I have a city in another world

Chapter 3265 Tianyuan God King

Chapter 3265 Tianyuan God King
Joining Shenting is very simple, just sign a contract.

The contract is not simple, because it involves the power of rules and will also be sensed by the God King.

It is tantamount to working for the god king. Once the contract is violated, it is very likely that the god king will hunt down and kill him.

It is also not a contract of selling one's body. If it is the case, the monks must avoid it.

The monks in the God Court of Gulan God Realm are actually relatively free, and they can choose to leave after the contract is completed.

Even if you vote for another camp, there is absolutely no problem, it is completely normal.

But if it is a god, it is not so lenient, because most of the gods are cultivated by the gods.

If you want to leave, you will probably have to pay with your life, at least to return the godhead.

Although there are many restrictions, there are also many benefits.

For example, the exchange of talismans and the transaction of certain rare strategic materials can only be carried out after joining the Divine Court.

The things that can be bought outside will never be the best things.

The benefits are not limited to these, but it is rarely publicized to the outside world, and only by joining it can you learn in detail.

Especially to obtain the godhead, the absolute benefits of insiders, and the qualifications for outsiders to contact them.

Tang Zhen joined Tianyuan Shenting and immediately made a request, hoping to exchange for the boundary-breaking talisman.

However, he was told by the monks at the headquarters that there was no stock of the boundary-breaking talisman, and Tang Zhen came a step late.

"There is no stock, even if you make an appointment, you can't get it?"

Tang Zhen asked, really unwilling.

He took the risk and trekked here, and even joined Tianyuan Shending for this purpose, so naturally he didn't want to work in vain.

Whenever there is a chance, Tang Zhen must fight for it and will never give up lightly.

Hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, the monk in charge of reception pointed out a way

"You can apply for an insider deal and see if someone is willing to trade with you, but the odds of success are not very high.

The Boundary Breaking Talisman is extremely valuable and has a wide range of uses, and only the Heavenly Abyss Divine King can refine it.

Even if you have a boundary breaking talisman, you may not take it out for trading, and you don't need to hold too much hope. "

Hearing the reminder from the cultivator of Shenting, Tang Zhen nodded to express his understanding, and was willing to increase the price to buy the boundary-breaking talisman.

"Well then, tell me first what method you plan to use for the transaction.

Is it the crystallization of rules, or something else? "

Brother Shenting looked at Tang Zhen and helped to release the task.

"I'm going to trade runes with runes, and I guarantee that traders won't lose money.

If you don't want the rune, you can also provide rule crystals, but only secondary rule crystals.

If there is a similar talisman, you can also take the initiative to contact me, and the price given will definitely satisfy you! "

While Tang Zhen was speaking, the cultivator of Shenting had already completed the recording and sent the information after confirming that it was correct.

The information sent by the headquarters can not only be seen at the headquarters, but can also be sent to every monk in the divine court.

The terminal for receiving information is similar to a communication system, and every monk in the God Court has one.

This is the standard equipment of Tianyuan Shenting. It is carefully designed by the formation master and carefully refined by the masters of weapon refining.

Communication is only the most basic function, but it is also a special magic weapon with many powerful functions.

On the Tianyuan Continent, similar instruments are very popular, and Tang Zhen has seen many along the way.

Tang Zhen also got one, but it was only the most basic version, almost equivalent to an empty shell.

Various accessories can be added to upgrade according to the needs, so as to obtain the desired functions.

Of course, this kind of equipment upgrade requires the crystallization of rules, and it is not given by the gods for nothing.

This upgrade mode made Tang Zhen feel very familiar. He had done such a thing in the Holy Dragon War Zone back then.

The upgrade mode in the Holy Dragon War Zone is only for low-level monks, but Tianyuan Shenting does not limit the level of strength at all.

After a little research, Tang Zhen felt a little interesting, so he chose to upgrade to the top in one go.

This requires a lot of crystallization of rules, but to Tang Zhen, it is just a small sum of money.

