very likely that there will be no return.

Of course, the sacrifice is not meaningless, at least it can let the monk alliance know that there is a hidden danger in this area.

Locking on the ice cave and launching an attack may cause heavy damage to the frozen monk.

This kind of practice of sacrificing oneself to help others is not worth it, and no one may appreciate it.

The Xingdao monk who accepted the task stayed on the periphery of the deep ice cave, hesitating whether to enter it.

At this moment, there were countless pairs of eyes watching them from outside the sky, which made the Xingdao cultivators on the ice cap extremely stressed.

If he hesitated all the time, he would be looked down upon and ridiculed by other Xingdao monks.

Without waiting for long, the Xingdao monks started to act.

They selected more than a hundred monks, manipulated the small aircraft, and directly entered the lowest part of the ice cave.

It can be said that these more than a hundred monks are definitely true brave men.

The fellow Xingdao monks were all waiting in the outer area of ​​the ice cave, ready to meet their companions.

Sending a small number of monks to investigate is obviously out of safety considerations, to avoid being wiped out by a wave of groups when encountering danger.

This approach can be said to be very correct.

When carrying out the task, even though he already had the idea of ​​no return, it didn't mean that he had to die.

But how did they know that there are some alliance star islands in the sky, which have secretly locked the location of the monks.

Once an accident occurs, these alliance star islands will immediately launch an attack, completely destroying a radius of dozens of kilometers.

Whether it is the Xingdao cultivator or the Frozen cultivator, they are all bound to die.

This is the behavior style of the monk alliance. They don't take the safety of monk Xingdao seriously at all, but treat it as cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at any time.

Time passed slowly, and the monks who had entered the freeze earlier showed no signs of returning.

Brother Xingdao, who was in charge of responding, showed a hint of anxiety on his face, for fear that his companions would really be in danger.

The alliance cultivators who were watching from the air showed joyful expressions.

If it can be confirmed that there is indeed a frozen monk under this ice cave, then it will definitely be a surprise.

The same is true for other Xingdao monks.

They can't wait long ago, hoping that the war will start quickly, so as to get the opportunity to gain military exploits.

After a while, there was finally movement under the ice cave.

The Xingdao cultivator who had entered the bottom earlier returned without any damage at all.

Seeing Brother Xingdao going back and forth, there was a sigh of disappointment in the hearts of countless onlookers.

...how good it would be if they were dead...

(End of this chapter)

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