I have a city in another world

Chapter 3422 "Conspiracy" Appears

Chapter 3422 "Conspiracy" Appears

The originally chaotic battlefield suddenly became quiet.

Only the remains of corpses are left everywhere, indicating to the viewers that there was a war here, and the participants suffered heavy casualties.

In this sudden war, there is actually no real winner.

Regardless of whether the monks of Loucheng or Alliance, as well as the sea monsters that suddenly appeared and then retreated, they all worked in vain.

The surviving monks all had a feeling that this tragic war was actually fought in a muddle.

There is a dark hand behind the scenes, secretly manipulating everything.

There is evidence to support this speculation, and the widespread dissemination of charts is actually the most obvious example.

The enmity has been forged, no matter who is behind the scenes, the monks in Loucheng will never let it go.

Of course, the current situation is not the time to pursue responsibility and revenge, and there are still too many aftermath work to be dealt with.

The collapsed lighthouse must be repaired immediately, the damaged rune circle must be restarted, and the injured Loucheng monks also need emergency treatment.

There is no need to pay attention to those alliance monks who fled now. The monks in Loucheng understand the reason why the poor should not chase after them.

What's more, the current monks in Loucheng don't have the capital to hunt down the enemy at all, and the total number is not even a fraction of that of the alliance monks.

Today's primary defense targets are still those forbidden sea monsters, as well as ancient creatures that may be peeping in the dark.

Compared with the fleeing alliance monks, ancient creatures are the biggest threat, and even the peak gods who come to help them dare not be negligent.

If the ancient creatures attack, even if they all attack, it may not be able to guarantee victory.

They may even abandon their hunting camps and flee in order to avoid casualties.

The high-ranking generals who had experienced a great battle returned to the camp at this moment. Although they were not in good condition, fortunately they did not fall.

As far as the previous situation is concerned, it is already a blessing in misfortune.

At this moment, there are several peak god generals sitting in the town, and the high-ranking god generals have become more confident, and immediately commanded the monks to start maintaining the camp.

The lighthouse that had previously fallen to the ground was erected again, and was quickly repaired and relit.

The rune array formed by the nine lighthouses re-operated again, and the terrifying aura that made people panic dissipated.

Like a monk in Loucheng carrying a mountain on his back, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, no longer having to bear the heavy pressure of suffocation.

The surviving monks in Loucheng performed their duties and cleaned up the chaotic hunting camp. They suffered serious damage twice in a row, making the whole camp look like ruins.

The Loucheng monks who came to support gathered one after another, greeted each other and introduced themselves to each other.

They accepted the mission from the cornerstone platform and tried their best to come to support, not just for military rewards.

Although this war is aimed at the fourth war zone, it will affect the interests of every monk in Loucheng. We must not think that this matter has nothing to do with us.

If they all have such thoughts, monks in Loucheng will inevitably become unable to move an inch in the Yuanji Realm.

The Loucheng monks in the fourth war zone naturally want to express their gratitude, not only because of the previous assistance, but also because of the continued cooperation in the future.

Before the reinforcements from the fourth war zone arrived, these Loucheng monks were needed to assist in the defense to prevent the alliance's enemies from counterattacking.

Although the enemy has fled to the island, sooner or later he will return and return to the coast by the same route.

The route in the Forbidden Sea is very important, and it is obtained through countless explorations. If you don't follow the route, there is a great possibility that you will be buried in the belly of the fish.

If the enemy wants to return to their lair, the route they came on must be the best choice.

In addition, the depths of this island are also extremely dangerous, and there are many unexplored places.

The monk marched in the middle of the island, every step of the way was frightening, and he might lose his life anytime and anywhere.

The strength of the alliance monks varies. To them, this terrifying island is definitely an abyss of hell.

I believe it won't take long for these alliance monks to collapse and flee, not daring to go any further into the island.

These alliance monks who were forced to return would definitely pose a threat to the hunting camp, so we must be more vigilant.

Just passing by is fine, for fear that some enemies will attack the hunting camp again.

In this case, having enough manpower becomes very important.

If possible, the monks in Loucheng would take the initiative to hunt down and trap all the enemies to death on the island.

Cultivator Loucheng is a silent and ferocious beast. He may not launch an active attack for some reason, but he will never show mercy to the enemy.

These Yuan Jijie monks took the initiative to provoke and caused such serious casualties to Loucheng monks, how could they give up?
It is very likely that from today onwards, the Loucheng monks in the fourth war zone will no longer keep a low profile, but will wantonly show their sharp fangs.

But any enemy with hatred will bite hard.

Just as the monks in Loucheng cleaned up the battlefield and restored the normal order of the hunting camp, the peak generals who came to support him discovered a problem.

The battle is obviously over, but there is still a peak general who has not gathered to show up until now.

He would definitely not care about it on weekdays, but at this moment he is on the battlefield, and any unexpected situation may occur.

It is also possible to suffer heavy losses or even fall.

"The strength of this group of supreme beings in the Yuanji Realm is average. In the case of fighting alone, they can only be beheaded."

A peak general said coldly, he was extremely confident in the strength of the monks in Loucheng, but he was full of contempt for the strongest members of the alliance.

Fortunately, the most powerful members of the alliance ran fast enough, otherwise they would all fall here today.

An enemy of this strength is also worthy of beheading a peak general?

In the eyes of several peak generals, this is impossible, so there must be some unexpected change.

There is a great possibility that he went after the enemy and returned in a short time.

Even though he is a peak general, he must abide by the rules, especially on the battlefield.

Now that the troops have ceased fighting, the combatants must return to report quickly instead of continuing to entangle with the enemy.

Such behavior is disobedience and must be punished.

The rules do not distinguish between strong and weak, high and low, and the monks of Loucheng treat them equally.

Even the top generals must obediently obey the rules of the cornerstone platform.

"You can wait for a while, and you will return soon."

After discussing with the generals, the gods decided to wait for a while, after all, they couldn't leave easily now.

The safety of the hunting camp must be ensured before the island can be evacuated, otherwise this mission is only half completed.

The six high-ranking generals guarding the camp came to pay their respects one after another, thanking a group of top-level generals for their help.

"We belong to the same theater, and it is only natural to provide assistance, not to mention that we are also here to accept the mission.

But why until now, the general Qiju who is in charge of guarding the camp has never shown up to meet each other? "

A peak general asked, his tone full of doubts.

"Your Excellency, don't you know that General Qiju has disappeared for many days?"

The high-level god general sighed softly and recounted what had happened before, while also expressing his worries.

After the lecture was over, they realized that a group of top generals had serious expressions, obviously they did not expect the task to be so complicated this time.

Although the disappearance of General Qiju cannot be proved to be related to a conspiracy, there is a great chance that it is involved.

Otherwise, these alliance monks would not be able to obtain a large number of sea charts, and would choose to take advantage of the other party's disappearance.

Obviously, it was controlled by the black hand behind the scenes, which caused the general Qiju to disappear, and then spread the chart to lure the alliance monks to attack.

It's just the goal of the mastermind behind the scenes, and what is it for?
Several peak god generals thought hard, thought of many possibilities, and their expressions became more dignified.

"No, I'm afraid Ling Huanshen will be in danger!"

A peak god general flew straight to the depths of the island before he could finish his sentence, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Several other peak generals also looked at each other, and then rushed into the depths of the island.

(End of this chapter)

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