Chapter 3254 Trap?

This group of disguised reforming monks was completely trading life for life, which made the monks in the Divine Court fearful.

They will never risk their lives just to kill the enemy. It's really not worth it.


Seeing the non-stop fighting between the two sides, Youshen General snorted coldly and directly offered help.

He was eager to support his companions and didn't want to waste too much time.

"Give me death!"

The body shape is like lightning, and flesh and blood fly everywhere it passes, and it turns into nothingness in an instant.

Facing the generals of the Ice God Court, the counterfeit reformed monks were vulnerable, and they were all beheaded in an instant.

Mother Earth watched the whole process, and when she saw this scene, she couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

"These counterfeit products are simply a pile of garbage. It would be best if they all died..."

Mother Earth's contempt is naturally justified.

If it was a real reformed monk, it would not be so unbearable, because the modified body has extremely strong defense.

When fighting against ordinary monks, relying on their strong physical body, they can even fight five against one.

If they cooperate properly, hundreds of remodeling monks can defeat the gods, and may even kill them!

This is where the mother of the earth is proud. The natural transformation ability can easily activate the monk's full potential.

But any reformer would not be grateful to the Mother of the Earth, but wished to tear her into pieces.

Because of this state of transformation, it cannot be reversed for life, and it will completely cut off the hope of monks becoming gods.

The most important point is that you will be subject to the mother of the earth for the rest of your life, and the imprint you will never get rid of.

"Go fast and don't waste time."

After clearing away the enemies blocking the road, the team continued to move forward, but the surrounding environment became more and more dangerous.

It can be clearly seen that there are traces of fighting along the way, which seems to have happened not long ago.

The corpses of those monks and monsters looked incomplete, showing how fierce the battle was.

Thinking of the enemies who blocked the way before, the monks' hearts tightened slightly, feeling that the situation was not good.

"Full speed ahead, the sooner the better!"

The commanding general gave orders in a cold voice, urging the guides to speed up.

"In that case, please be more careful."

The guide didn't talk nonsense, just reminded in a low voice, and then led the monks to move forward quickly.

It seems that in order to hurry, the next route will become more and more tortuous and dangerous.

Several times during the period, the team directly passed through the chaotic area, which made the monks feel anxious.

I am afraid that there are hidden enemies in the chaos, and they will suddenly launch a sneak attack.

The air of chaos is isolated from detection, even if there are enemies hiding, it is impossible for the monks to find out.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, and gradually penetrated into the depths of the sea of ​​fire in the southern region.

Such a statement is actually not correct, because the area of ​​the sea of ​​fire in the southern region is extremely huge, and the current position of the monks is actually only a marginal area.

In the depths of the real desperate situation, there is a forbidden area controlled by the primitive gods, and a forbidden area for the monks of the major gods.

Primitive gods at the level of god kings made the monks in the Gulan God Realm extremely afraid, and they didn't dare to approach them easily.

The ground in this area has turned into a huge magma pool, and countless pillars of fire are rising into the sky.

This flame is extraordinary, even if it is touched by a monk, it will burn quickly.

Regardless of the physical body or the energy body, all of them are like this, and they cannot resist the burning of the flame at all.

In the area above the head, there are still pieces of floating magma cloud seas, which are also spraying terrifying flames.

A higher place is the sea of ​​chaos, and the air of chaos is like a waterfall, falling down continuously.

The distance between heaven and earth in this area is so narrow that it makes people flustered, as if they will be brought together at any time.

Such a special environment can be said to be extremely sinister.

It is precisely because they know how powerful it is that treasure hunters will be very careful and try to avoid the range of flames as much as possible.

A group of monks in the Ice God Court are still on their way, trying to find those accomplices who asked for help.

It's just that the long-distance raid made the monks feel suspicious.

"How far away?"

The commanding general asked the guide, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

"Come on, right ahead!"

The guide whispered, buried his head and continued to move forward.

"Before you arrived, what was the situation at the scene, and who is in charge?"

The god general in charge asked, while keeping a close eye on the guide, waiting for the other party's answer.

The monks in the team suddenly became tense and also stared at the guide.

"Come on, right ahead!"

The monk who led the way answered irrelevant questions, repeating a sentence mechanically.

"Something's wrong, be more vigilant!"

The anomaly of the guide is so obvious that the monks still don't realize that the crisis is coming.

"Reveal me!"

The god general who asked the question let out a low growl, and reached out to grab the guide in front, trying to torture the other party's origin.

As a result, at this moment, the guide suddenly turned around.

The originally numb expression became lively and weird, with a faint hint of sarcasm.

"Hee hee hee, a bunch of idiots, did you realize something is wrong now?"

While the guide was speaking, cracks began to appear on the surface of the skin, and flames and black smoke continued to spray out.

But in a very short period of time, the guide has turned into a burning man, exuding a panic-stricken atmosphere.

"Primitive god?"

Feeling the breath of the burning man, the expressions of the cultivators became serious, secretly preparing for battle.

Everyone knows that the situation is very dangerous at this moment, and the enemy must have ulterior motives.

The problem is that most of the primitive gods are all in a daze, almost indistinguishable from the chaotic behemoths.

The primitive god in front of him appeared to be very cunning and treacherous, which was very wrong.

The more abnormal the enemy is, the more flustered the monks of Shenting will be.

"You guys, dare to act presumptuously in the fireland of the Southern Region, you are looking for death.

Since I don't know how to live or die, I will let you monks of the God Court know the price of daring to be presumptuous here! "

As soon as the burning man-shaped primitive god finished speaking, the surrounding flames rose into the air, forming a huge wall of flames.

The monks in the Ice God Court were all trapped by the flame wall, and there was no way to escape.

The earth is a pool of magma, the top is a sea of ​​flames, and it is like this in all directions.

If it was just an ordinary flame, the monks would naturally have nothing to fear, but the monks would never dare to touch this special flame of the fire field in the southern region.

At the same time, terrifying flames spewed out from the sea of ​​magma below.

All kinds of terrifying monsters flashed out of the sea of ​​flames one after another, and their appearance looked extremely hideous.

These are the shape-changing monsters, with strong and weak strengths, and some monsters are comparable to false gods.

The shape-changing monster let out a roar, and rushed towards the monks in the court one after another, showing a completely fearless appearance.

The crazy posture of the shapeshifting monster looks very familiar, almost the same as the previous transformation monks.

Tang Zhen, who was observing secretly, had already confirmed that those fake reformed monks before must have been transformed from monsters.

If this is the case, would the remodeling monks mentioned in the intelligence, as well as the native gods in the Nebula Sea, be all a hoax?

So what is the target of this scam?
Including Tang Zhen, all the generals felt a sense of crisis in their hearts.

Just because they know very well that if the monks in the court are attracted, the most valuable thing is the godhead.

The monks of Shenting hunted and killed the original gods, and then handed them over to the monks of false gods to refine them, so as to obtain the qualifications to become gods.

Those metamorphosis monsters whose strength has been raised to the limit and are only one step away from being promoted can also hunt and kill the gods in the future to obtain the godhead.

Although they hunt and kill each other, in most cases, it is the monks of the gods who hunt and kill the primitive gods.

However, today, the primitive gods have set up a special trap, which is specially aimed at the gods of the major gods.

(End of this chapter)

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