Chapter 3303

Recently, the residents of Giant City have been busy all day long, but they have been living a very fulfilling life.

There are still many residents, and their sense of security has increased wildly.

The continuous improvement of one's own strength, as well as the protective magic circle above the head, are the main reasons for the increased sense of security.

Under Tang Zhen's operation, the protective circle has been completely restored, and it is no longer the dilapidated scene of the past.

The large and small giant eggs floating above the city become a scene of the city, which can be seen clearly as long as you look up.

Compared with the chaos of the past, today's rune dome has become translucent.

It can be vaguely seen that there is a hideous figure inside, it is really a spirit in the state of gestation.

The terrifying form and breath made people feel fearful.

Fortunately, all the residents of the giant city know that the existence of these spirits is to protect the city from intrusion.

After getting over the initial fear, I gradually got used to it, and even observed and recorded it from time to time, and gave these spirits different names.

These array spirits also have intelligence, and whenever they hear someone shouting, they will respond more or less.

Today's Zhen Ling is like a newborn baby with spiritual wisdom, in a state of ignorance.

The change of mentality makes the city more vibrant.

Now all the residents are working hard for one thing, and that is to constantly improve their own cultivation strength.

Practicing in the suspended square inside the city and hunting monsters on the plain outside the city will definitely not waste a single moment of time.

Every person who truly works hard can see changes in their own strength and can also see an improvement in their strength.

This made them feel happy. After all, the improvement in strength represented a guarantee of safety.

The most important point is that you can exchange points for items to get what you dream of.

In this world where supplies are scarce, it is simply unbelievable to get what you want so easily.

For this reason, Tang Zhen's reputation has become extremely high, even the city lord can't match it.

For such a situation, the city lord was a little helpless, but that was all.

Worried that Tang Zhen would seize power and take the city as his own, such small thoughts have long since been dispelled.

Because he knew very well in his heart how easy it would be to destroy the giant city with Tang Zhen's powerful strength.

Tang Zhen didn't do this because it wasn't necessary, or because he didn't like it at all.

However, in order to appease the city lord, Tang Zhen still summoned the city lord and told him not to worry too much.

I am just a passerby, and I will leave sooner or later, and I will never snatch the control of the city.

Having received Tang Zhen's promise, the city lord felt at ease, and he no longer dared to think wildly.

For fear of angering Tang Zhen and turning a good thing into a bad thing.

Apart from other things, Tang Zhen's favor has reached the level that the residents of the giant city cannot repay.

Under such circumstances, if Tang Zhen wanted to be the city lord, he would definitely win the support of the vast majority of residents.

The remaining few will also succumb to violence.

In this world, the strong are respected, and the city lord is also the most powerful, and because of the family inheritance, he assumed the position of the city lord.

With Tang Zhen's strength, it would be extremely easy to replace him.

If the city lord disagrees, Tang Zhen also has a solution. He just needs to bring the other party into the Kingdom of God and transform him into a monk of the Kingdom of God.

At that time, life and death will be controlled by Tang Zhen, and he will not be able to obey orders.

Everything is running normally, and as long as it takes time, there will be rich harvests.

Who would have thought that under such circumstances, some outsiders discovered the abnormality of the giant city, and they were secretly peeping.

Because of the closedness of the giant city, it has never easily accepted foreign monks, and those monks who were peeping did not enter the city.

However, the abnormality that occurred in the giant city was spread to a gathering place of monks, which immediately attracted the attention of interested people.

Those who are most interested in rumors are those bandits who often loot.

In this world, there are also monks participating in the robbery, and their behavior is rampant and cruel.

When these monks heard about the changes in the giant city, they immediately became suspicious.

In the eyes of these monks, the nameless giant city must have been given a chance, otherwise such obvious changes would not have been possible.

The more I think about it, the greed in my heart can no longer be suppressed.

They immediately mobilized people to conduct a detailed investigation of the giant city, and after the situation was confirmed, they would definitely launch an attack on the giant city.

The city wall that can stop the monsters may not be able to stop these monks, especially this group of vicious guys.

Not long after, more detailed information came, confirming the correctness of the previous rumors.

This remote and unknown giant city has indeed undergone great changes, both inside and outside the city.

Some monks secretly speculated that the unknown giant city may have discovered a prehistoric secret, so that there will be a sudden change.

All kinds of changes are all derived from the treasures in the secret store, otherwise it would be impossible for an unknown giant city to be so rich.

Things like this have not never happened in the past, and every lucky person has become rich overnight because of it.

Soon, news spread that this unknown giant city had discovered a treasure, and it was now extremely rich.

I believe that there must be more treasures in their hands.

The greedy monks moved their minds, everyone wanted to get the treasure, and they could get a share of the benefits of the heart.

This time there was no need to summon them at all, and all kinds of monks spontaneously went to the nameless giant city, and began to observe outside the city, openly or secretly.

There are many monks who don't hide their existence at all, and look unscrupulous.

The sudden appearance of a foreign monk made the residents of the giant city a little flustered. After all, the other party's behavior was undisguised, and his greed and malice were also undisguised.

Residents figured it out and knew what was going on.

Apparently the changes in the giant city brought these outside thieves.

Like hungry wolves, they sized up the fat prey, constantly looking for opportunities to strike.

If it's just a pack of wolves, it doesn't matter, the strong city walls and guards are enough to block them firmly.

But if there are groups of hungry wolves, it will definitely make people feel flustered, and even feel like a catastrophe is imminent.

Those residents who have lived for thousands of years are used to seeing monsters attacking the city, but this is the first time they have seen this situation.

It is natural to feel panic in my heart.

At this critical moment, the city lord suddenly spoke out, saying that all residents do not need to panic.

Everything is going on as usual, no need to pay attention to these outsiders, and they will definitely not pose a threat to the giant city.

The city lord certainly doesn't have such confidence, making such a promise must have come from Tang Zhen's instruction.

The originally flustered residents of Jucheng immediately calmed down, obviously full of confidence in Tang Zhen.

In a short period of time, Tang Zhen established an unshakable prestige and brought strong confidence to the residents of the giant city.

This change in mentality was noticed by those peeping monks outside the city, and various speculations arose in their hearts.

This made them more certain that the residents of the giant city must have benefited, so they could be confident.

The monk who originally planned to wait and see had already made up his mind at this moment, and he must not miss this opportunity given by God.

What happened next became a little weird.

More and more monks gathered outside the city, all of them looked fierce and fierce, as if they might start a war with their swords at any time.

The residents in the city were doing as usual, practicing and killing monsters as usual, and they were not affected at all.

This indifferent attitude made the monks outside the city puzzled, and instead became hesitant.

(End of this chapter)

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