I have a city in another world

Chapter 3226 Tang Zhen's identity?

Chapter 3226 Tang Zhen's identity?
After being transformed by the resurrection pool, the monks can move freely without any supervision.

A monk tried to leave, but soon returned with a look of despair.

Once trying to enter the sea of ​​chaos, there will be a terrible feeling of tearing, as if the whole person will be abolished.

There is no doubt that such an abnormal situation is the effect of the revival pool transformation.

No wonder the enemy felt relieved and let the monks move freely, because they couldn't leave at all.

The result of forcibly leaving is that the soul is scattered, and no monk can be exempted.

As for the reformed monks who went to the Seventh Continent to participate in the invasion war, they should have special means.

In the process of wandering and observing, Tang Zhen discovered that the structure of the mysterious organization is very complete, and it cannot be completed overnight.

In the sea of ​​chaos, they must have been developing and operating for a long time, and they have accumulated enough strength.

Wait until everything is ready, and then take the action to rob the Chaos Continent.

Looking at the scale of this secret world, one can tell that the operation has been going on for a long time, and a lot of land should have been looted.

What is surprising is that before this incident happened, the monks did not hear any relevant news.

The enemy's secrecy work is excellent, and his actions are clean and neat, so that the outside world remains ignorant.

Of course, it is also possible that the major courts know about this matter, but they just blocked the news and did not publicize it to the outside world.

Some things do not need to be known to the monks, otherwise it will only cause greater panic and affect the rule of the gods.

Those monks who followed the plundered land and brought them to the enemy's lair obviously all experienced the same experience as Tang Zhen and others.

Because no monks escaped, the secret was never revealed.

The practice and life of the reformed monks in the secret space is no worse than that of Shenting Continent, and even better in some aspects.

For example, the top-level refining circle can be traded here, provided that there are enough rule crystals.

Tang Zhen saw at least several hundred top-level refining circles during his wanderings, and this was only a part of the area.

There are many similar things, which allow the monks to enjoy a lot of benefits, which is obviously done deliberately by the mysterious organization.

The purpose of their doing this is to stimulate the enthusiasm of the monks, make them feel more identified with the mysterious organization, and feel that their efforts are worthwhile.

No matter what happened before, this practice of the mysterious organization is indeed a kind of respect for monks.

Such a rare opportunity, Tang Zhen will definitely not miss it, and immediately pack and buy it in the official store.

There are fifteen sets in total, and each set is the work of top masters, which can be regarded as the treasure of the store.

In this regard, the mysterious organization is very generous, unlike the secretive organizations of the major gods.

The mysterious organization is very clear that after the monks obtain these refining magic circles, they will definitely not take advantage of outsiders.

That being the case, there is no need to worry.

Tang Zhen's purchase method immediately caused a sensation, attracting many monks to watch.

There were also some remodeling monks who were so heartbroken that they looked at Tang Zhen with hatred in their eyes.

As long as there is an opportunity, the monks will do their best to obtain a top-level refining circle.

These top refining magic circles in the shop are watched secretly by countless monks, thinking about buying them day and night.

Tang Zhen bought them all at once, tantamount to cutting off the hope of many monks, as if his beloved woman had been snatched away.

"Brother, are you a magician?"

The person in charge of the store asked, and it also looked like a statue after the transformation.

As for the original face, it has long been blurred, and even familiar monks can't recognize it.


Tang Zhen nodded and admitted that he knew that his way of buying would definitely attract the attention of interested people.

In fact, this is also the purpose of Tang Zhen. Compared with ordinary monks, the value of formation masters is undoubtedly much higher.

The identity of a formation master, coupled with high-strength cultivation, can make it easier for Tang Zhen to get close to the core of the mysterious organization.

Once you successfully enter the core, you will have more opportunities and get more things you want.

Hearing Tang Zhen's acknowledgment of his identity, the surrounding monks suddenly realized, and there was already a touch of awe in their eyes.

No matter at any time, monks with special abilities will receive more respect.

It is not an easy task for a monk to master other special skills at the same time in the process of cultivation.

If you want to become famous and start a family, it is even more difficult than practicing.

Therefore, in the Gulan God Realm, the formation master has a lofty status, and is a profession that many monks dream of.

It's just that in any industry, there are high and low points, and the same is true for formation masters.

Ordinary formation masters, most of the monks have seen it, so they don't particularly care.

But if it is a master of formation, or even a top formation master, then it must be highly valued.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary monks are not qualified to encounter formation masters above the famous level.

But the situation is different now. Who knows if the senior formation masters will be plundered together when they plunder the Chaos Land?

Even the gods became captives, and the formation master was besieged by the realm of the gods, and there was no possibility of escape.

"Then may I ask your Excellency, what level is it now?"

The person in charge of the store asked tentatively.

If Tang Zhen was just an ordinary array mage, then the conversation between the two parties might end soon.

If Tang Zhen is a master of the formation, or has a higher level, there will be more topics between the two parties.

Under the gaze of all the monks, Tang Zhen shook his head.

"Sorry, I have never participated in the evaluation, so there is no level."

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the monks were a little disappointed.

Perhaps the most likely reason for not carrying out the level certification of Shenting is that you are not confident in your own strength.

It can be inferred from this that Tang Zhen's level should be very average.

The manager of the store has a different idea.

Tang Zhen bought fifteen sets of top-level magic circles at a time, which shows that he is very rich, which is a manifestation of his strength.

The top-level refining formation cannot be manipulated and used by ordinary monks. It must have quite good formation skills.

Even if Tang Zhen is not a famous expert, he is definitely not a rookie. Being able to control the top refining magic circle is worth far more than ordinary monks.

The store manager had a flash of thought, and asked Tang Zhen: "Do you have your own works, and if so, you can sell them in the store.

If you are willing, you can also accept missions in the store, so that you can earn more combat points.

Compared with ordinary monks, the task rewards of the formation master will be higher, and it will definitely not let you suffer. "

Tang Zhen nodded slightly after listening.

"I do have a few sets of refining magic circles, and now I am in urgent need of rule crystals. It would be nice to be able to sell them."

When Tang Zhen said this, he waved his hand lightly, and five formation disks appeared in front of his eyes.

This is the collected refining circle, which is so small that it can be stuffed into a pocket, but the volume after release is very impressive.

Seeing the shape of the refining magic circle, the shop manager was slightly taken aback, and the light in his eyes kept flickering.

He thought of a possibility, and his body couldn't help trembling slightly.

The same is true for other monks. Although they are not all formation masters, they have enough discernment.

When they saw Tang Zhen's refining circle, the monks immediately had a feeling that these five refining circles were not simple.

However, the shop manager has already concentrated his attention and started to review and grade the refining magic circle. As a businessman who specializes in rune magic circles, he has his own set of special identification methods.

Soon the monks saw that the store manager was looking at Tang Zhen standing in front of him with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Your Excellency, don't blame me, I have to confirm that these five sets of refining circles are really your work?"

Tang Zhen laughed lightly, then nodded slightly.

"That's right, I made it myself."

Hearing this, the store manager immediately put on a respectful gesture, and then bowed to Tang Zhen.

"It's a great fortune to meet the master and see this kind of divine product at the same time!"

(End of this chapter)

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