I have a city in another world

Chapter 3194 1 against 7!

Chapter 3194 One vs. Seven!

Today's frozen planet is a super melting pot that can smelt everything in the world.

It's just that there is no heat in this furnace at all, but it is extremely cold.

Even the monks couldn't resist the roiling extremely cold air, and avoided it for fear of being too late.

One after another, the extremely mysterious runes, like dexterous fish, are jumping and jumping in the sea of ​​huge waves made up of cold air.

It didn't take long for the ice cap of the entire frozen planet to turn into billowing cold air.

The extremely cold air turned into a liquid state, surging and converging into an ocean, and terrifying huge waves continued continuously.

If someone falls into it, they will definitely die without life.

Everything that was once frozen is looming with the surge of cold air, which makes people feel frightened.

Thawing does not mean rebirth, but the coming of real death.

The fragile things were completely torn to pieces under the cold current, and there was no trace left.

Everything on the frozen planet has completely become history, and it has truly been wiped out.

The seven gods in the starry sky control the operation of the Supreme God Formation, and they feel that they are already sure.

"If you haven't come out yet, then continue refining!"

The guarding god snorted coldly, as if he was a bit unwilling.

He has already made up his mind, and today he will avenge his original revenge, and completely refine and kill Tang Zhen!

Now that the seven gods are gathering together, their strength is extremely powerful, and Tang Zhen is definitely no match.

"The gods hiding here are likely to have slipped through the net in the original plan, and the kingdom of God that was opened up may also be in it.

If the other party hides in the Kingdom of God and refuses to come out, what should I do? "

The guarding god spoke again, fearing that something similar would happen, he hurriedly reminded his accomplices.

"The power of the Divine Formation is unquestionable, even if the opponent hides in the Kingdom of God, it will still be refined into scum!"

Another god replied, his tone full of confidence, as if he had thought of this possibility long ago.

"Sure enough, it's better of course!"

After guarding the gods until this moment, he was finally relieved and showed a ferocious smile.

"In that case, I want to see if that bastard still dares to be arrogant?"

The spirit of guarding the gods spread wantonly on the frozen planet, which was obviously intended to stimulate Tang Zhen on purpose.

He didn't want to just refine Tang Zhen like this, but he hoped that he could personally kill the hated enemy on the spot.

"You son of a bitch, dare to come out and fight, and see if I don't tear you to pieces!"

The guarding god kept clamoring, and his posture was extremely arrogant.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, plain but indifferent.

"You idiot, you really don't know how to live or die!"

At the same time as the voice sounded, Tang Zhen's figure appeared, and he turned into a giant in an instant.

The billowing cold air quickly condensed, turning into armor covering his body, and then condensing into a giant spear.

Mobilize the essence of the god, attach it to the spear, and instantly turn it into a weapon that slaughters the god.

"Go to hell!"

Tang Zhen let out a low growl, and the spear transformed from the cold air flew out, heading straight for the guarding god.

This attack was so fast that the guarding god couldn't dodge it in time, and was directly pierced through the body by the ice spear.

"Ah... asshole!"

The divine power contained in this blow pierced the guarding god's body through a big hole, which can definitely be regarded as a fatal blow.

"How is this going?"

The guarding gods almost collapsed. Didn't expect that he was still seriously injured by Tang Zhen when the seven gods formed an array?
Not only is it embarrassing, it may even cost your life.

The other six gods were taken aback. They never imagined that such a thing would happen.

It was obvious that they formed a god formation and tried to kill Tang Zhen, but the result was that their companions were severely injured.

Such a thing cannot be tolerated!


A god screamed furiously, and at the same time drove the billowing cold air, turning into giant dragons.

With a long howl, the shape-changing dragon swept towards Tang Zhen, trying to tear him into pieces.

There are also gods who took the opportunity to make a move and released a turbid current, all of which were formed by the gathering of chaotic rules.

It's like a jamming bomb, if you are entangled by this kind of thing, the spells of the gods will be completely ineffective.

In a life-and-death battle, even a momentary mistake is enough to cause a fatal threat.

The means of the native gods are very insidious, but as long as they are effective, they can be used to their fullest.

You can do anything to your enemies.

There are also four other indigenous gods, who are trying to kill Tang Zhen at this moment, and at the same time they are also protecting the guarding gods.

Faced with attacks from all directions, Tang Zhen seemed unable to resolve them at all, and his huge body collapsed in an instant.

"What's going on, it's so vulnerable?"

Thoughts like this kept rising in the minds of the gods, but their expressions changed in an instant.

It turned out that Tang Zhen's body was re-condensed again, but this time it appeared behind the guarding god.

A giant golden long sword slid across the starry sky in an instant, slashing at the guarding god.

"I told you once, I will cut off your hand once, and cut off your head again!"

"Now, die to me!"

The voice has not yet fallen, and the head of the guarding god has already landed.

The eyes of his whole body were shining in disbelief, and he couldn't believe that he would be beheaded.


At this moment, the guarding god was full of collapse and frenzy, and only wanted to escape as soon as possible to save his life.

Although the body has been separated, it does not mean that it is really dead, and it is still resurrected by means of the gods.

But his opponent is Tang Zhen, a real strong man from the Loucheng world who has killed many gods.

Even in the face of the formation of the Seven Gods, he still took the initiative to attack, just because he was confident that he could kill the enemy directly.

When you meet the strong, you will be strong. No matter how many enemies there are, you are still fearless.

Just as the guarding gods were trying to escape and the other six gods were covering for rescue, Tang Zhen had already attacked again.

But in an instant, the head guarding the gods was brought into Tang Zhen's mind.


The guarding god, who still had consciousness, let out a desperate scream, and it was silent in an instant.

The huge, headless corpse lay on its back in the starry sky, its vicious eyes were completely closed.

However, in the blink of an eye, the guarding god who hated Tang Zhen the most was beheaded by him with his sword.

The other six gods were extremely frightened and angry at this moment.

The purpose of their return is to support their companions, and then behead Tang Zhen, the enemy.

But they didn't expect that Tang Zhen's strength was far beyond their imagination, and it was not comparable to the guardian gods.

Even if it is one against six, it still does not lose the wind.

Not long after the two sides fought, another indigenous god screamed and was split in half by Tang Zhen.

Among the seven indigenous gods, the strongest one is only a six-star general, far inferior to Tang Zhen.

But the opponent has a numerical advantage, and has formed a rune array to enhance combat effectiveness, even Tang Zhen has to deal with it carefully.

After beheading the guarding god, the original threat was immediately resolved, and Tang Zhen felt as if he had entered a land of no one.

After all, Tang Zhen at this time was only one step away from being promoted to the Nine-Star God General.

Sensing Tang Zhen's true strength, the six frightened and angry native gods suddenly felt inexplicable panic.

The original strong confidence also disappeared at this moment.

However, Tang Zhen became extremely brave. At this moment, the methods of the top-level god monks were continuously deployed.

It's like a well-trained elite soldier fighting against six bandits in the mountains. Although it seems dangerous, in fact they are sure to win.

Not long after, another native god screamed and was split in half by Tang Zhen.

"Not good, quickly retreat!"

The seven gods teamed up to deal with Tang Zhen, but he cut them down one after another, which made the native gods feel terrified.

If you continue to fight, you will definitely not win, but you will be killed!
This is the battle of the gods, there is no fatigue, no flaws, only a direct collision of levels and strengths.

The rule is that the strong prosper, the weak perish, there is no luck.

Facts have proved that the seven gods together are not Tang Zhen's opponent at all.

(End of this chapter)

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