I have a city in another world

Chapter 3258 Deep Valley Cage

Chapter 3258 Deep Valley Cage
Ninety percent of the monks of the seven great courts are in the deep valley, but they don't know the specific situation.

You have to investigate and then make a decision.

It's just that the enemy's nest is heavily guarded, if you continue to go deep into it, you may encounter fatal danger.

This matter involves the original god king, so one must be extremely careful, otherwise it is very likely that you will be involved.

Even a high-level god general is still nothing but an ant when facing the primitive god king.

Faced with this situation, Tang Zhen felt like retreating.

It wasn't that he was timid and afraid, but that he was worried that some mighty god king would sit in and hide and catch all the monks who tried to rescue him.

The cage in the deep valley is a trap to lure the enemy.

If the Seven Great Divine Courts dared to rescue them, no matter how many monks came, they would never return.

Not only Tang Zhen was worried, but other monks in Shenting also had similar concerns.

But even if they knew this, the cultivators of Shenting must investigate, and they must not hesitate because of fear.

Arriving with a heavy responsibility, but giving up because of fear, will definitely be severely punished by the court of God.

Even if you are unable to rescue, you must find out the actual situation before making further plans.

This is the limitation of responsibilities, even if there are mountains of swords and fires ahead, you still have to bite the bullet and rush forward.

A group of divine monks, disguised as monsters, quietly approached the valley.

There are so many shape-changing monsters around, and their small group of people will not attract too much attention.

However, it is not forbidden to go straight to the deep valley, otherwise it will definitely attract the attention of the reformed monks and conduct special investigations on them.

The changeling monsters are easy to deal with, but the transformation monks have to be more careful.

They are monks in the Gulan God Realm themselves, and they are not lacking in strength and experience. They have become more sensitive after transformation.

Compared with the original gods and monsters, the reformed monks are the most threatening, and they will never show mercy to the monks of the gods.

Meeting each other on the battlefield will definitely not leave a way for the other party to survive, and it will be the end of endless death.

Under the monitoring of the remodeling monks, all the monks must have enough patience to slowly detour and approach the deep valley
You must not approach the deep valley directly. Although this saves time, it is easy to attract the attention of the remodeling monks.

In order to get close to the deep valley, it took a hundred times of time.

But even though he was so careful, he still attracted the attention of the remodeling cultivators during the march.

Not only through the spiritual scan, but even close to the inspection in person, quite strict and serious.

It is not aimed at Tang Zhen and others, but anyone who tries to approach the deep valley is subject to high vigilance.

Fortunately, the monks in Shenting are powerful, and their strength is far superior to that of the reformed monks, so they have been concealed from the enemy's detection.

This journey was safe and sound, and finally approached the deep valley.

If he wanted to move on, he couldn't do it at all, because the rune circle blocked the way forward.

Just near the deep valley, there are four huge incarnations of gods swimming, which are purely condensed by the energy of heaven and earth.

They are responsible for guarding the deep valley, constantly patrolling the four directions, and beware of accidents.

At this time, if you forcibly break into the deep valley, you will inevitably alarm the primitive gods and be attacked collectively by the enemy monks.

At this moment, the cultivator of Shenting felt very embarrassed.

With their methods, they could only get close to the edge of the deep valley, but they couldn't break through the rune circle silently.

Once the attempt fails, it will definitely expose itself.

The monks were secretly embarrassed, discussing quickly in private, trying to find a solution to the problem.

This trip came with a mission, and we must not retreat in the face of difficulties. Before the arrival of reinforcements, we must find out the information clearly.

"In the end how to do?"

Several gods discussed for a long time, but they were at a loss, and they never found a solution to the problem.

The gods thought of Tang Zhen again, wondering if this god from a foreign land had the means to solve the problem?
"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, I wonder if you...have a solution to the problem?"

The leader of the team looked at Tang Zhen with a trace of exploration in his tone.


Tang Zhen, who was watched by all the monks, raised his eyebrows lightly, and then nodded slightly.

"There is indeed a way!"

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, all the monks were overjoyed, and quickly pricked up their ears to listen quietly.

They also wanted to know how Tang Zhen entered the deep valley?
"My means, I can't say too much.

You just need to wait at a distance, and evacuate as soon as possible if something happens, don't hesitate at all! "

Tang Zhen did not explain in detail, but reminded the monks in Shenting to stay away from the deep valley as soon as possible.

In the event of an accident, you can also escape in time.

Regarding Tang Zhen's request, the god monks naturally understood, but they always felt a little ashamed in their hearts.

After all, they are the main force for this mission, and Tang Zhen is just a foreign aid invited by Shenting.

As a result, along the way, Tang Zhen was always trying to turn the tide, but their performance greatly damaged Shenting's face.

If outsiders know about it, they will inevitably think that the gods of the Bingdiao God Court are incompetent, and ridicule must be inevitable.

The problem is that the situation is special, and you really can't show your strength, otherwise you will harm others and yourself.

"In that case, please trouble Your Excellency Tang Zhen!"

Due to the limited environment, they couldn't talk too much, so the monks in Shenting could only express their gratitude secretly.

The monks in Shenting evacuated quietly, only Tang Zhen stayed where he was, studying the rune circle in front of him.

The rune circle that covers the valley only serves as an early warning and provides simple protection.

If the gods attack, they can easily break through and destroy them without much effort.

Just in this way, the guardians will be alarmed and their own existence will be exposed.

But in a short period of time, Tang Zhen figured out the structure of the rune circle and had a way to deal with it.

In terms of breaking the formation, Tang Zhen has absolute confidence that he can easily enter the deep valley without disturbing the formation operator.

After confirming that the cultivator of Shenting was far away, Tang Zhen no longer hesitated, and immediately started to crack the rune circle.

During the cracking process, Tang Zhen could clearly perceive where the monk who manipulated the magic circle was hiding.

If he is willing to make a move, he can kill the enemy's formation master in just a split second.

The array mage also didn't expect that under his own monitoring, an enemy had sneaked into the deep valley silently.

The rune circle that he was so proud of was useless in front of Tang Zhen, and it was easily broken through.

This is the difference in strength. In front of Tang Zhen, the formation master, the enemy formation master is not even worthy of lifting shoes.

After entering the deep valley, Tang Zhen confirmed that there was no abnormality around him, and continued to move towards the core area of ​​the deep valley.

At this moment, he has already seen that black stone pillars formed by condensed magma envelop the lower bodies of those cultivators.

The surrounding flames are constantly spraying, burning these monks, making them suffer torture that is worse than death.

Waves of wails echoed in the deep valley, obviously suffering great pain.

The tormented monks of the God Court are all over the entire deep valley, and the tragic scene is shocking.

The primitive god captured the god monk, but did not kill him, but used this cruel method to torture him.

Such an approach is obviously a conspiracy.

According to Tang Zhen's speculation, it is very likely that he intends to subdue the monks of Shenting and let them join the camp of primitive gods.

If this is not the case, then there is no need to bother at all, and the monks in the court of God may have turned into corpses long ago.

Ignoring these wailing monks, Tang Zhen went straight to the core of the deep valley, and soon saw a group of imprisoned generals.

(End of this chapter)

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