I have a city in another world

Chapter 3220 The situation is critical

Chapter 3220 The situation is critical

The exploration team broke through the siege, entered the ground blocked by the enemy, and finally gained temporary safety.

The besieged monks on the ground were all looking forward to it, and opened the protective circle in time.

After the exploration team entered, they quickly closed the protective circle to prevent the enemy from taking the opportunity to enter it.

This protective circle is the last hope of the monks, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

If it weren't for the existence of the protective magic circle, it would be impossible for the monks to persevere until now, and they would have been beheaded by fierce enemies long ago.

Looking at the current situation, it seems not very optimistic.

The operation of the protective magic circle requires sufficient energy support, which is basically an emergency existence.

If the energy cannot be maintained and replenished in time, this kind of protective circle operating at full capacity will not last long at all.

Once destroyed by the enemy, the monk will undoubtedly die.

The place where the monks were defending was an area exclusively for the exploration team to rest, and monks of various races came and went frequently on weekdays.

But today, it has become dilapidated, and there are endless flames emitting black smoke everywhere.

Due to the sudden attack, the monks suffered heavy casualties, and corpses littered the field outside the protective circle.

Those seriously injured monks, even if they sent a distress message, no one dared to rescue them.

Because everyone knows that if you go out, you don't want to return alive, you can only watch them being discovered by the enemy, and then brutally torn to pieces.

Seeing many similar scenes, the monks have become numb.

This sudden catastrophe caused countless monks to fall suddenly, and they died silently one by one.

The Gulan God Realm is fairly stable, and something like this hasn't happened for many years.

If the news of the Seventh Continent being captured spreads out, it will definitely shock the Gulan God Realm.

This group of unknown enemies dared to sneak attack on the chaotic land controlled by the Seven Great God Courts, they were indeed full of courage.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that the enemy is well thought out.

The last site was chosen because it was the farthest from Shenting Continent and also the most difficult area to reach.

Even if there is a fish that slipped through the net, it will take a long time to try to report back.

The seven gods received the news and sent reinforcements to rescue them. There would be no less distance to go.

Just because of the existence of the realm of the gods, it is almost impossible for a fish to slip through the net.

Even if Shenting is aware of the abnormality, it will take at least a month, or even longer.

Such a long time is enough for the enemy to end the war and complete other things.

The entry of Tang Zhen's team was treated like a hero.

The monks are secretly looking for the strong man hidden in the team, he is the real protagonist that everyone is looking forward to.

Because of Tang Zhen's order, the monks in the team kept tight-lipped and did not reveal his identity.

The trapped monks observed for a long time, but they couldn't locate the hidden strong man at all, and they couldn't ask questions either.

If there are spies in the camp, revealing the identity of the hidden strong, it is likely to attract targeted attacks from the enemy.

In this case, it is definitely a wise choice to hide your identity as much as possible.

Although they didn't find the hidden strong man, they knew that the other party was in the team, which made the monks secretly relieved.

To be able to kill the enemy leader and frighten those fierce enemies back is already quite a brilliant and dazzling record.

As long as the hidden strong exists, it is a kind of deterrent to the enemy, so that they dare not attack easily.

Not long after, the enemy whose leader was beheaded chose to evacuate temporarily.

The monks were full of excitement, and hurriedly went out to look for the wounded and collect various materials that could be used.

The damaged protective circle must be repaired in time to prepare for the next wave of attacks.

Although the best way is to move to a safe place immediately, but the monks really have nowhere to go.

The flames of war have spread throughout the entire continent, and there are traces of enemies everywhere, and the contact with each other has long been severed.

In this case, if you run around, it is no different from courting death.

As for breaking through the realm of the gods and leaving this chaotic land, it is even more impossible.

If you want to break through and leave, you have to kill the gods, there is no other way.

It was a higher-level war that had nothing to do with them, and they didn't even have the qualifications to participate.

The only thing that can be done is to persevere silently and wait for hope to come.

As for the exploration team, it has been temporarily disbanded at this moment, and the monks can only find ways to protect themselves.

Tang Zhen was able to protect them and passed the enemy's blockade smoothly, but he couldn't keep them safe all the time
The monks are very clear about this.

Tang Zhen didn't owe them anything, on the contrary, he gave favors repeatedly. The monks must learn to be grateful.

At this moment, the monks were worried and did not know how long they could last.

Just when the morale was getting lower and lower, news suddenly came, and millions of monks gathered together.

They are fighting against the enemy, summoning all the monks to gather closer, and trying to find a way to evacuate this chaotic continent.

The guardian gods of the Seventh Continent, together with these monks, are confronting the enemy gods.

Hearing this news, he immediately lifted his spirits.

The monks are very clear that resistance is of little significance now, it is just delaying time.

If there is no rescue, sooner or later the whole army will be wiped out.

Guarding the gods is the only hope, as long as he kills the enemy gods, the realm of the gods will be automatically released.

When that time comes, the monks can escape from the Seventh Continent and at the same time seek help from the Divine Court Continent.

Although the plan is good, things are definitely not that simple.

If the enemy dares to launch an invasion, he must be absolutely sure, and there must be more than one god participating in the battle.

A god fights head-on, entangled with the guarding god to ensure that the other party cannot escape.

Another god, responsible for maintaining the operation of the realm of the gods, is hidden in an unknown place.

In this case, all monks can be trapped to death, ensuring that no fish slips through the net.

When the opportunity is right, launch an attack unexpectedly, defeating and beheading the guarding gods.

Therefore, the situation of these millions of monks is also very dangerous, and they may encounter disaster at any time.

No matter what the real situation is, it is the only chance for the monks, and there is absolutely no reason not to meet up.

Coupled with the fact that the enemy has just been repelled, the road is clear now, which is an excellent opportunity to evacuate here.

The moment they received the news, the monks immediately assembled and quickly started moving towards the center of the mainland.

There are over ten thousand monks in this group, all of them have fought against the enemy, and basically all of them are wounded.

In order to ensure safety and reach the destination as soon as possible, the monks looked for the hidden strong man again.

After begging hard, Tang Zhen could only show up, and the monks cheered and thanked him in unison.

The next actions are all under Tang Zhen's command.

Tens of thousands of monks propped up the magic circle to cover their whereabouts, and at the same time they used secret techniques to move forward at high speed.

Although the preparations were adequate, safety could not be guaranteed. When the monks evacuated, the enemy had already moved quickly.

It didn't take long for a large number of enemies to arrive and start chasing and intercepting them.

It's just that this time the enemy didn't kill the monk as easily as before.

Under the connection of the symbiotic spiritual tendons, the monks became one, advancing and retreating as if they were one person.

Facing these powerful monks, the enemies responsible for chasing and killing them were not opponents at all, and the formed defense line was easily broken through.

The enemy had no choice but to pass on the news and ask other companions for support.

Unexpectedly, the enemies who were in charge of intercepting them all suffered a disastrous defeat and were killed so that they had no strength to fight back.

When the enemy finally paid attention and sent elite support, the monks were almost at their destination.

Unexpectedly, this group of elites made a move, but still failed to complete the interception mission, and were killed to the point of throwing away their helmets and armor.

Breaking through the enemy's elite interception, the monks finally arrived at their destination, a huge tower built on a high mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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