I have a city in another world

Chapter 3363 Negotiating a Deal

Chapter 3363 Negotiating a Deal
Inside the nameless giant city, three Loucheng monks from Wuguang City had the opportunity to meet Tang Zhen.

This kind of high-level contact means that both parties are sincere and willing to try to conduct a mutually beneficial transaction.

Because of the emphasis on this matter, Wuguanglou City sent two generals, one high and the other low.

High-level monks are also nine-star generals, and they should stay in this realm for a long time, with obvious rules and power overflowing.

Obviously, the seeds of rules have been condensed, and certain achievements have been obtained, which can influence the outside world.

The other two Loucheng cultivators are only elementary generals, and their strength can only be regarded as average.

This is just from Tang Zhen's point of view. If placed in an ordinary war zone, such strength is enough to become the overlord of one party.

But in Yuanji Realm, it can only be regarded as average.

With a long lifespan, many monks can slowly become strong, because there is no need to condense the godhead, and it is easier for monks to advance to the rank of gods.

It's just that this kind of god is a simplified version, and there is a quite obvious gap compared with the gods who condense the godhead.

For example, Tang Zhen's subordinates surrendered more than 20 superpowers, almost all of whom were in the realm of gods.

But in a real fight, the three local superpowers may not be opponents of the monks of the same level city.

Apart from the gap in equipment and skills, the main reason is the existence of Godhead.

Since there is a gap in strength, but the number is superior, it is also a means of deterring the enemy.

Presumably it was deliberately brought up by the previous intelligence to let Wuguangloucheng know the strength of the unknown giant city, so when they met Tang Zhen, the other party's attitude was quite friendly.

Of course it wasn't because of fear, it was mainly because Tang Zhen had something they dreamed of.

Being able to stand upright in the Yuanji Realm, Wuguang City must have more than this strength, but it will definitely not show all of it, such an approach is too stupid.

All you need is superficial strength, which is comparable to Tang Zhen's side, and it doesn't affect the normal negotiation momentum.

Whether the performance is too weak or too strong, it is not a very good thing, and it is likely to affect the outcome of the negotiation.

The two sides greeted each other, and then the negotiations officially began.

There is no need for any politeness, each other takes what they need, and they are straightforward when negotiating.

The purpose of Wuguanglou City is very simple. It hopes to obtain the cultivation secret technique of the tree of rules, and is willing to pay a certain price.

According to the collected information, the monks in Wuguang City confirmed that Tang Zhen must have special training methods.

Otherwise, the tree of rules in front of me would not be able to grow crazily. This kind of situation is simply unheard of.

Not only Wuguangloucheng, but also many organizations have similar suspicions.

The reason why he didn't take any action was that Tang Zhen had already proved his own strength by means of war.

It is very likely that it will not work by force, and the expected purpose can only be achieved through other methods.

Unexpectedly, while they were still watching, Wuguangloucheng had already taken action in advance.

Whether it is its own strength or the status of a monk in Loucheng, Wuguang Loucheng has a greater negotiating advantage.

Due to some special reasons, it can be said that Wuguanglou City is determined to win Tang Zhen's secret technique.

That's why I took the initiative to contact, giving people a feeling of can't wait.

Such behavior will lead to being manipulated during negotiations, but Wuguangloucheng obviously doesn't care.

"Your request, maybe I can meet it."

In the anticipation of the monks in Wuguang City, Tang Zhen nodded slightly and gave a clear reply.

The monks in Wuguang City were immediately relieved when they heard the words.

It doesn't matter if you pay the price, the key is to complete the task. Compared with what you may get, the payment of the transaction is nothing at all.

"Your Excellency is so generous, Wuguang City must remember it in his heart, and if it is useful in the future, he will definitely try his best to repay Your Excellency's favor."

Although the two parties are conducting transactions, the candidates for the transaction can be chosen. It is a great favor for Tang Zhen to be able to conduct transactions with Wuguangloucheng.

The promise made by the other party is by no means a formality. If it is really useful in the future, Wuguanglou City must keep its promise.

The same is true for Tang Zhen. If you fail to do what you promise to others, it is an act of breaking the contract and breaking the oath.

Ordinary people are controlled by rules, but they treat oaths like dung, and monks can be extraordinary, but they can keep promises.

I don't know, are ordinary people too smart, or practitioners are too dull?
"I believe that you must have done intelligence gathering before you came, and you know that the tree of rules is growing extremely fast.

The reason for this is that I built this suspended square and arranged a special rune circle.

After that, he taught the residents of the unknown giant city the original secret technique, and asked them to practice together.

While improving one's own strength, it also provides enough nutrients for the growth of the tree of rules. "

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved it in front of him, and the scene of the residents' cultivation appeared in front of him.

The phantom of the giant beast formed by the energy frantically swallowed the chaotic energy, and the tentacles hanging from the tree of rules pierced densely into the bodies of the residents of the giant city.

Although this scene is weird, it can provide sufficient nutrients for the tree of rules, and it doesn't stop for a moment.

Just like this wave after wave, continuous practice can indeed speed up the growth of the tree of rules.

It was just three monks from Wuguanglou City, but they looked at each other with faint doubts on their faces.

They didn't think that Tang Zhen's secret technique would be so simple.

"In Wuguanglou City, there are actually similar arrangements, and at most one hundred thousand monks can practice at the same time.

At the same time, there is also a rune circle, which is used to gather chaotic energy and enhance the absorption and transformation efficiency of practice.

But the facts have proved that although such means are effective, they cannot reach a satisfactory level at all.

It is simply impossible to grow crazily like this tree of rules. "

Having said this, the high-ranking general turned to look at Tang Zhen with searching eyes.

"So your Excellency must have other secret techniques in your hands, and I hope you can give me some advice."

If the content of the transaction Tang Zhen promised earlier was this kind of force-feeding practice, that would be a bit too deceptive.

After all, Wuguangloucheng already has such means, so there is no need to ask Tang Zhen for advice.

But after thinking about it, he felt that Tang Zhen would not act like this, and that would be asking for trouble.

Facing the doubts of the cultivator in Wuguang City, Tang Zhen smiled and nodded, but he let the other party breathe a sigh of relief.

"Of course there is more than one method, and it is definitely not a simple matter to give birth to a tree of rules.

The reason why the Tree of Rules of the Nameless Giant City grows so quickly is entirely because I used a special fertilizer. "

The monks in Wuguanglou City were refreshed, knowing that Tang Zhen at this moment had finally mentioned the key core secret.

Tang Zhen stretched out his hand and waved it, and then all the monks saw a black crystal appear in front of them.

The monks in Wuguanglou City were immediately attracted by this black crystal.

Although the black crystals seemed ordinary, the three monks were sure that this thing must be the key to solving the problem.

Based on their experience and knowledge to analyze and judge, they can't understand at all, what is this thing?
Just as they watched their guesses, Tang Zhen had already started to demonstrate.

The black crystal was thrown away by Tang Zhen, and before it landed in the air, it was tightly entangled by the tentacles of the tree of rules.

A strange scene appeared, the crystal entangled by the tentacles began to melt, and then was absorbed by the tentacles crazily.

The tentacles that originally emitted fluorescence turned into a pure black color at this moment, exuding a palpitating light.

On the tree of rules, there was also a strange sound, which seemed to be in a state of excitement.

An indescribable feeling that slowly diffuses, representing all things negative.

Such a strange scene shocked the monks in Wuguanglou City, but it turned into a surprise in an instant.

They finally determined that the strange black crystal in front of them was the opportunity they were looking for.

(End of this chapter)

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