I have a city in another world

Chapter 3211 To Chaos Sea

Chapter 3211 To Chaos Sea

Before I knew it, several years had passed.

During this rest period, Tang Zhen has been quietly collecting information, but there is no news related to Xingyun Sea God at all.

No one knows at all, where did the other party go?
Even if the task was issued and the organization that specialized in tracing people searched around, there was still no news.

Such a situation is also expected.

It is actually a very normal thing for the gods to come and go without a trace, and it is not known by outsiders.

According to Tang Zhen's guess, the other party is likely to be hiding in the depths of the Chaos Sea and has a secret territory.

Now he is hiding in a secret base, and he will never come out at ordinary times.

After all, in the last war, the opponent suffered a lot of losses, and it would not take hundreds of years to recover.

If the other party already knew that the Bingdiao Shenting was investigating and chasing them, the possibility of this happening was even slimmer.

If you want to find these guys, you must rely on luck, and you must not be in a hurry.

Tang Zhen was really not in a hurry, he was just studying the refining circle on weekdays.

After continuous collection, Tang Zhen has acquired many famous magic circles, and they are constantly improving and upgrading.

Even by chance, he got a broken top-level magic circle and paid a very high price.

Although the cost was huge, Tang Zhen did not hesitate when negotiating the deal.

Whether you are in business or spiritual practice, it is all the same principle, don't expect to gain without giving.

In just a few years, Tang Zhen invested a lot of crystallization of rules, and the benefits he reaped will definitely shock you.

No one except Tang Zhen knows the level of the design of the refining circle.

After feeling almost the same, Tang Zhen stopped the research and design, and started to implement the next plan.

The store will continue to operate and will not be closed easily, after all, it already has a big enough reputation.

Not only must it operate normally, but it must also gradually expand its scale and expand its business to other continents controlled by Shenting.

At that time, with the help of the framework of the store, it will also become easy to do other things.

Such as collecting information, recruiting monks, or selling refining circles.

Tang Zhen imparted the skills he had mastered to the servants of the gods without hesitation, and a group of formation masters were born.

As the saying goes, a famous teacher produces a good apprentice, and some servants of the gods have the talent of formation masters. Coupled with Tang Zhen's unreserved teaching, they soon possessed superb skills.

There is still a long way to go to become a top formation mage, but it is easy to be rated as a famous master.

Naturally, such a large number of formation masters cannot be wasted in vain, and they must make money for themselves.

Tang Zhen's shop has expanded its business scope, and now it not only exchanges famous magic circles, but also sells and accepts customized famous magic circles.

It's just that the famous magic circles in Tang Zhen's shop are not officially certified, so they will suffer a little in terms of price.

The certification of a master of formation requires the verification of the god himself, and all information must be recorded on the record.

However, there are some formation masters who are unwilling to be subject to such constraints, and also refuse to accept the audit and certification.

Their works are at the level of masters, but there is no mark of master certification, and it is impossible to judge the level by appearance alone.

It must be a knowledgeable person who can only confirm it after seeing it for himself.

Although there is no certification, the quality of the work is there, and those who know how to do it can tell it at a glance.

Moreover, compared to certified masters, the works of these unregistered formation masters are obviously much cheaper.

This kind of refining magic circle, as long as it is sold, it will be snatched away, because it is cheap and affordable.

Because it specializes in selling this type of magic circle, Tang Zhen's shop is completely famous, and is regarded as a conscientious business by countless monks.

Whenever the store has stock, the monks will come to compete for the auction, and the scene is extremely lively.

Although because of this reason, Tang Zhen's shop has received a lot of attention, but no one dared to think anything wrong.

Bingyu Shenting has investigated and found out that Tang Zhen is the owner behind this shop, and it is very likely that he has secretly communicated with a large number of formation masters.

Because of Tang Zhen's status as a god and Tuo Yuheng's favor, no one would touch Tang Zhen at all.

I am also very supportive of Tang Zhen's actions, and hope that he can sell more refining circles, and the Ice God Court will receive more taxes.

Of course, some people doubted that Tang Zhen knew how to refine magic circles, but so what?
It should be noted that up to now, Tang Zhen has not shown his true strength, and no one knows his level at all?
Even if he knew that Tang Zhen was a top-level formation master, there would be no problem. How could it be possible that the Ice God Court lacked a top-level formation master?
Shenting might be able to use means to forcibly imprison some top formation masters, but it didn't work on Tang Zhen.

Bingyu Shenting's attitude is very clear. It is best for Tang Zhen to join Shenting, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't want to join.

As long as you are honest and don't cause trouble.

If Tang Zhen dared to cause trouble and pose a threat to the Bingyu Shenting, they would definitely not be merciful.

Tang Zhen really didn't want to cause trouble. Even though he was confident in his own strength, he was not qualified to challenge a divine court.

When he felt that the time was almost up, Tang Zhen left quietly and went to the sea of ​​chaos that he had studied for a long time.

Tang Zhen was no stranger to such an environment.

He has seen a planet being conceived. In the vast chaotic ocean, the primitive world is slowly forming, just like a baby is being conceived.

Then the rules gradually formed, life began to evolve, and all kinds of accidental and inevitable things happened.

Even in Tang Zhen's mind, the Kingdom of God simulated the evolution of the sea of ​​chaos and the process of opening up the world.

But it was the first time Tang Zhen encountered such a special place as Gulan God Realm, and he had never seen such a vast sea of ​​chaos.

It is only natural that such a special environment breeds worlds of different sizes.

Tang Zhen tried to go to the sea of ​​chaos, which was actually a very dangerous thing.

All kinds of imaginable and unimaginable dangers can appear in the sea of ​​chaos, and almost every kind of danger will kill people.

Wind and thunder, terrifying giant beasts, and strange laws are all common in the sea of ​​​​chaos.

If you want to enter the chaos adventure, you must have enough strength and be prepared to lose your life at any time.

There is a common sense in the Gulan God Realm. Without the power of the gods, it is impossible to ensure that you can return safely from the chaotic adventure.

Although there is such a saying, it is impossible for all explorers to reach the level of gods.

As long as you reach the king level, you are eligible to enter the sea of ​​​​chaos.

But a monk of this level can't survive any catastrophe at all, and entering chaos is entirely based on luck.

Once encountering a huge danger, if there is no strong person to rescue, basically there will be death but no life.

Any such explorers will choose to follow the strong and form a team to explore in the chaos.

If you don't want to face these dangers, then you can honestly rent a piece of land, and quietly change the rules to crystallize.

But the problem is that if you want to obtain this kind of stable income, you must have enough capital investment.

In order to obtain funds for a quick start, many monks can only bite the bullet and enter the chaos to find opportunities.

If you are lucky enough to meet a large rule crystallization, you don’t need to worry about starting capital.

But if you're unlucky, you'll need multiple expeditions to make up enough, and you might lose your life one of them.

Tang Zhen concealed his identity, pretended to be an ordinary monk, and joined an exploration team.

(End of this chapter)

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