I have a city in another world

The benefits of living longer

The benefits of living longer
Originally he was just hunting super creatures to obtain rules particles, but he learned about the tree of rules.

Not even the relevant information was mentioned in the intelligence of the Lord of Destiny, which made Tang Zhen almost miss a way to obtain the rule seed.

Originally, in addition to the condensation of sentiments, or hunting specific targets, you can also get regular seeds by planting trees.

For Tang Zhen, this was a surprise.

Rule seeds are very important. If you want to become a god king, you must obtain enough rule seeds, and then use rule particles to breed them.

When the rule seed is mature, it can be used to try to build and use rules.

Of course, the specific steps are definitely not that simple, and even Tang Zhen has only a half-knowledge.

Neither the Lord of Destiny nor the native monks gave detailed information.

But one thing is certain, rule seeds are essential, the more you get, the better.

Looking at the tree of rules in front of him, Tang Zhen came up with an idea, can this thing be cultivated and grown up?

When the saplings grow up, they will be able to feel under the tree at all times, and have more opportunities to obtain regular seeds.

Tang Zhen already knew the method of cultivating the tree of rules, but he didn't know how long it would take.

If the cultivation process takes tens of thousands of years, Tang Zhen would rather find another method.

If you really want to do this, you must communicate with these giant city monks to obtain their permission.

Although with Tang Zhen's means, he can choose to occupy the tree of rules, but he must pay attention to some rules when doing things.

If you want to cultivate the tree of rules, you also need the residents of the giant city.

Thinking about the attitude of the residents of the giant city, they would definitely take the initiative to persuade them to stay without Tang Zhen opening his mouth.

When the time comes, push the boat with the current, and you can stay in the giant city.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry to do this, but while listening to the monk's narration, he studied the tree of rules and arranged the next action plan.

Without waiting too long, monk Jucheng visited Tang Zhen again.

This is the other party coming straight to the point, directly expressing their intentions, hoping to make a deal with Tang Zhen.

Jucheng does not have much wealth, so it is not afraid of Tang Zhen's looting. If such a thing happens unfortunately, it will be regarded as a waste of money to avoid disaster.

Life is the most important thing. With a long lifespan, the abandoned wealth will be able to accumulate again sooner or later.

Besides, the monks of the giant city themselves also have cards, so they may not be afraid of ordinary enemies.

Just like the gang captured by Tang Zhen, they can manipulate monsters to attack the city, and hide behind the scenes to do bad things secretly.

If they are discovered by the monks of the giant city and they fight against each other, they may not be able to win any benefits.

In the end, it is likely that both sides will suffer.

Tang Zhen's level of powerhouse has very little chance of attacking the city. Once he encounters it, he can only consider himself unlucky.

Proposing a deal with Tang Zhen was completely a gamble on luck. He had already made money, but now he just wanted to make more money.

After making the request, the cultivators of Jucheng felt uneasy, for fear that Tang Zhen would refuse.

In fact, they also know that the chance of success is pitifully small.

But how did they know that Tang Zhen was waiting for them to speak, and he didn't mind giving some benefits to the monks of Jucheng.

Seeing Tang Zhen nodding, the monks in Jucheng showed joy, and their hearts were filled with uncontrollable excitement.

Originally, I just wanted to try it, but I didn't expect it to be really successful. Of course, it was an unexpected surprise.

"Is there any place in your giant city that needs my help?"

Only when the transaction is concluded can the next step be considered and the specific transaction content studied.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, the monk of Jucheng quickly replied: "It's up to you to decide, whether it's a rune circle, a practice technique, or a magic weapon, everything is fine!"

Due to the influence of the difference in strength, the items that Tang Zhen despises are likely to be rare treasures in the eyes of monks in the giant city.

Their requirements are not too high, as long as they are reasonable, they are already satisfied.

"Rune circle..."

Tang Zhen pondered in his heart, and asked the cultivator of Jucheng: "Where did the rune circle you use come from, and how long has it not been maintained?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, monk Jucheng felt even more joyful.

In their hearts, what they most hope to trade is related to the rune circle that guards the city.

This is the foundation of protecting the city. Without the existence of the rune circle, the giant city would have been captured by monsters long ago.

It's just that the repair of the rune circle is extremely difficult, and few monks dare to take over, because this thing is not easy to damage, but it can hurt itself.

Without absolute self-confidence, you dare not touch it at all.

"Reporting to Your Excellency, the protective circle came from 5000 years ago, and it was acquired by my ancestors through a transaction with a strong man.

It has been running until now, and has not been maintained once, because there is no corresponding ability at all. "

Speaking of this matter, it is actually quite embarrassing, but there is nothing to do.

It's not that the monks in Jucheng don't want to, but it's really impossible. The biggest crisis in Jucheng is that the rune circle is about to collapse.

Once the rune circle collapses, the next time monsters attack the city, they will inevitably encounter a fatal crisis.

At that time, even if the city is not destroyed, the casualties will inevitably be unacceptably heavy.

If Tang Zhen could help and repair the incomplete rune circle, it would literally save the lives of the people in the city.

"In this case, I will help you repair the rune circle, and if possible, I will also help you upgrade it.

How to do it, I have to wait for me to study it before making a decision. "

Upon hearing this, the cultivator of Jucheng quickly nodded in agreement.

It is not extravagant to hope that Tang Zhen can upgrade and transform, as long as the rune array can be repaired and used for a longer period of time, it will be enough to solve the existing crisis.

"Since it is a transaction, you must pay for it. Now tell me, what can you all pay?"

Cultivator Jucheng was a little nervous, for fear that the reward he paid would not satisfy Tang Zhen.

But you can't just talk about it, otherwise you will be asking for trouble.

He can only bite the bullet and show all his family background, showing a poor and flattering smile.

I'm afraid that Tang Zhen, a strong man, will dislike them for being too poor, and end this transaction angrily.

Tang Zhen was expressionless. Looking at the list of items provided by the other party, he found that there was nothing he wanted.

It's not that the giant city is poor, but that resources are very limited, and Tang Zhen can't produce anything that Tang Zhen can fancy.

If it was an ordinary monk, after seeing these items, he would have been so excited that he couldn't be more excited.

"Where do your regular particles come from?"

After hearing Tang Zhen's question, the monk in Jucheng secretly said that only regular particles can be seen by this strong man.

"Those regular particles are obtained by beheading super creatures, and the number is really not too much.

But if you want it, we can form a hunting team to hunt and kill super creatures everywhere.

All the obtained rule granules will be handed over to you as a reward for the transaction.

As long as you are willing, it will take thousands of years to gather enough regular particles..."

Brother Jucheng made a suggestion. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be very familiar with this trading method.

"This way of credit, do you often use it?"

The giant city cultivator nodded, indicating that it was indeed so.

"When my ancestors built the city, because of the lack of talents and materials, they had done many transactions like this.

The two parties signed a contract, and the debts could be settled slowly. It took more than 700 years to pay off all the foreign debts. "

When the monk of the giant city said this, he showed a smug look on his face, as if this was something worth showing off.

At first glance, it is unbelievable that the residents of a city have spent nearly 4000 years repaying their debts.

For residents who can live forever as long as they don't die in accidents, such a debt is nothing at all.

Without the protection of the city, they would have already lost their lives. How could they be eligible to repay their debts?

"So you also plan to use this method to conduct transactions and make me the creditor of your entire city?"

Tang Zhen chuckled and asked the monk in the giant city.

(End of this chapter)

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