I have a city in another world

Chapter 3202 Tuo Yuheng's Surprise

Chapter 3202 Tuo Yuheng's Surprise
Tuo Yuheng's heart was filled with gratitude to Tang Zhen.

If it wasn't for Tang Zhen's help, he would have died in the extreme northern ice field today, and there was no possibility of escaping.

Such a life-saving grace must be repaid, otherwise, I will feel uneasy.

Just recalling this action, Tuo Yuheng inevitably sighed with emotion.

Although he saved his life, the loss of those pseudo-god monks still made him feel extremely heartbroken.

Although it is true that there is a reason for the incident, but returning to the Ice God Court, it is inevitable to have some tongues.

Since it belongs to the organization, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts of interest, and the same is true for the monks of the gods.

If you think that the gods have no desires or demands, and ignore everything, that is definitely the answer that mortals imagined.

It's not rocks and soil, there are always desires and needs.

The real gods are nothing but evolutionaries with super strength, beyond the level of ordinary life.

Cultivation is a cruel competition, and the higher the level, the more cruel it is. In such an environment, how can the gods have no desires and no desires?

If that was the case, why did Tang Zhen run around?

Perhaps in the exclusive kingdom of God, such a situation can occur, after all, everything belongs to oneself.

But in the real world, it is simply impossible.

For example, in the Gulan God Realm, there are many gods, and the fighting has never stopped.

This is all caused by desire, because becoming a god is not the end, and the road ahead is still long.

Unless you are willing to hide in the Kingdom of God like a tortoise and refuse to show up, then maybe you can live longer.

But such a god can never improve his strength, he can only become the weakest existence.

What's more, becoming a god does not mean eternal life.

Gods belonging to different planes and races have different life spans.

After being promoted to a god, some gods have a lifespan of 10,000+ years or even tens of thousands of years, while others have a lifespan of only ten thousand years.

The gods always have all kinds of means to try to prolong their lifespan, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

But if you always squat in the Kingdom of God and refuse to go out, there will always be times when you are at your wits end.

The maintenance of the kingdom of God requires the origin of the gods, and the same is true for the survival of the gods. With such a huge consumption, it is absolutely impossible to have a state of balance.

As long as it is hidden in the Kingdom of God, there will be a deficit in the expenditure of the source of the gods. Only with enough source of spiritual treasures can such a crisis be alleviated.

But it still doesn't help much to improve the strength.

Just because the stronger the strength, the more the source of God is needed, it is purely a bottomless pit.

If the gods want to survive, they can only leave the Kingdom of God and find ways to improve their strength.

Tuo Yuheng is a low-ranking general, his strength is only one star, and now he is working hard to be promoted to two stars.

If it wasn't for this reason, he would not have accepted the mission and went to the extreme arctic ice field to hunt and kill the primitive gods.

It's just the loss of the pseudo-god cultivator, which makes the possible rewards come to naught, and it is inevitable that I will feel aggrieved and depressed.

As if he had seen through Tuo Yuheng's thoughts, Tang Zhen remained calm and just waved his hand lightly.

Dozens of figures appeared in front of me out of thin air. They were those lost pseudo-god monks.

Originally there were more than a hundred people, but after a series of battle losses, now less than half of them are left.

But even so, Tuo Yuheng was still overjoyed and extremely excited.

I originally thought that I would be busy in vain and even be punished, but now it seems that this is not the case.

No one can snatch the credit that belongs to you.

Tuo Yuheng thought of this, and looked at Tang Zhen again, his eyes were full of gratitude.

"I met them on the way, and brought them back without much effort.

It's just a pity that many monks couldn't be rescued in time, and there was no way to bring them back intact. "

When Tang Zhen said this, he showed a regretful expression.

"Your Excellency has done his best and helped me a lot, so why blame yourself so much!
Besides, these pseudo-god monks all have the secret technique of resurrection. Although their cultivation base will be damaged by this, there is no way to do it. "

Tuo Yuheng quickly explained, feeling very sorry.

