Chapter 3285 Chaos
Beishan Realm is located in a chaotic sea of ​​stars.

The universe is boundless, and there are more than one sea of ​​stars, some of which are suitable for the existence of life, and some are simply truly hopeless.

No matter what kind of environment, for monks, there is likely to be development value, and monks may exist in any dangerous and desperate situation.

Due to the special location of the Beishan boundary, there will be turbulent energy flowing through it all year round, thus forming a special geographical environment.

The earth was cut by the turbulent energy flow and became riddled with holes, forming countless metal mountains with strange shapes.

There is no grass on these peaks, like skinny stalagmites, all over the various areas of the North Mountain Boundary.

The area under the mountain is covered with exotic flowers and plants, which belong to a special blessed place and cave.

When the energy turbulence passes through the North Mountain Boundary, it will react with the metal mountain and condense a special substance.

This is a precious refining material with a high value and is widely used by monks in Loucheng.

It is for this reason that Beishan boundary was occupied by the monks of Loucheng and became an important material collection place.

Before the monks of Loucheng occupied it, Beishan Realm belonged to the territory of foreign races and had occupied it for thousands of years.

Just because the foreign race needs this precious material more, they often invade the Beishan Realm, trying to snatch and occupy this place again.

In order to ensure the safety of Beishan, the monks of Loucheng sent a large number of monks to stay here all year round.

Even in order to be safe, a god will be specially sent to sit in charge.

Because there are gods here, the foreign races are not opponents at all, so there has been no warning in Beishan for a long time.

However, on a certain day, Beishan Realm was suddenly invaded.

The enemy who didn't know where came from rushed into the Beishan boundary with incomparable arrogance, destroying it recklessly.

The monks in Loucheng who were in charge of the defense naturally couldn't tolerate it, and immediately counterattacked the intruders.

A tragic war unfolded in Beishan Realm.

Unexpectedly, the intruder was extremely powerful, and the monk Loucheng was no match at all, and he was beaten helplessly.

At the critical moment, the god general guarding the Beishan boundary took action, trying to repel and kill the enemy.

Unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred.

As soon as this general appeared, he was suddenly attacked. Three generals who appeared out of nowhere beat him to serious injuries!

The god general who was sniped panicked and quickly withdrew from the battlefield, only to be ambushed by hidden gods on the way.

Four gods of unknown origin cooperated with each other and beheaded the general on the spot.

After the operation was successful, the intruders withdrew immediately without any hesitation.

Seeing this, the foreign race who had been peeping all the time took the opportunity to enter the Beishan Realm, vandalized and plundered wantonly, and wiped out the supplies accumulated over the years.

By the time the monks in Loucheng got the news and sent troops to support them, the Beishan Realm had already been turned into ruins.

The monk Loucheng from the fourth war zone chased and killed the monks of other races in a rage, and killed the corpses of the alien races in the chaotic star sea like a mountain.

But the losses suffered are irreparable.

Cultivator Loucheng conducted a thorough investigation, wanting to find out the origin of the intruder, and then retaliate at any cost.

It turned out that the intruder did not leave any clues, so it was impossible to judge the real origin.

This was obviously done on purpose, and it was aimed at monks in Loucheng, or some territories in the fourth war zone.


In an unknown area, there is an ancient battlefield.

There are countless corpses lying on the battlefield, and their bodies are extremely huge, covering the vast expanse of land.

All kinds of elixirs and strange magic weapons are scattered in every corner of the battlefield.

The value of possession is almost impossible to count.

This ancient battlefield belonged to the monks of Loucheng who accidentally discovered it, but it was not taken seriously at the beginning.

As a result, the real value was discovered unintentionally.

Even the monks in Loucheng couldn't easily abandon this treasure, and immediately dispatched people to dig it out.

Before you know it, a hundred years have passed

The number of precious materials unearthed is increasing, and the value of this ancient battlefield remains is becoming higher and higher.

In order to ensure no loss, the monks of Loucheng sent heavy troops to station here all the year round.

But he didn't expect that on a certain day, he was suddenly attacked by foreign enemies, and the invaders wreaked havoc on the ancient battlefield.

While looting supplies, they are also deliberately destroying the ruins of the battlefield.

Because the war at the beginning was too tragic, the spatial obstacle avoidance of the ancient battlefield was extremely fragile, and some places had already been swallowed by the void.

It's like a tall wooden building that has been gnawed by moths and is in a precarious state.

With the destruction of the invaders, the dilapidated ancient battlefield was completely in chaos.

There are void cracks everywhere, and void monsters appear from time to time, devouring and destroying frantically.

If the original ancient battlefield was a rich gold mine, then its current value is less than one percent of its original value.

Moreover, the process of excavation has to bear great risks, but the harvest is far from being comparable to the initial one.

The monks in Loucheng defended desperately, but they were not opponents at all. After suffering heavy casualties, they had to retreat temporarily to avoid their edge.

The intruders did some damage and then walked away, leaving only a mess everywhere.

Hearing the news, the reinforcements from the fourth war zone rushed over, gnashing their teeth with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

The enemy who invaded and destroyed did not leave any clues, and even if they wanted to take revenge, they could not find the target.


Rainbow Valley City belongs to the fourth war zone.

This special national-level building city is built on a starry sky behemoth, which is comparable in size to a planet.

Because of the special environment, different planes can be connected, making Rainbow Valley City extremely lively.

Cultivators from various planes gather and trade in Rainbow Valley City, and the owners have gained huge benefits.

The benefits of wars from conquering planes are also incomparable.

It was for this reason that the monks in Loucheng in the fourth war zone sent heavy troops to protect the safety of Honggu City.

Because of the prestige and strength of the monk Loucheng, there have been no accidents in the past thousand years.

However, this stability was eventually broken.

A powerful enemy of unknown origin raided the ancient city of Hong, catching the monks in Loucheng by surprise.

Although there are many monks in Rainbow Valley City, the invading enemy is powerful, and the battle is like destroying the dead.

Cultivator Loucheng was so frightened that he had no choice but to stand up and resist, otherwise he would surely die.

The situation is so critical, the guardian gods will definitely take action.

But how did they know that the goal of the intruders was to snipe at the guarding gods.

After the two guardian generals appeared, they were immediately attacked and were seriously injured in an instant.

The intruders had planned it long ago, and all the methods they used were all one-hit kills.

One Guardian God General fell on the spot, and the other Guardian God General was seriously injured and fled the battlefield without hesitation.

Just when the opponent was about to hide in the Kingdom of God and try to save his life, he was attacked by the invaders again.

The intruders used special means to delay the closure of the Kingdom of Mind, and then took the opportunity to launch a fatal attack.

The Guardian God General was caught off guard, suffered another heavy blow, and finally fell in despair.

After successfully beheading two generals, the invaders looted and destroyed Honggu City completely.

By the time the fourth theater sent reinforcements, the invading enemy had disappeared without a trace, leaving only mutilated corpses everywhere.


(End of this chapter)

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