Chapter 3347
The fighting continued, seemingly endlessly.

The area blocked by the rain of arrows really became a restricted area, neither the enemy nor the enemy dared to approach.

As long as you step into the restricted area, a rain of arrows will come.

Those monks who had broken through the siege felt extremely depressed at the moment, and could only resist the siege of the city defenders while struggling to find a solution to the problem.

Tang Zhen, who was digging the ground before, was ignored by no one at the moment, and no monk cared about his life or death.

On this battlefield, death is nothing more than normal, and perhaps it will be his turn soon.

Wandering between life and death, even if it is difficult to protect oneself, who would talk to competitors who have nothing to do with oneself?
What the monks have to do is to save their lives and find ways to escape from this meat grinder-like battlefield.

The ultimate goal is to reach the huge city ahead and find a way to enter it.

Although until now, no one knew what was in the city, but it was the monks' only clue.

Even if it is a hellfire pit, jump into it without hesitation.

But the area blocked by the rain of arrows is still a restricted area for monks, and there is no way to pass through it.

There are monks who break through the blockades and come to this area, and then they are shot and killed by ruthless sharp arrows.

The monks racked their brains to find a solution.

Tang Zhen was definitely not the only one trying to use the method of digging, but he didn't see anyone who could succeed.

The vast majority of monks either gave up halfway or died in the restricted area.

Just when the monks thought that the restricted area in front of them could not be crossed, a sudden change occurred.


A dull loud noise made the fighting on the battlefield slightly stagnant, and I wondered what happened in my heart?
The scorched ground filled with arrows suddenly shook violently, and the ground collapsed in a blink of an eye.

Dust soared into the sky, blocking the monks' sight, including the city defenders.

Although the rain of arrows is still coming, it has turned into blind shooting. No one knows whether they can hit the target?

As for the locking attack, it is absolutely impossible.

When the dust receded a little, the scene in front of him had changed, which shocked the monks on both sides.

The death penalty zone, which was originally impassable, has changed drastically, and is covered with criss-cross ditches.

The trench was tortuous and deep, and after being dug deliberately, it was no different from an underground passage.

Being in this kind of trench, although it couldn't completely block the arrow rain's covering shots, it gave the monks a bunker to hide from.

In this way, when traveling through time, the chance of survival will inevitably be greatly improved, and it can be regarded as a life-saving one.

"Hahaha, great!"

"Whoever does a good deed is really worthy of praise!"

"Let's go together, cross this restricted area, and directly enter the giant city ahead!"

After figuring out what was going on, the monks were full of excitement, knowing that the opportunity they had been waiting for had finally come.

They no longer love to fight, but rushed to the criss-cross trenches one after another, trying to cross this death penalty zone.

The defenders on the top of the city found something unusual, and immediately increased the coverage of the rain of arrows, and at the same time continuously threw burning kerosene pots.

"Throw those corpses in quickly and use them as fuel to create even bigger smoke!"

A monk roared loudly, while spinning his arms like flying, throwing corpses one after another into the sea of ​​flames.

After encountering the flames, these corpses burned quickly, and billowing thick smoke rose into the sky.

The denser smoke completely blocked the sight of the defenders, and now they could only attack blindly.

Arrows rained down in patches, and as for whether they could hit the target, no one knew.

Such an excellent condition, if the monks still cannot successfully overcome it, it is definitely their own problem.

At this moment, the monks, like ferocious beasts out of the cage, kept rushing towards the area blocked by the smoke.

If they came across a flammable object, they would grab it and throw it into the smoke.

This will not only protect yourself, but also facilitate your companions, allowing them to pass through the restricted area smoothly.

Although the monks at this moment have made up their minds to enjoy the fruits of victory to themselves, they will definitely not create obstacles for their companions.

Victory is nowhere in sight, and in many places, these companions need to cooperate with each other.

Wanting to go through all these difficulties with only one person's strength is simply a dream.

Without countless companions to share the pressure and work together towards the same goal, no monk can make it this far.

This is also the reason that led to the emergence of trenches.

Because the trench diggers know very well that they cannot face the enemy's concentrated fire attack, and must have companions to share the pressure with them.

Creating opportunities for your peers is also for yourself.

The facts were exactly as they had imagined, and that was Tang Zhen's plan, so he spent a lot of effort digging the trench.

Crossing the death penalty zone of swords and blockades does not mean reaching the end of the giant city, but will face greater challenges.

Just opposite the restricted area, there is also a position, and there are also defenders.

The grotesque and ferocious monsters and the city defenders in golden battle armor are definitely another nightmare that the monks will face.

They wandered below the city wall, their icy eyes sweeping towards the battlefield. Once they were attacked by them collectively, there was no possibility of surviving.

Under such circumstances, Tang Zhen could only recruit helpers to fight against these powerful golden cavalry.

He dug frantically underground and designed a trench suitable for the monks to charge and hide, so that he could break through the blockade with minimal casualties.

Although the excavation process took a lot of effort, it was definitely worth it.

After the preparations were over, Tang Zhen used the boiling oil vapor seeping into the soil to detonate the criss-cross tunnels.

After the tunnel successfully exploded and the trenches appeared in front of the monks, Tang Zhen immediately began to adjust his breath in the corner.

This is the secret place he prepared for himself. He doesn't need to be afraid of arrows and fire, and he can safely return to his peak state.

Previously, the consumption was huge. If he went directly to battle, he would probably be instantly killed by those golden armored cavalry.

Knowing how to assess the situation and being able to advance and retreat freely to grasp the overall situation is a necessary condition for victory.

Tang Zhen naturally has no shortage of breath-adjusting secrets, and it is the top-level one, which can quickly recover from his own wounds.

In terms of breath adjustment and recovery, those local monks in the Yuanji Realm couldn't compare with Tang Zhen at all.

The first is the gap in strength, which has led to different views between the two sides.

Furthermore, there is a huge gap in the way of practice, and it is even completely two extremes.

The method that the monks in the original extreme world are best at is the technique of repairing the physical body, which can discover the secrets of the body to the extreme.

But in this weird world, the monks seem to have a physical body, but they are actually made up of a spiritual body.

Adjusting the breath by practicing the physical body seems to be very correct, but in fact it is half the result with twice the effort.

But without comparison and reference, it is impossible to realize this point at all, and even if it is discovered, it is helpless.

In terms of recovery speed, Tang Zhen far surpassed the local monks. This is an absolute advantage on the battlefield, and he can obtain a higher chance of survival.

The sound of fighting was endless, but Tang Zhen turned a deaf ear to it, and just concentrated on his cultivation.

After returning to normal, Tang Zhen immediately rushed towards the golden armored cavalry with his sword and shield in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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