Tang Zhen nodded. He naturally knew this kind of secret technique, but he didn't really admire it.

The higher the strength, the more you can understand that this method has many disadvantages, and the resurrection is not the real body.

Although there is no slight difference, the person who came back from the dead can never be the original one.

Of course, this kind of situation refers to the kind where the soul is completely destroyed. If the soul is still alive and revived, there is no need to worry about such problems.

No one except Tang Zhen knew that the damage to the pseudo-god cultivators was very small, and they were basically rescued by Tang Zhen.

During their escape, Tang Zhen followed them all the way and completed the rescue effortlessly.

In the kingdom of mind, some were detained by Tang Zhen, and only half of them were released.

The purpose of leaving them is naturally to find out more news, and they are the best source of information.

Because of the shielding of the kingdom of God in their minds, these pseudo-god monks will be judged as fallen, and then they will be resurrected through special means.

Because the two parties are generally the same, the rules can only allow one to exist. When both parties exist together, one will be directly obliterated by the rules.

It is also possible to use this method to determine whether a monk has fallen, and if he does not fall, he cannot be successfully resurrected.

These pseudo-god monks from Gulan God Realm are only one step away from becoming gods, so they can be regarded as real powerhouses.

But it is this step, which is harder than ordinary people ascending to the sky, and far more difficult than the promotion of ordinary monks.

The pseudo-god cultivator was detained by Tang Zhen, so naturally there was no possibility of leaving, at least it would not be discovered by familiar cultivators.

Tang Zhen picked up a bargain. If these pseudo-god monks want to be cultivated, they will inevitably consume a lot of resources.

Now as long as Tang Zhen is willing, he can promote the pseudo-god cultivator to become a god at any time and become a member of his own god system.

It's just that it will increase the consumption of the essence of God and affect Tang Zhen's strength promotion.

Among the monks in Stone Demon City, there are also existences close to false gods, but Tang Zhen remains indifferent.

There is no need to be too hasty, after you are promoted to God King, you will definitely not worry that no one is available.

If you can't be promoted to the god king, even if you open up your own god system and cultivate your own lower gods, it doesn't make much sense at all.

During the conversation between the two sides, dozens of pseudo-god monks came to their senses and quickly saluted Tang Zhen to thank them.

Faced with the pursuit and interception of transformed monsters, and even the pursuit and killing of primitive gods, the monks of false gods are helpless.

The situation is extremely dangerous, there is almost no vitality, and there is a possibility of falling at any time.

Just when the pseudo-god monks were desperate, Tang Zhen descended from the sky, first helping them repel the enemy, and then successfully escaped from the battlefield.

Thinking of this, the pseudo-god cultivator looked at Tang Zhen with a sense of awe in his eyes.

Doing the impossible is a manifestation of one's own strength.

Dozens of monks who were in crisis were all rescued by Tang Zhen. How many of them could do it?

A pseudo-god cultivator once witnessed the scene of Tang Zhen fighting the primitive gods, and the shock in his heart still did not subside.

The extremely powerful primitive god couldn't survive a few moves in Tang Zhen's hands, so he was beaten away or killed directly.

The most shocking scene is Tang Zhen carrying the Icefield Overlord.

The pseudo-god monks couldn't believe it, someone actually resisted the attack of the overlord of the ice field and successfully took away a group of mortal pseudo-god monks.

The more I recalled the scene at that time, the more excited the pseudo-god monks became.

As long as the strength is strong enough, even the overlord of the ice field dares to challenge it!
"Now that we are out of danger, let's return to the Ice God Court and then deliver the task up."

Tuo Yuheng issued an order and extended an invitation to Tang Zhen.

"If you have nothing to do, please leave with me for the time being and go to the Ice God Court together.

When the matter is settled, I will definitely thank you very much, and please don't delay! "

Tang Zhen smiled lightly when he heard the words, and nodded slightly at the same time.

"That's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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