Chapter 3262
Two high-ranking generals from a mysterious organization circled around the sea of ​​chaos, but found nothing.

Such a result was already expected.

The strength of the four Nebula Sea Gods is not too weak, and they will definitely not disappear for no reason.

It is very likely to encounter danger, or even fall.

The two nebula sea gods were naturally full of unwillingness, but they couldn't do anything about it.

How did they know that the four Xingyun sea gods who disappeared mysteriously had been suppressed by Tang Zhen in the Kingdom of God in their minds.

Even though he has great abilities, as long as he enters Tang Zhen's mind, there is absolutely no possibility of turning over.

Tang Zhen entered the sea of ​​chaos, and after completing the hunt, he retreated out quietly.

Reverting back to the form of a reformed monk, he will be in the battlefield without attracting anyone's attention.

And who would know that it was he who just used his means to capture and suppress the gods of the four mysterious organizations alive.

On the chaotic battlefield, fierce fighting is still going on, and accidents happen every moment.

The mysterious disappearance of the four generals has not been spread for the time being, and the monks at the moment are busy fighting.

Even if he knew about it, he could only sigh, but he couldn't provide any help at all.

The war lasted for a day, and finally subsided slowly.

The invaders won a complete victory and completely occupied the Shenting Continent, and all resistance forces were completely defeated.

After the devastation of the war, Shenting Continent was completely reduced to ruins, and thick smoke and flames were everywhere in sight.

For ordinary monks, such an environment is comparable to hell, but the shape-changing monsters are like ducks in water.

While occupying the Shenting Continent, the Primordial God-King followed suit and cut off the chaotic channel connecting to other Shenting Continents.

It is easy for the chaotic channel to collapse, but it is quite difficult to recover, and it is also the best way to block the monks of the gods.

With the passage to the outside world cut off, this Shenting Continent has been completely controlled by the invaders.

The next step is to clean up the battlefield, keep the captured prisoners in secret custody, or simply execute them directly.

The wealth possessed by a divine court is absolutely astronomical, and it is also the most tempting place.

By robbing other people's accumulated wealth by violent means, the total amount of wealth can increase wildly.

Regardless of the mortal world or the world of practice, such rules are common.

Although the invaders won the victory, they also suffered heavy losses, and the biggest casualties were the changeling monsters.

After the shapeshifting monster dies, it will be transformed into the energy of heaven and earth, or it will be swallowed by fierce and crazy accomplices.

Because of the special environment, the shape-changing monsters will appear endlessly, so there is no need to worry about the lack of soldiers.

The casualties of the remodeling monks were minimal, because during the battle, they all commanded the monsters to charge into battle.

Not one monk at the level of gods died, but four mysteriously disappeared.

The monks were very surprised. With such an advantage, how could there be any gods missing?
After all, this kind of disappearance is often equated with falling, and it is the kind with no bones left.

After asking about the specific situation, I felt even more incredible.

Many gods suspected that the missing four gods would be tricked by others and fell into a trap set by the enemy.

The purpose of doing this is to obtain more information by interrogating the captives.

If this is the case, the four gods will be afraid that life would be worse than death.

Although a general disappeared, it didn't attract much attention. After all, he didn't have much relationship with other monks, and he also didn't have the ability to participate in the investigation and tracking.

The two Nebula Sea Gods who survived the disaster are now so depressed that they are about to vomit blood, and they don't understand why they are so unlucky?

Not only did they lose four companions, but they also had to pay for the employment of two high-ranking generals, which was enough to wipe out all their savings.

The two god generals secretly wondered if they were cursed by bad luck, which is why they encountered all kinds of unlucky things one after another.

Since returning to Xingyun Sea, nothing has gone smoothly. The small group originally composed of seven gods now only has two left.

The sadness in my heart cannot be described in words.

This incident passed quickly, and except for the two nebula sea gods who continued to follow, the other monks had already left behind.

Successfully occupying the Shenting Continent means that the war has begun.

The next step is to continue to attack, or to stick to or evacuate, no one can be sure.

At the same time, we must be vigilant to prevent other gods from attacking, otherwise it will be another fierce battle.

While everyone was resting, Tang Zhen, who had hidden his identity, finally got the information he wanted.

The four Xingyun sea gods didn't hold on for too long before they were completely subdued by Tang Zhen.

No matter what questions Tang Zhen asked, they would answer them obediently, not daring to hide anything.

It turned out that the gods of the Nebula Sea used a kind of boundary-breaking talisman to successfully return to the Nebula Sea.

This kind of boundary-breaking talisman is quite powerful, no matter how far the distance is, it can directly open up a space-time channel.

Of course, the side effects are also great. If the world level of the connected plane is too low, it will be suppressed by the Gulan God Realm.

This situation is very normal. When the plane channel is opened, the low-level plane will always be suppressed by the high and low planes.

Nebula Sea suffered the catastrophe of freezing because it was suppressed by the plane.

Although Tang Zhen is well-informed, he still feels a little envious of this special boundary-breaking talisman.

If he is such a talisman, he must try it to see if he can connect to the Loucheng world.

If it can be done, it will definitely save Tang Zhen a lot of time.

In fact, the boundary-breaking talisman also has disadvantages. First, it will cause disasters to the connection plane. If the level of the plane is too low, it will cause extinction consequences.

Furthermore, the connection has a time limit, and it will be closed when the time is up, so it cannot operate for a long time like the interplanetary teleportation array.

Therefore, this kind of cracking talisman can only be used as an emergency, and it is absolutely impossible to use it for a long time.

Although there are disadvantages, to Tang Zhen, it is still quite attractive.

One breaking ring talisman is not enough, two breaking talismans can be used, of course, the premise is that the foundation of Xingdao is worth investing in.

Even if it doesn't involve his own plan, Tang Zhen still has to get the Boundary Breaking Talisman, and then find a way to crack it.

Whether it is used by oneself or handed over to the cornerstone platform, it can bring great benefits to Tang Zhen.

It's just that it's not easy to obtain this boundary-breaking talisman.

According to the confession of Xing Yunhai God, the breaking talisman came from a god king, and they spent a lot of money to get it.

Except for this God King, it is impossible to buy this kind of boundary-breaking talisman anywhere in the Gulan God Realm.

But this god king is the mastermind behind the mysterious organization, a master of the gods who colludes with the primitive gods.

Facing such a strong man, Tang Zhen must be very careful, after all, he has sabotaged the opponent's actions more than once.

After figuring out how to obtain the Boundary Breaking Talisman, Tang Zhen didn't waste any time and quickly left the Divine Court Continent.

It won't take long for a large-scale war to break out here, so there is no need to stay here.

Since the Chaos Passage had collapsed, Tang Zhen would have to take considerable risks if he wanted to go to the next Divine Court.

Be careful along the way, for fear of getting lost in the sea of ​​chaos.

It took ten times as long to travel, and Tang Zhen finally arrived at the nearest Shenting Continent, and the whole journey was safe and sound.

Looking at the Shenting Continent again, there are indeed soldiers and horses gathering, a scene of an imminent war.

(End of this chapter)

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