I have a city in another world

Chapter 3318 Continue to improve!

Chapter 3318 Continue to improve!

The terroir of the Yuanji Realm is indeed very hostile, but it is the most abundant in all kinds of ghosts and ghosts.

For monks, this is a barren land, and the path of cultivation is extremely difficult.

Cultivating the physical body is the best choice, but due to the lack of natural resources and treasures, the speed of strength improvement is very slow.

Fortunately, there is a long lifespan, so that the monks can survive slowly, accumulating and improving their strength little by little.

Even a pig can become stronger.

For outsiders, this long wait is actually a very painful torment.

Tang Zhen has not been in this world for too long, but he has already truly experienced this helpless feeling.

As the saying goes, do as the Romans do, since the rules of the Yuanji Realm are like this, we can only try our best to adapt.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen has many methods. Even if he encounters various problems, he can still find a solution.

Just like the tree of rules, if it grows under normal circumstances, it will take a long time.

However, under Tang Zhen's operation, the unknown giant city specially built a suspended square to provide nourishment for the tree of rules.

The continuous infusion of nutrition keeps the tree of rules in a state of overeating all the time, never needing to worry about the lack of food.

As time goes by, the strength of the residents of the giant city becomes stronger and stronger, and the food for the tree of rules will also increase.

The rapid growth of the tree of rules is seen by the residents of the giant city, and it changes almost every moment.

In the beginning, it was only more than one foot, but now it has grown to tens of meters, and it is still growing.

Tang Zhen once asked how tall a tree of rules would be, and the answer he got was at least a thousand meters.

It takes more than a thousand meters to become a useful person, and then it will continue to grow and rise, and finally reach the level of reaching the ground.

The regular trees in the original extreme world grow randomly, and most of them are in places where living creatures gather, but most of them will not become useful.

Somewhere there is a regular tree with a height of tens of thousands of meters, and wherever the eye can see, it is covered by the canopy that blocks the sky and the sun.

This area is occupied by strong people, and outsiders are not allowed to approach easily, otherwise they will be severely punished.

There are also countless monks who paid a price to enter it, just to be able to condense the seeds of rules.

The condensation of rule seeds does not actually limit the level, but the stronger the strength, the higher the chance of condensation.

For monks, the seed of rules is extremely useful, and it is beneficial to practice with twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, agglomeration of regular seeds does not mean that they can be bred. Enough regular particles are necessary to complete the cultivation.

If the tree of rules of the unknown giant city becomes a talent one day, it will definitely bring a lot of wealth.

It is for this reason that the residents of Jucheng are full of expectations.

The outside world's coveting of the unknown giant city is also related to the tree of rules, but they don't have too many expectations.

The growth of the rule tree is too long, and it is not uncommon for rule saplings to fail, and few monks will patiently wait for it to become useful.

If you really understand the tree of rules, you will know how fast this sapling in the nameless giant city grows.

Fortunately, outsiders don't know about this matter, otherwise the value of the nameless giant city will definitely increase exponentially.

At that time, there will be more powerful people who will start to be more interested in the unknown giant city.

Tang Zhen used the rune circle to cover up the changes in the tree of rules and avoid being discovered by outside monks.

Even if someone finds out, Tang Zhen won't care. Instead, he will use this opportunity to plan more things.

All monks want to condense the seeds of rules, so Tang Zhen, who controls the tree of rules, must be able to exchange more benefits.

The residents of the unknown giant city don't know that Tang Zhen is not satisfied with the growth rate of the tree of rules, and is now thinking of ways to continue to accelerate.

The residents of the giant city had already been fully utilized, so there was no need to worry about them, as that would easily lead to accidents.

There must always be a limit to everything, and the truth that too much is too much is too much, and monks are far more clear than ordinary people.

Tang Zhen focused his attention on the demon farm.

There are a large number of monsters imprisoned here, and there are also many captive monks, all of whom can be squeezed.

I built the monster farm by myself, and it is easy to rebuild it, not to mention that now Tang Zhen has more helpers.

The Kingdom of God opened in my mind, and two figures appeared in front of my eyes.

As soon as the figure is extremely strong, with a faint golden light shining, the cultivation of the physical body has reached the extreme.

On the body of this cultivator, he wore a set of strange battle armor, which was covered with hideous spikes.

The exposed limbs are covered with fine runes, just like tattoos.

Another figure, like fine smoke particles, re-condensed in the process of continuous disintegration.

The two figures in front of him are the superpowers who were suppressed and captured by Tang Zhen before, and who were included in the Kingdom of God in their minds.

It's just that at this moment, they have long lost their original vigor, and their aura has become erratic.

In the previous battle, they were almost beaten to death by Tang Zhen, but they managed to save their lives in the end.

Tang Zhen showed mercy because he wanted to learn more secret information through these two local monks.

Although two enemies were captured, Tang Zhen knew very well that he did not completely control the opponent.

In the unknown distance, these two guys have been reborn with new bodies.

What is reborn is not a clone, and there is no difference between it and the main body. The biggest gap should be the strength of cultivation.

The superpowers in the original polar world will leave enough behind to ensure that they can be reborn after encountering an accident.

And leave enough resources to improve your own strength, so that you can ensure your own safety.

"Black Mist is in charge of leading the staff and arranging the rune circle according to my design. There is absolutely no room for omissions."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he threw a jade tablet to Brother Mist, and gave orders in a calm tone.

"Yes, Master."

The body of monk Mist has been repaired by Tang Zhen through the essence of God, and it has become completely different from the past.

But after being transformed, Tang Zhen was able to kill the Mist monk with just one thought.

At the same time, it can re-condense the smoke monks in a single thought, and even create more identical individuals.

This kind of manipulation made Brother Mist helpless and could only obediently choose to surrender.

After receiving the order, Brother Mist acted immediately, leading more than a dozen subordinates to transform the rune circle.

Tang Zhen was in charge of overseeing the work, and he could clearly perceive any abnormalities.

"King Kong, you are in charge of supervising the construction of the city wall and speeding up the construction. It must be completed with quality and quantity."

Tang Zhen looked at the golden monk, and also arranged tasks for him.


The golden monk had no expression on his face, and directly accepted the order with his hands clasped.

His situation was the same as that of Brother Mist, completely controlled by Tang Zhen, without any freedom from head to toe.

Without Tang Zhen's order, even if you want to die, you can't do it.

Although he felt a lot of unwillingness in his heart, the golden monk had to admit that Tang Zhen's strength could indeed crush him.

Confronting Tang Zhen for strength is simply the most stupid act, and it is only natural to be defeated and suppressed.

At the moment of being captured, the golden monk had already passed on his thoughts, telling himself about his rebirth.

You must stay away from Tang Zhen, and absolutely do not continue to provoke him.

Being lucky enough to escape this time does not mean that it will be the same next time. If Tang Zhen is really angered, he may be wiped out!
(End of this chapter)

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