I have a city in another world

Chapter 3328 Ways to Solve Problems

Chapter 3328 Ways to Solve Problems

The communication between the mental power and the flower of the rules is completed, followed by a long period of gestation until the moment when the seeds of the rules mature.

Of course, most of the waiting has no results at all.

The most deceitful thing is that even if there is no hope, the monks will not get the slightest hint at all.

The trapped monks didn't know whether they had any hope of success or whether they should give up decisively.

After waiting in vain for many years, the final result may be nothing.


After successfully communicating with the flower of rules, according to the normal pattern, it should continuously deliver spiritual power.

The tree of rules absorbs the "toxin" produced during practice, but the flower of rules is only interested in spiritual power. The former is like a good medicine, but the latter is more like a virus.

The mental power absorbed by the flower of rules is like a fetus conceived by a mother. It needs to be supplemented with enough nutrients, otherwise it will not be able to grow normally.

Moreover, the transmission of mental power should not take too long, otherwise the connection between them may be broken.

Once that happens, it means that the previous efforts have been in vain.

In order to ensure a successful pregnancy, the monks will spare no effort, often sitting in one place for hundreds of years, just to ensure the uninterrupted transmission of spiritual power.

The ups and downs during the period, in fact, only I know.

The flower of rules Tang Zhen communicated with has received three spiritual powers successively, and other monks will join them in the future.

Compete with each other, but in the end it is possible to get nothing.

Although the communication was completed, Tang Zhen was still at a loss at this moment, and couldn't find a clue at all.

He can only perceive that there is his own spiritual power inside the flower of rules, but he doesn't know anything else.

The only thing that can be done is to continuously convey spiritual power, and then he is not qualified to know the effect of cultivation.

Such a situation is a bit like being wronged.

But even so, the monks still went on and on, lest they would not get the chance to be wronged.

Tang Zhen, who was lucky enough to communicate successfully, naturally would not give up the opportunity easily, and imitated other monks to convey spiritual power.

However, at the same time, his spiritual power was still testing, preparing to communicate more flowers of rules.

There are very few monks like him.

The vast majority of monks know that it is meaningless to cast a wide net, and the chance of getting nothing is much higher than sticking to one end.

Furthermore, one's own spiritual power is limited, and it is impossible to support more flowers of rules, otherwise it will cause damage to oneself.

Without waiting too long, Tang Zhen successfully communicated again, and another flower of rules lit up.

Tang Zhen was not the only lucky one, there were also some monks who successfully communicated and even couldn't help cheering.

There are more and more monks who successfully communicate, and the lucky ones no longer hide it. After all, this is not a divine weapon, and there is no way for outsiders to snatch it.

There are even some monks who plan to use this luck to seek better development for themselves.

Regardless of the nameless giant city or the monks of those major organizations, they will surely not reject a monk with potential.

Once the seeds of rules are successfully conceived, the investment will be doubled, and at the same time, there will be a powerful monk.

The situation is unclear now, and the recruitment has not happened. Obviously, most of the monks are waiting and watching.

But it won't take long for the monks who have successfully communicated with the Flower of Rules to belong to them one after another.

At that time, there will be monks who will guard the lucky ones and act as their guardians.

Compared with the complicated situation outside the city, the residents of the unknown giant city are obviously much more relaxed.

After they successfully communicated, they were gathered together by the city lord and became the focus of care.

You don't need to do other things, you just need to concentrate on practicing communication and strive to ripen the seeds of rules as soon as possible.

In the following time, the monks inside and outside the giant city are doing their best to communicate and practice.

I always feel that the opportunity is rare, and if I miss it, I will regret it.

Among the monks who communicated the flowers of the rules, only Tang Zhen was different.

Try to communicate more flowers of rules, and don't stop after success, always maintaining a steady stream of mental power output.

Because he is very clear, even though he has communicated with several flowers of rules, it does not mean that he can get the seeds of rules.

Fortunately, the mutated tree of rules made it easier to communicate with the flowers of rules, and provided Tang Zhen with an excellent opportunity to experiment.

In the process of communication, he was always thinking about how to ensure the success rate of the rule seed condensation.

The spiritual power of the monk is absorbed by the flower of rules, which only absorbs but does not feed back, so that the monk cannot obtain real information.

The same is true for Tang Zhen. Even if he tried his best, he still couldn't get any feedback.

This is especially true for other monks, who can't do anything other than continuously supply spiritual power.

In the end, Tang Zhen confirmed that only by doing some tricks in the spiritual power, there might be some hope.

Mental power is produced by the soul of a monk, and under normal circumstances it can be commanded like an arm, which is equivalent to the extension of a monk's energy body.

Many monks' supernatural powers can be displayed through spiritual power.

But in the case of being cut off by the rules, even though monks have many means, they can't use them at all.

Tang Zhen plans to hide a special life in the spiritual power and endow it with special abilities.

It is simply impossible for ordinary monks to do this, only the true creator can do it.

These monks in the Yuanji Realm, because they don't have a godhead, can't do this either.

This means that they may be able to think of Tang Zhen's method, but they have no ability to realize it.

Even if it can be done, it may not be able to achieve the level of doing whatever one wants like Tang Zhen.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for the life created by Tang Zhen in the Kingdom of God in his mind to survive in the outside world for too long.

Because it is not allowed by the rules, once you leave the Kingdom of Mind, you will be restricted and obliterated by external rules.

In many cases, Tang Zhen prefers to subdue and transform monks from all walks of life, so as to become monks in the Kingdom of God.

When they leave the Kingdom of God, they will not be rejected by the rules, and they can act flexibly.

The monks of the Kingdom of God will definitely not be able to complete this special task. Tang Zhen must create a special life himself.

Not only must they be able to survive away from the Kingdom of God, but they must also complete the tasks assigned by Tang Zhen in a special environment.

The requirements are not too harsh, but they are not easy either. Tang Zhen has to keep deducing and experimenting.

In the process of communicating the flowers of the rules, the creation of special life is also going on, and new life will be born every second, but it will be destroyed because it does not meet the requirements.

The creation of this kind of life consumes the essence of God, and the cost is actually quite huge.

If it were transformed into resources for practice, it would have already piled up like a mountain.

Although the consumption is huge, it is not worth mentioning at all compared to the possible benefits.

At the same time, in the kingdom of mind, Tang Zhen also simulated the flower of rules and built a special experimental environment.

This is another advantage of the kingdom of mind, and those monks in the original polar world do not have such conditions at all.

The special life that Tang Zhen wants to create can survive in spiritual power, and has an extraordinary ability to hide.

Even after being killed, as long as you touch the spiritual power, you can be resurrected and reborn in an instant.

And it can receive some special orders through mental power, and has an IQ no less than that of intelligent creatures.

If these requirements are met and successfully produced, it will definitely be a very extraordinary life.

Perhaps only in this way can it be considered perfect and have the opportunity to complete difficult tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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