Chapter 3337
Time is like running water, and several years pass by in a hurry.

For the creatures in the original polar world who have no concept of time, it doesn't feel much at all that a few years pass in the blink of an eye.

Especially the monks in Yuanji Realm, their indifference to the passage of time has reached the extreme.

He immersed himself in practice all day long and didn't care about anything else.

Even if thousands of years have passed, no one will lament that time is rushing, and they will only care about whether they have made progress?

If it does not meet expectations, then continue to work hard and use a longer period of time to accumulate strength.

Those who wish for a long life are bound to be full of yearning for the Yuanji Realm, believing that this is the paradise in their dreams.

But after being able to live forever, you will find that immortality without pursuit is actually quite a painful thing.

In order not to die of boredom, and to gain enough strength to protect themselves, monks are almost everywhere in the Yuanji Realm.

It is also due to the influence of the environment, so the strength of monks varies, and it is by no means that the older the age, the stronger the strength.

The nameless giant city is different. Over the past few years, it has been changing almost every day.

The number of monks who heard the news became more and more, and there were even monks from hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The reason for the arrival of these monks is naturally related to various rumors. I hope that the tree of rules in the unknown giant city can bring me enough good luck.

Every area outside the city was surrounded by all kinds of monks, and then they sat still like statues.

From the moment they try to communicate, perhaps for decades or hundreds of years, they will never move.

Because of the non-stop feeding by the monks day and night, the height of the tree of mutation rules in the nameless giant city is constantly increasing.

The trees full of flowers shone with mysterious light, making every visitor intoxicated.

Everyone knows how important these twinkling regular flowers are to practitioners.

They came from thousands of miles just for the flowers of these rules, eagerly hoping that one of them would belong to them.

There are even some monks who give these rules flowers intimate names and regard them as the most important things.

In the past few years, more and more monks have successfully communicated, but so far, no monk has successfully obtained the rule seed.

Such a situation is very normal, and the normal rule of time for a seed to gestate is at least a hundred years or more.

The tree of rules in the nameless giant city has just matured, and it must take a long time before the seeds of rules can successfully condense.

Knowing the reason, none of the monks were in a hurry. They had enough patience and time to wait for their own surprises.

According to the statistics of the monks, the number of flowers of rules that have successfully communicated now has reached [-].

Although it is only one-twentieth of the total number, compared with other rule trees, it is quite an astonishing ratio.

In just a few years, thousands of flowers have been communicated, and there is no such speed in other places.

If this situation develops, the nearly [-] regular flowers will eventually have owners.

The monks are full of expectations, hoping that good luck will also come to them.

Even if the success rate of rule seeds is very low, most of the time it is completely born by chance, but the number of [-] rule flowers is enough to make many monks lucky.

If we can win over and control these lucky people and make them become accomplices, the strength of the monk organization will definitely increase rapidly.

Many organizations have taken up this idea and began to secretly win over monks who have successfully communicated, promising to give them various benefits.

When they acted, they also had to guard against the unknown giant city to prevent retaliation after being discovered.

What they were worried about never happened.

From the beginning to the end, the nameless giant city did not ask the monks for any fees, and allowed them to practice here.

Such a generous act was appreciated by many monks, but also made many monks feel incomprehensible.

Due to its strong strength, the nameless city now has no shortage of defectors, including those monks who have successfully communicated.

Under such circumstances, the performance of the unknown giant city made the monks even more incomprehensible.

They do not take the initiative to recruit monks, and even those monks who communicate successfully are treated equally.

If you are willing to join, the Unnamed Giant City will accept it, but it will not offer various generous conditions like other monk organizations.

The only thing that can be guaranteed is that new entrants can also have the benefits that ordinary residents can enjoy, and because they have communicated with the flower of rules, they will receive some special care.

Many monks lamented the injustice and thought that they were seen clearly, so they gave up the idea of ​​joining the unknown giant city.

But there are still some monks who don't care about this. They value the potential and development of the unknown giant city more.

Not to mention that just because I have communicated with the flower of rules, I will feel how great it is, knowing that this is just the beginning.

How did they know that the residents of the giant city would have such an attitude, in fact, there were reasons unknown to the outside world.

If you count the number of successful communicators, you will find a surprising thing, that is, more than half of the successful communicators are actually residents of the unknown giant city.

The number of foreign monks far exceeds the residents of the giant city, but the probability of successful communication is almost the same.

The occurrence of such a situation is enough to prove the identity of the residents of the giant city, and it seems to have a bonus to the success of communication.

Even in the rumors of the outside world, these residents of the unknown giant city have the means to increase the chance of communication.

Of course, the vast majority of monks do not believe such a statement.

However, there are still some monks who think that there is a possibility in this regard, and even join the Unknown Giant City because of this.

Only the residents of Jucheng know that the facts are indeed as guessed by the outside world, and the identity of the residents of Jucheng can increase the chance of communication.

At the beginning, the residents of Jucheng did not notice the abnormality in this aspect, and they all communicated and understood step by step.

But after a while, the monks unexpectedly discovered that from time to time, residents of the giant city would realize success.

Comparing the probability of successful communication between the two parties, the residents of the giant city were pleasantly surprised to find that they were indeed more likely to succeed than those foreign monks.

After the news spread, it attracted cheers from the residents of the whole city.

Although the residents cannot understand what caused this situation, it does not affect the happiness and pride of the residents of Jucheng.

After Tang Zhen knew about this matter, he thought about it for a while, and finally came up with an answer.

Perhaps it is the special environment of the unknown giant city that puts pressure on the residents of the giant city, giving them a higher chance of successful communication.

This has nothing to do with working hard, but because of the special environmental pressure, it is easy for the residents of the giant city to have more complicated thoughts.

When practicing communication, the spiritual power of the residents of the giant city is obviously more likely to arouse the response of the flower of the rule.

Although he guessed the specific reason, Tang Zhen would not explain it deliberately, and even continued to maintain and increase this pressure.

Let more giant city residents successfully communicate with the flower of rules.

Tang Zhen doesn't mind if someone competes with him, because so far, he has successfully communicated with more than 100 rules of flowers, and has the ability to communicate with more at any time.

While other monks were still trying to communicate, Tang Zhen was maintaining a high output of mental power and looking for ways to condense the seeds of rules.

(End of this chapter)

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