I have a city in another world

Chapter 3333 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 3333 The overall situation has been decided
The strong style of the unknown giant city had an immediate effect, quickly stabilizing the chaos outside the city.

The monk organizations that originally realized that the situation was wrong and were planning to take the opportunity to escape now gave up this idea one after another.

Staying at the original place, everyone was on guard, not daring to act rashly at all.

After being blasted by a punch, even if he can be reborn, the situation will be very miserable.

The examples of King Kong and Black Mist are in front of them, and they must not be ignored. Sending them to intercept is actually a hidden warning.

The nameless giant city is polite first and then soldiers. If the major organizations insist on going their own way, they will not continue to be polite.

The monk organization didn't want to start a war with the unknown giant city because of this matter, it was really not worth it.

It's normal to have evil thoughts, as long as you don't do anything, you don't need to bear any responsibility.

No matter how powerful the unknown giant city is, it must be reasonable, and it is absolutely impossible to launch an attack indiscriminately.

Once public anger is committed, the situation may completely get out of control, leading to an unmanageable ending.

The smartest way is to stay where you are and wait for further arrangements from the unknown giant city.

The monks are very clear that what the nameless giant city wants is an attitude, and take the opportunity to establish its prestige.

If any cultivator organization tries to resist, it will inevitably be attacked and become a target for the unknown giant city to establish its majesty.

He had endured it for so long before, but now he suddenly broke out, and he must have vowed not to give up until he reached his goal.

The group of monks who were blocked from attacking was the most typical example, and they were beaten and maimed because they did not listen to the advice.

The nameless giant city that was originally undercurrents has once again regained its calm.

Two monks, King Kong and Black Mist, led many monks from the unknown giant city, silently monitoring and patrolling the Quartet.

It's like a hound with bared teeth, once it finds a target, it will bite fiercely.

All the bad guys disappeared, and no one dared to jump out to make trouble.

Even if he is still unwilling to give up, he will only plan slowly in secret, and will never be exposed easily.

Those monks who didn't want the war to happen and just wanted to practice with peace of mind were very happy with the end of the war.

Because of this incident, he admired the unknown giant city even more, and he came up with the idea of ​​joining it.

Such a strong strength can definitely dominate one side, far stronger than other monk organizations.

If it weren't for this incident, the number of monks who applied to join the Unknown Giant City would have been more than ten times higher.

But after this incident, the unknown giant city has raised its standards, and it doesn't mean that you can join it if you want to join it.

With so many monks, the flower of the rules of successful communication obviously has greater potential.

If you can choose, they are naturally the first choice.

After the war ended, the attention of the monks was once again attracted by the tree of rules.

A monk mentioned one thing. When the war was going on, the communication between Flower of Rules became very easy.

In a short period of time, nearly a thousand flowers of rules have established contact with the monks.

This situation is very abnormal, but it surprised the monks. If it was caused by the war, the monks could completely accept this method.

Even if there is no war, a similar method can be created to increase the chances of communicating the flowers of the rules.

Of course, the specific situation still needs to be confirmed through testing, and it must be completed by the unknown giant city.

Those foreign monks can only be said to be powerless.

Because of the situation in the unknown giant city, it has become very tense now, and a little carelessness will cause turmoil.

In this case, the foreign monk must keep a low profile enough and must not ask for trouble.

The superpower hidden in the dark has been shocked and truly understands the strength of the unknown giant city.

Those original ideas have now been dismissed one after another, and I don't want to cause unnecessary troubles.

Although the benefits are touching, you have to live to enjoy them.

Instead of taking the risk to launch an attack, it is better to obediently follow the rules of the unknown giant city, and honestly understand the flower of communication rules.

This special war quickly spread, making the name of the unknown giant city even louder.

Cultivators belonging to different camps and with different goals continued to pour towards the unknown giant city.


The attack on the unknown giant city had long been expected by Tang Zhen, and he was fully prepared.

The strength and cultivation he possesses is enough to crush the local superpowers, not to mention that he has many means and cards.

Especially the nameless giant city, under Tang Zhen's management arrangement, has become a real restricted area trap.

Those self-righteous enemies have already fallen into the trap when they broke through the rune circle.

Under Tang Zhen's control, the teleportation function of the rune circle was activated, controlling all the enemies.

At the same time, the Kingdom of God in the mind was opened by Tang Zhen.

The sudden burst of extreme darkness is actually to hide the kingdom of God in the mind and prevent the hidden enemies from seeing the clues.

The enemy had no chance to resist at all, and was directly sent to the Kingdom of God in his mind, and then suppressed with supreme rules.

But in a short period of time, the enemy's attack was crushed.

It seems easy, but in fact it requires sufficient strength and a sufficiently complete business layout.

After meeting all kinds of conditions, this seemingly weird incident occurred, which made the monks watching the battle puzzled.

The incident this time may never be solved, and it will inevitably be brought up by local monks.

Those enemies were suppressed in the Kingdom of God, and without Tang Zhen's permission, they would never be able to regain their freedom.

Since the enemy involved a lot, Tang Zhen would definitely not release them unless necessary.

Even if they are to be released, some transformation must be carried out, such as special methods like Mother Earth.

Completely changing their appearance and becoming Tang Zhen's servants and slaves is also a punishment for what they did.

With this deterrent, I believe that for a long time to come, the nameless giant city will be safe and sound.

Even if there are still people who are not willing to die, after hearing what happened, they will definitely not dare to act rashly again.

This was the result Tang Zhen wanted. The previous battle was completely out of helplessness, and there was no possibility of escaping.

The only thing Tang Zhen can do is to use what is inevitable to deter and strike the enemy enough.

Accurately seize opportunities and turn disadvantages into advantages, so as to get the results you want.

Not only can it turn danger into safety, but it can also turn disadvantage into advantage, and even solve all troubles once and for all.

Tang Zhen is actually very disgusted with the coveting and temptation of local monks, because it will affect his perception and research.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, Tang Zhen can finally calm down and continue to explore the secret of the rule seed.

When the previous battle happened, the abnormal changes in the Flower of Rules naturally fell into Tang Zhen's eyes.

This is considered a special situation, at least in other rule trees, such a situation has never happened.

Or it happened before, but it was very subtle, so it was not discovered at all.

The tree of rules in the nameless giant city is a special existence of mutation, possessing many strange abilities.

I like the scenes of fighting and killing, maybe it is one of them, but I don't know if there are monster farms?

Although the unexpected situation caught people off guard, it was also a good thing that the monks could only wish for.

As long as it can increase the probability of successful communication and finally get the rule seed, so what if you pay some price?
(End of this chapter)

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