I have a city in another world

Chapter 3308 The deal before the giant city

Chapter 3308 The deal before the giant city
Recently, monks who drive away monsters can often be seen near the unknown giant city.

When encountering these monsters, the monks basically chose to ignore them, because they were of no value at all.

But now it is different, these big and small monsters are moving wealth in the eyes of monks.

But all the monsters that could be seen were caught by the monks, and then sold to the unknown giant city.

The more monsters you catch, the more you earn. If it is the kind of monster that is about to generate regular particles, you can easily make a lot of money.

Some monks moved their minds and wanted to snatch these monsters, but they were punished during the transaction.

Soon new rules spread among the monks.

If you want to trade with Jucheng, don't try to rob other people's wealth. If you deliberately make trouble, you will definitely be severely punished.

There is indeed a group of monks, with strong malice in their hearts, who want to cause trouble for the unknown giant city.

They deliberately blocked the road and robbed, just to discredit the nameless giant city, so that other monks would not dare to come to trade.

But he didn't expect that his private behavior would fall into Tang Zhen's eyes long ago, and he handed over the task of cleaning up to the residents of Jucheng.

The residents of Jucheng are very active in maintaining their reputation and never allow any outsiders to trample and insult them.

After encountering a few blows, those evil-minded guys no longer dared to act rashly.

In this area, Jucheng is the well-deserved overlord, and foreign monks can't compete with it at all.

Those who dare to challenge the local snakes will end up being overthrown, or even left with no bones left.

Following the roar of wild beasts, a large group of fierce monsters were driven towards the giant city by the monks.

The cultivators who gathered nearby were familiar with this scene for a long time, but they couldn't hide their envy in their eyes.

After all, if these monsters are sold, they will definitely make a lot of money.

The monks who drive away the monsters have sharp horns on their heads and scales on their bodies, and they look very strong.

It's just that their aura is very strange, as if every monk is suffering from a serious disease.

They were amazed by the bustle of the giant city, but they didn't expect that there were so many monks in this remote place.

The monks have also been to large and small gathering places, but the scene here is completely different from the giant city.

The excellent practice environment, coupled with the rune circle in the sky, immediately made the monks aware of the extraordinaryness of the giant city.

Sure enough, the rumors were not groundless, and there must be something extraordinary about being able to get so many monks to talk about it.

Originally, I was apprehensive, worried that the rumors might be untrue, but now I can feel relieved.

There is also a glimmer of expectation, slowly rising from my heart.

You don't need someone to guide you. When you arrive at the giant city, you will know how to trade.

It turns out that the rune circle above the head will convey a hint of thought and inform various rules that need to be paid attention to.

The monks drove away the monsters and came to the edge of the rune circle, where there were giant city monks on duty.

Seeing the cultivator driving away the monster, the other party nodded slightly, and at the same time pointed behind him.

"If you want to sell monsters, just drive them in, and I will be responsible for counting them.

Don't haggle with me, I have no authority to set prices and I will never accept bribes.

But I can tell you that the transaction price is absolutely fair, even beyond your imagination. "

After the monk of Jucheng finished speaking, he chose to keep silent.

He also just informed routinely that if the monk feels dissatisfied, he can stop the transaction immediately.

Of course, this never happened.

"We're willing to sell."

The old man at the head of the team said with a smile on his face, and quickly ordered people to drive the monster into it.

There are thousands of his clansmen, and there are more than 2000 monsters driven away, which seems to be mighty.

As the monks chased it away, the monster entered the rune circle, making waves of escape.

Just in the blink of an eye, residents of the giant city kept appearing and fighting with these monsters.

Outside the rune circle, the old man waited for the monks to see this, and their expressions became a little dignified.

They have long heard that the method of taming monsters in the giant city is a bit special, and only now do they know what this special refers to.

He even used chaotic energy to condense his avatar, and fought monsters to hone his skills, and at the same time, he could also serve the purpose of feeding monsters.

Looking at those monsters that have become super creatures but are still kept in captivity, the monks once again realized the extraordinaryness of the unknown giant city.

Especially the old man, whose cloudy eyes shone brightly, as if he had seen the long-sought hope.

"The inventory and valuation have been completed. You can browse through it. If you confirm that it is correct, you can go to the location where the stele is to check out."

While the monk of Jucheng was speaking, he threw a jade tablet over and landed in the hands of a strong monk.

After the strong monk took it, he probed through his spiritual sense and showed a smile.

"Fair enough, no problem."

While the strong monk was speaking, he had already turned around and headed straight for the huge monument.

Including the old man, the monks of the same clan all guarded around him.

After all, this jade tablet represents the wealth of the whole family, and there must be no mistakes.

Not long after, the monks came to the front of the stele.

"Patriarch, are you coming or am I coming?"

The strong monk turned his head, looked at the old man beside him, and said in a questioning tone.

"I... you should come..."

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched slightly, he had experienced too many failures, and now he could no longer bear any blows.

Hearing others tell you that compared with your own personal experience, the blow you bear may be much smaller.

The strong monk nodded slightly, communicating with the stele with his spiritual consciousness, and first confirmed the value of the monsters just now.

After checking the points, the strong monk immediately asked if he could buy the elixir he had been looking for for many years?
When this question was raised, the strong monk was also very nervous, because he himself suffered from it.

At the same time as the question was raised, the stele responded immediately, and a pill appeared in front of his eyes.

The moment he saw the elixir, the strong monk's body trembled, and his eyes widened because of it.


He suddenly raised his finger to the stele, his face turned red instantly, and he looked quite terrifying.

Seeing this, the companions around him were taken aback, thinking that they had been assassinated.

"Tell me, what's wrong with you?"

The old man, who seemed to be dying, suddenly let out a loud roar, like thunder bursting in the clear sky.

Hearing the words, the strong monk immediately came back to his senses, and then grabbed forward with his palm.

Turning around quickly, he spread his palms, revealing a elixir exuding a strange fragrance.

"Patriarch, look!"

The moment they smelled the fragrance of the medicine, the nearby clansmen felt relieved.

The old man, who was originally in doubt, suddenly widened his eyes, staring fixedly at the elixir that exudes a strange fragrance.

After watching for more than ten seconds, he raised his head tremblingly and looked at the strong monk in front of him.

"Is it?"

When he asked this sentence, the old man's tone was a little apprehensive, as if he was afraid of hearing a negative answer.

"Yes, that's it, hahaha, that's what we're looking for!"

The strong monk roared loudly, obviously extremely excited, and at the same time attracted a group of cheers from the surrounding clansmen.

"Give me the elixir, I want to test it myself!"

The excited old man suddenly calmed down and said to the strong monk.

"Patriarch, this kind of thing is too dangerous, let others do it..."

Hearing this, the strong monk hurriedly opened his mouth to stop it. This is not a joke.

"Don't persuade me, this matter is related to the fate of the whole family, if it still fails this time, there is no need for me to persevere.

If I die, you will directly take over as the patriarch and continue to lead the whole clan to find the antidote. "

When the old man said this, he directly grabbed the elixir and threw it into his mouth.

Seeing this, the monks of the same clan around showed sorrowful expressions on their faces, but they did not continue to stop them.

If this time is still unsuccessful, a group of monks, including the old patriarch, really have no way to continue.

Death, for them who are suffering, may be the best choice.

(End of this chapter)

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