I have a city in another world

Chapter 3252 Synthesis Rule Crystal

Chapter 3252 Synthesis Rule Crystal
Taking advantage of the special environment of the Kingdom of God in his mind, he carefully refined the crystallization of rules, and it really achieved the effect Tang Zhen expected.

When you perceive it, you will find that the balance of the rule crystal is excellent, and it has a rather amazing consistency.

Tang Zhen compared it, and even the crystallization of specially selected rules could not be compared with it.

Perhaps in the Gulan God Realm, this is a unique treasure that cannot be obtained in other places.

Such a result had already been expected.

After filtering and tempering the chaotic energy, combined with the top-level refining circle designed by Tang Zhen, the crystallization of the rules produced must be extraordinary.

The most important point is to be in the Kingdom of God in the mind, which allows the crystallization of rules to have a special condensation environment.

If you are so well prepared, it will happen naturally.

With the crystallization of qualified rules, Tang Zhen continued to the next test without stopping.

The rune array originally used for splicing has been improved to perfection, and there is no need to spend any more thought.

Tang Dun completed the construction of the inlay and the rune array according to the fixed steps, and soon a special array disk appeared in front of him.

The regular talisman in its normal form has a special divine pattern sealed inside, without any processing on the outside.

All in one, beautiful.

The spliced ​​regular crystals are like an inlaid jewel, which is the most obvious gap between the two.

In a normal state, once the regular crystals of splicing are activated, they will shine with different brilliance.

The brighter the flickering light, the more failed the production.

It is only because of the inability to connect smoothly between the regular crystals that the circulation of the divine pattern is lagging.

When not working smoothly, the regular crystals will flash different colors, which look like the fire of a diamond.

This is the easiest way to distinguish, through the appearance color of regular crystals, so as to judge the degree of perfection.

The regular crystallization of Tang Zhen's splicing, the colors are almost the same, just like a flawless crystal.

Only when you observe carefully can you find a trace of refraction of light, which will disappear in an instant.

Mother Earth was in charge of the appraisal, and when she saw Tang Zhen's work, she fell into a state of sluggishness on the spot.

"How...how did you do it?"

After carefully distinguishing the perception, the Mother Earth was very excited and asked in an impatient tone.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Mother Earth would not have believed that there would be such a perfect splicing crystallization.

Tang Zhen's work has never appeared in the Gulan God Realm, and if it spreads out, it will definitely shock the Gulan God Realm.

If the confirmation is correct, the major divine courts will try their best to find out the truth of the matter.

The crystallization of the rules for refining talismans is always out of stock, and is scrambled for by the gods and generals of the major gods.

This is also something that can't be helped. Although there are many low-level rule crystals, they can't meet the requirements of refining at all.

Even if it is piled up like a mountain, it is of no use.

But with Tang Zhen's method, even the crystallization of low-level rules can be refined perfectly.

This method of turning decay into magic can refine a large number of runes, forming an absolute advantage in number.

If it is obtained by a certain divine court, the overall strength will increase rapidly, thus possessing extremely strong combat power.

When the battle started, a large number of runes were thrown suddenly, how many enemies can resist?

Knowing this, Mother Earth was so excited.

With this method alone, Tang Zhen is qualified to be famous in the Gulan God Realm, and he will be highly valued wherever he goes.

If you have the strength of a god king, you can even create a god court directly, without fear of provocation from any powerful enemy.

When that moment really came, he would be able to turn himself over and regain his original strength.

The more Mother Earth thought about it, the more excited she felt, and she almost danced on the spot.

But when he looked at Tang Zhen again, he only got a sneer.

"Ha ha……"

Tang Zhen will definitely not tell the answer, this is a secret that must not be spread outside, even the mother of the earth is no exception.

Finding Tang Zhen so cautious, Mother Earth felt depressed, but there was nothing she could do.

It will not forget its identity, its life is still in Tang Zhen's hands, and it will be completely wiped out in a single thought.

The mother of the earth was born in the sea of ​​chaos, and possesses the strength not weaker than that of a high-ranking general, but that has become a thing of the past.

We must recognize the situation and position ourselves so that we can live better.

The mother of the earth was thinking wildly, but Tang Zhen didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, he just needed to know that he had succeeded.

Without wasting time, Tang Zhen started refining the talisman again.

Due to long-term continuous refining, Tang Zhen already has enough experience, so after getting started with the operation, he immediately felt the difference between the crystallization of the two rules.

Compared with the regular crystals that occur naturally, spliced ​​crystals are more difficult to refine, so you must be more careful.

Although the difficulty of refining the talisman has increased, it does not affect the success rate, nor does it cause much trouble to Tang Zhen.

For the next time, every step is careful.

Tang Zhen heaved a long sigh of relief when the lines of the rune representing the power of rules were sealed and perfectly preserved.

This spliced ​​rule crystal has been successfully refined now, but I don't know how powerful it is?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhen looked at the vast ocean ahead.

In the kingdom of the mind, you can conduct experiments at will without worrying about being discovered by outsiders.

In the next moment, a terrifying loud noise came, and the sea surface of dozens of kilometers instantly turned into nothingness.

It is not turned into steam, but truly turned into nothingness, without leaving any traces safely.

This is the power of the talisman. The disintegration and explosion of the rules is far more terrifying than mobilizing the energy of the world.

After all, the energy of heaven and earth is detonated, but it is still within the control of the rules, but if the rules collapse, then everything must not exist.

Of course, in terms of power, it must be slightly inferior, and the killing range is slightly less than the genuine runes.

Tang Zhen's work is quite perfect, so the lethality is reduced by one-third. If the rules are crystallized with worse quality, the lethal effect will be weakened even more.

But in the eyes of ordinary monks, the power is still strong enough.

Tang Zhen also doesn't care, because what he pursues is not the power of the talismans, but the number of talismans enough.

As long as the number is sufficient, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they will not be able to resist the overwhelming attack of the runes.

After the success of the talisman test, Tang Zhen began to refine the rule crystal.

The refining circle was running non-stop, and the regular crystals successfully refined gradually filled the special jade box.

In the process of crystallizing the refining rules, Tang Zhen selected the residents of the Kingdom of God to participate in it, and gave them certain authority.

After having the special authority, the controller can screen and temper the Qi of Chaos without going through Tang Zhen.

The beating and screening is non-stop, just to achieve the expected degree of transparency.

At the same time, there will be residents of the Kingdom of God, who will preside over the operation of the refining circle, so that Tang Zhen can be completely liberated.

The next thing to do is, of course, crystallize the splicing rules, and then refine various runes.

The work is quite cumbersome and there is no room for negligence.

Tang Zhen didn't dare to waste time, because maybe these talismans of his would come in handy sometime.

Tang Zhen entered the Gulan God Realm and used the methods of monk Loucheng more than once, which is definitely not a good thing.

If there is a god king who pays special attention to him, it is likely that many things will be linked to Tang Zhen because of the methods of monk Loucheng.

If we dig deeper, the things that Tang Zhen doesn't want people to know will probably be exposed.

In order to prevent similar accidents, Tang Zhen had to hide his identity and try not to reveal his identity as a monk in Loucheng.

He started cultivating the god ring from scratch, and tried to refine a large number of runes, just to plan for the present and the future.

Before you know it, another year has passed.

One day when Tang Zhen was practicing, he suddenly received a message from Tuo Yuheng, who brought good news.

The native gods of Nebula Sea accidentally exposed their whereabouts, and now they have been locked by the Ice God Court.

(End of this chapter)

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