I have a city in another world

Chapter 3400 The Strategy to Destroy the Enemy

Chapter 3400 The Strategy to Destroy the Enemy
On the octagonal platform, there are dozens of alchemists sitting cross-legged, each with an alchemy furnace in front of them.

Pill furnaces are all divine weapons, carefully refined by top masters, and they are also public property.

Otherwise, the alchemist will never leave the alchemy furnace behind, but will carry it with him wherever he goes, treating it like a treasure.

With an artifact-level alchemy furnace, the refining efficiency will be higher, and the efficacy of medicine will also become better.

"Your Excellency, here are the materials you want."

The fat man took a piece of the flesh and blood of the Silver-Horned Skink King and a piece of the flesh and blood of the Pit Monster, cleaned them and sent them to Tang Zhen.

Then he stood silently at the side, watching the monks in Loucheng capture sea monsters, his eyes were full of undisguised envy.

He also wanted to join it, but it was a pity that he didn't have the qualifications at all. Fishing for super monsters in deep pits was completely different from fishing on a boat.

This kind of monster is powerful, even with many preparations, it is still possible to encounter fatal danger.

The high-level gods will take action from time to time to help resolve the crisis, from which we can see how terrifying this pit monster is.

If Fatty joins Loucheng, he may have the opportunity to participate in hunting operations, but it is definitely not possible now.

Without enough experience and the approval of monk Loucheng, there is no qualification to be a companion at all.

In fact, this hunting camp is just a workshop with assembly line operations, not much different from a hunting warship.

The monks in Loucheng performed their duties and were busy all the time, just to catch more monsters.

If there are enough monsters to hunt, the monks in Loucheng will also benefit, and they will get corresponding rewards.

Because of Tang Zhen, the number of silver-horned lizard kings brought this time is large, and alchemists can use them freely.

The monks in Loucheng are also full of expectations, thinking that this time the changing of the guard will allow them to gain far more than before.

As previously speculated, the monsters in the deep pit on the island like to use the bait pill refined by the Silver Horned Lizard King the most.

The major monks organized high-priced acquisitions because they had similar needs, and they all hunted monsters in the Forbidden Sea.

This also made Tang Zhen guess that there might not be only a group of hunters from Loucheng monks on this special island.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the original extreme monks hunted on other islands, but were very interested in the location of Loucheng monks.

It's best to be clear about this matter, and it can also help Tang Zhen carry out the hunting plan.

Although the replacement of monks was completed, the peak god general who was sitting here did not leave with him.

Instead, continue to guard here and only show up at critical moments.

The mission of the other party should be to protect the hunting camp and practice here.

The special rule particles should be the benefits enjoyed by the other party, which can be of greater help to cultivation.

Ordinary regular grains are earth-burning village wine, and this kind of regular grains are old wines, and there is no level between the two.

Perhaps it was for this reason that General Fengfeng was willing to stay here, just because he had already received the corresponding reward.

But there is one thing that is doubtful, that is, why would these powerful peak generals be at the mercy of others?

Perhaps there is only one reason, that is, there are stronger monks who can intimidate these peak experts.

That is to say, there is very likely to be a powerful man at the level of a god king in the building city in the fourth theater.

As a place where the god king advances, the original polar world is indeed very important, and it is reasonable to send a god king to sit in the town.

After all, only such a strong person can guarantee that the interests of Loucheng will not be lost, so that the native monks will not pick the fruit after hard work.

It was also because of this possibility that Tang Zhen kept a high degree of vigilance to avoid being caught by the powerful God King.

Once such a situation really occurs, let alone revenge, it is very likely that one's life will be lost.

Even if Tang Zhen is not killed, it is very likely that he will be suppressed for ten thousand years and severely punished.

This kind of punishment does not need to go through the cornerstone platform, it is purely lynching, and whether it is light or severe depends on the mood of the other party.

There must be no affection between the other party and Tang Zhen, but there may be inextricable connections with the enemy.

Which side you prefer, you don’t need to think too hard to know.

Therefore, when Tang Zhen acts, he will definitely be cautious and will never leave any clues for the other party to follow.

Time passed slowly, and more than half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past time, nothing happened, everything was proceeding step by step.

During this time, Tang Zhen collected more information.

It turns out that there are not as many monsters in the deep pit as expected, but they can be harvested every once in a while.

Moreover, this kind of monsters vary in size, and even monsters with a body length of a thousand meters were caught, but they were still beheaded by the guarding peak gods.

The other party's attack this time also made Tang Zhen more certain that he was one of the suspected enemies.

The real task of the peak god general should be to crush monsters of this level, and dealing with small fish and shrimp is just incidental.

Every once in a while, there will be earthquake-like vibrations on the island, but it will stop soon.

This made the monks full of curiosity and a little fear of the bottom of the island.

At the same time, he was secretly guessing, what would happen if the nine lighthouses went out?
The monks were just worried secretly, who knew that someone was secretly studying the lighthouse and preparing to make good use of it.

Tang Zhen confirmed through observation that the function of the nine lighthouses is indeed to repel and suppress monsters, so that monsters dare not approach this area.

But looking around the top of his head, there was no sign of a monster, otherwise he would not be able to hide it from Tang Zhen's perception.

So the biggest possibility is that the monster is hiding under the island, and it is being suppressed by the nine lighthouses.

Thinking about the monsters that were caught and the vibrations that came from time to time, Tang Zhen further confirmed his speculation.

Under this island, there is likely to be a huge monster hidden, possessing quite terrifying strength.

If nothing else, it is very likely to be an ancient creature with a rather long lifespan.

At the same time, Tang Zhen also suspected that these special monsters caught up should be inextricably linked with ancient creatures.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for ordinary super creatures to possess such special regular particles, and it would feel more like a bloodline talent inherited from a race.

It is precisely because of a good background that it is unreasonably powerful, a bit stronger than other super creatures.

But it was also for this reason that it became the source of disaster and made these monsters the targets of monks.

If other monk organizations all participated in similar capture operations, it would be a disaster for this kind of monster.

According to Tang Zhen's analysis, the possibility of this is extremely high, and the other party is even on this special island.

An enemy's enemy is a friend. If Tang Zhen wants revenge, he may need the help of monsters.

It's just that until now, Tang Zhen knew nothing about the possible ancient creatures. He only knew that the captured super creatures were probably the descendants of the other party.

In such a situation where information is unknown, it is definitely a risky and unreliable thing to obtain the help of ancient creatures.

After thinking about it, Tang Zhen finally settled on the nine lighthouses, thinking that this was the key to breaking the situation.

These nine lighthouses are by no means extraordinary, but carefully refined artifacts with immeasurable value.

If these nine lighthouses go out at the same time, or accidentally fall into the deep pit, what will happen?
(End of this chapter)

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