I have a city in another world

Chapter 3381 Forbidden Sea Fishing

Chapter 3381 Forbidden Sea Fishing
The so-called sea of ​​forbidden land only exists in the special area of ​​forbidden land, and it is an existence similar to the ocean.

But it is definitely not ordinary sea water, but has magical properties, more like a liquid formed by condensed energy.

In the sea of ​​forbidden land, there are countless monsters, and super creatures can be found everywhere.

Cultivators can go into the sea to hunt super creatures. As long as they have enough strength, they will never lack rich harvests.

Every once in a while, monks would go into the deep sea, trying to find more treasures.

There are still many monks who never returned.

The fringe area of ​​the Forbidden Sea is extremely lively. The monks are not hunting at sea, but doing activities similar to fishing by the sea.

What was caught was not fish, but various monsters of the Forbidden Sea.

As long as you get close to the sea, you can see these monks holding fishing tackle, waiting on the edge of the cliff.

From time to time, a monk would pull the rope, and then see the waves churning, and weird and huge creatures were pulled ashore.

Although it is not a super creature, it is also valuable, and it is also an important cultivation material.

If a super creature is caught, there will be a wave of cheers. For ordinary monks, this is quite a huge harvest.

There is also a slaughterhouse on the shore. The monsters are slaughtered after being caught on the shore, and they will be sold out in a short time.

On the edge of this forbidden land, there are hundreds of millions of aborigines living. Although there is no limit to their lifespan, they need to devour food to maintain their lives.

This is the disadvantage of immortality, and it is also the limitation of physical cultivation, which cannot be avoided by every creature in the original extreme world.

Some monks practiced their physical bodies to the extreme, and even devoured the world to fill their stomachs.

These monsters from the forbidden sea are enough to meet the needs of the residents, and are used as the main food.

There are also some special materials that can be used to refine pills to make weapons, and the supply is also in short supply.

As long as items are used, they will wear out and need to be replaced from time to time.

Not far away, there is also a place for trading, selling various items.

There are supplies specially used for fishing, various weapons and armor, and even ships that can sail in forbidden seas.

If you want to catch monsters in the Forbidden Sea and don't want to take too much risk, you need to buy a fishing tackle in the market.

Then go to the seaside, find a place to fish, and slowly wait for the prey to take the bait.

There are good and bad fishing areas, the good ones have already been occupied by the strong, and the harvest is indeed far more than other places.

If you have enough strength, you can get a better position, otherwise you can only obey the rules, or go fishing in remote areas.

Those peninsula-like cliffs are naturally the best places, but they have all been occupied by big forces.

Several Loucheng in the fourth war zone were all built in such a location, which shows that the influence of Loucheng monks in the restricted area is indeed not small.

After finding out the basic information, Tang Zhen went to the market to trade like other monks who had just arrived.

Some of the supplies he carried were sold in the market in exchange for some scattered regular particles.

Ordinary monks also use regular particles to trade, but they are fragments after cutting, and the value is determined according to the volume.

Before coming to the booth selling fishing tackle, Tang Zhen pretended to look and compare, and bargained with the boss.

After spending a while, I finally gathered the required items and spent a lot of regular particles.

Bringing fishing tackle to the beach, Tang Zhen began to look for places to fish.

Just like what I heard, if you want to fish near here, you have to pay a certain price.

Of course, this money is not in vain. The other party will provide corresponding guidance and assistance in case of danger.

For example, if a super creature is caught, ordinary monks are unable to subdue it, and the toller will help.

Of course, such a service will also charge an additional fee, and the help will definitely not be in vain.

The vast majority of monks are willing to pay this reward, after all, they get more.

If the monks are unwilling to pay the fee, they can go to those remote locations, away from the densely populated areas where the monks are located.

Although there is no charge in those places, the environment is more dangerous and there is a high possibility of being robbed.

If you encounter a super creature, it is not luck but bad luck, and it is likely to become food for monsters.

Tang Zhen did not go to other places, but took the initiative to pay a fee and obtained an area where he could gain a foothold.

The place is really not big, and there are monks occupying the surrounding area, and they are fishing silently.

Tang Zhen came to his place, imitating other monks, and hung the bait on the hook.

The operation in this aspect is the same as that of ordinary people.

It’s just that the fishing tackle and bait used are quite particular. It can be said that they are divided into three, six or nine grades, and the prices are also different.

The monks are naturally willing to use good tools. When catching super creatures, they can double the chance of catching them.

If it is an ordinary fishing tackle, when encountering a super creature, there is basically no possibility of catching it.

From this, it can be determined that the promises given by the fee-payers are useless to ordinary monks.

Because ordinary monks have no chance at all, and naturally do not need additional services to fish super creatures ashore.

Those who have a chance to catch are members of those organizations, because their equipment is the best.

Tang Zhen finished his preparations, threw the fishhook into the restricted sea, and then waited slowly.

In the process of waiting, it can also improve the strength of practice, so it can be said that there is no delay in the two.

The sea in the restricted zone was calm and calm, without the slightest wave, nor the slightest sound.

The same is true for the monks on the shore. They didn't communicate too much, and they also seemed very quiet.

Fishing monsters in the forbidden sea is not completely similar to real fishing, at least not frequently checking the rod.

If you want a fish to take the bait, you have to wait slowly.

The coast is not a pure coast, there are countless caves in the land under the monks' feet, and there are monsters inhabiting and multiplying there.

It is even more impossible to choose the position of throwing the hook through the detection of spiritual consciousness.

Because of this special seawater, it can block the detection of spiritual consciousness, and even cause serious backlash to monks.

So the smartest thing to do is to fish honestly and don't have any messy thoughts.

While waiting, Tang Zhen heard a monk shouting, and a huge monster was dragged out of the sea.

Although the monster is not small in size, its level is not too high, and it will take a long time to become a super creature.

Tang Zhen had hunted and killed too many super creatures in the demon farm, so he naturally looked down on such monsters.

But for ordinary monks, it is a real good thing, which can be exchanged for quite a lot of harvest.

The ferocious monster struggled non-stop, but was killed in the end, and the huge corpse was dragged ashore.

The cultivator who caught the monster let out bursts of cheers, looking extremely excited.

"What a lucky guy, I've caught three silver-horned skinks..."

The monk next to Tang Zhen is a super fat man, and his face is full of envy at the moment.

"It's just a cub of the Silver Horn Skink, so what's there to envy? It's really powerful to catch the Silver Horn Skink King."

The monk on the other side said in a disdainful tone, but the sourness in his heart could not be concealed at all.

(End of this chapter)

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