After completing the registration and information release, the next step is to wait silently.

While waiting, Tang Zhen checked through the device and found his purchase information.

Since it was released by the headquarters in person, a special mark was added, which is a kind of benefit for newcomers.

At the same time, there are other information, which flash on the device from time to time, and can communicate and trade at any time.

At the same time, there are various tasks, which are constantly refreshed on the device, and monks can freely take them according to the situation.

This series of functions is really very similar to that of the Holy Dragon War Zone.

In Tang Zhen's heart at this moment, he felt a little closeness to Tianyuan Shenting, after all, the two sides have too many similarities.

Favorability will not affect the position. Tang Zhen is only here for the boundary-breaking talisman, and he will never get too involved in the dispute between the two parties.

Through the tasks on the information interface, it can be confirmed that the Tianyuan Shenting is indeed in a state of preparation for battle.

All preparations are to deal with the war that breaks out at any time.

Dare to secretly contact the primitive gods, and take the initiative to provoke a war in the Gulan God Realm, Tianyuan Shenting must have enough strength.

This kind of strength has nothing to do with ordinary monks, but is completely determined by the level of gods.

The strength of Tianyuan Shenting is very strong, the number of known gods is hundreds, and this alone is enough to crush other Shentings
However, [-]% of them are low-level gods, otherwise these hundreds of gods alone would be enough to dominate the Tianyuan Continent.

Tang Zhen learned through inquiring about the news that the Tianyuan Shenting broke out thousands of years ago, and there were originally only dozens of gods.

Later, for some unknown reason, the Heavenly Abyss Divine Court continued to have gods appearing, and their strength became stronger and stronger.

The master of Tianyuan's expression is called the Tianyuan God King, and he is definitely the most powerful existence among the twelve God Kings in the Tianyuan Continent.

Based on the analysis and deduction of the collected information, Tang Zhen became more and more sure that the Tianyuan God King was suspicious and had enough reasons to initiate a war.

Because a chaotic land simply cannot accommodate the strength and ambition of the Tianyuan God King, not to mention that he only occupies a small piece of the Tianyuan Continent.

In the Gulan God Realm, if you want to obtain land, you must either collect it by luck or rob it violently.

Under normal circumstances, if the Tianyuan Divine King wanted to attack, the first targets to be attacked should be the eleven divine courts in the Tianyuan Continent.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen was slightly startled.

If he guessed correctly, the entire Tianyuan Continent is probably already under the control of Tianyuan Shenting.

On the surface, maintaining the past separatist regime is just to avoid arousing the attention of other gods.

How terrifying would it be if the Chaos Continent merged into one united the power of the twelve divine courts?
There are thousands of gods participating in the war, who can be the opponent?
The more Tang Zhen thought about it, the more he sighed, and he also had a little admiration for the Tianyuan God King, who is definitely a ruthless man who does great things.

Using his own means, he took control of the Tianyuan Continent, and even secretly contacted the original gods.

Tang Zhen didn't know what kind of conditions the Tianyuan God King used to convince the Primordial God King, but he knew that it was by no means a simple matter.

This strategy alone is enough to make people admire and sigh.

There is no need to make a strong distinction between good and evil in the world of practice, it's just a matter of different standpoints. Which one who has achieved great things will not have a mountain of bones at his feet?

Tang Zhen was just a passer-by, and he didn't want to involve too much, otherwise he really wanted to see how far the God King of Tianyuan could go.
Tang Zhen originally thought that he would have to wait for a long time after releasing the mission before he could get the news he wanted.

Unexpectedly, just a few days later, he suddenly received a message stating that he had a broken ring talisman in his hand.

If Tang Zhen is willing to trade, the two parties can discuss in detail.

Tang Zhen was overjoyed, and immediately contacted the other party, saying that he could trade at any time.

After making an appointment for the meeting place, Tang Zhen acted immediately, preparing to meet with the other party for a detailed discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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