I have a city in another world

Chapter 3426 Arrangement of the cornerstone platform

Chapter 3426 Arrangement of the cornerstone platform

The deadline set by the Cornerstone Platform has arrived, but the assigned task of solving the case has not been completed by the top generals.

The missing two pinnacle generals are still nowhere to be seen, as if nothing had happened.

If it was really a needle in a haystack, it would be an easy task, and the top generals would definitely be able to do it easily.

For them, as long as something exists, there is no possibility of finding it.

But this time the incident was different. The peak generals searched inside and outside the camp, but couldn't find any clues at all.

Maybe there is a chance to get useful clues by going deep into the island, but the peak generals didn't do it.

The gods and generals are very clear about the danger in the depths of this island. There may be hidden hands behind the scenes, and it is also the lair of ancient creatures.

No matter what the situation is, you must be highly vigilant, and you must not take risks lightly.

If he forcibly enters the depths of the island, perhaps his name will appear in the list of missing generals.

The peak gods all agreed that to find out the truth of the matter, it is likely that the god king will need to take action in person.

Only a strong person of this level can use stronger means to solve this almost unsolvable mystery.

Although the deadline has come and the task has not been completed, the peak generals feel a sense of relief.

Even if the task is not completed, they will bear the corresponding punishment, and the peak generals are willing to do so.

They were eager to end it quickly and didn't want to continue to get involved in it.

It's not that the peak gods are timid, but that this matter is indeed complicated and confusing, and it may involve a powerful existence that they cannot fight against.

Cultivators in Loucheng are not afraid of challenges and dangers, even life and death, but they also have to distinguish what kind of situation it is.

It is obviously a stupid behavior to know that you must die but still bump into each other head-on, resulting in the sacrifice in vain in the end.

Especially for monks of their level, they have an extraordinary meaning in themselves, and they must not be easily compromised.

To ensure your own safety and stay away from fatal dangers is also responsible for the theater of war.

Now that they have clearly realized that this matter is beyond their ability to handle, naturally there is no need to continue to show off.

It has nothing to do with responsibility and shame, but just knowing how to advance and retreat.

The several peak generals who got together soon got the information they wanted, and the cornerstone platform had already issued an order.

Sure enough, as expected, after the mission failed, they were all punished.

Because this matter is of great importance, the punishment is much higher than before, and even the peak generals feel a little pain.

But as long as the matter is over and you get rid of yourself, it doesn't matter if you suffer some punishment.

No matter what happens in the future, at least it will not involve yourself, so as to avoid greater losses.

According to the rules of the cornerstone platform, when a monk fails to perform a certain task, he does not need to continue to participate in the matter.

Unless there is a special request to apply for repeated participation in the task, the cornerstone platform will not make any special arrangements.

Since the task has failed, it is natural to replace a stronger monk to perform it, so as to ensure the success of the task.

There is another purpose, which is to prevent the monks in Loucheng who failed to perform the task from being punished by the cornerstone platform again.

It would be unlucky and unfair to be punished twice for the same task.

The pinnacle generals who were punished were relieved, who would be unlucky next has nothing to do with themselves.

After countless years of accumulation, there are actually such a group of peak powerhouses in the fourth theater.

Everyone is trying to advance to the God King, but after years of hard work, there is not much progress.

Some gods will choose to stay in the original extreme world and continue to practice hard to find opportunities, while some gods will travel around the world, slowly looking for opportunities to ascend to the throne.

In fact, there are no rules and shortcuts on the road to becoming a god king, but the probability of success in the original polar world is higher.

The path of condensing regular seeds is actually imitating ancient creatures.

Super creatures condense regular particles, and monks condense regular seeds, which have similar effects.

When the practice reaches the extreme, no matter whether it is a super creature or a monk, in fact, all have the opportunity to step on the throne.

It's easy to say but hard to do. I don't know how many top generals have returned disappointed after reaching the original polar world.

There are even more local monks.

Several peak generals wanted to know who would take over the investigation task, but they did not get a reply from the cornerstone platform.

This task involves too much, and the cornerstone platform must keep it confidential, and it is absolutely impossible to casually disclose relevant information.

Several peak god generals felt a little regretful, but they let go of this idea in an instant, and really didn't want to get involved too much with this matter.

But the next task left several peak generals dumbfounded.

Although the investigation mission was stopped, the peak generals still could not evacuate, but continued to guard the hunting camp.

For the fourth war zone, the hunting camp is very important, providing pure rule particles that are indispensable even for the peak generals.

Ordinary super creatures also produce regular particles, but they can't compare with the descendants of ancient creatures.

The difference is not only in the purity, the latter is more conducive to condensing the rules of perception, after all, their ancestors are comparable to the king of gods.

Although the blood of the descendants is impure, they will still gain some advantages and benefits in the end, but in the end they also lead to the disaster of killing themselves.

There are many descendants of ancient creatures, and only a part of them were hunted, and most of the races were free and easy.

They lived in the ruins of the major forbidden areas, gathered into huge groups, and lived freely on weekdays.

For the peak generals, such a place is a treasure land, and killing indulgently will definitely reap a lot.

There are indeed peak powerhouses who often do such things, go deep into the restricted area to hunt down the descendants of ancient creatures.

In fact, this kind of behavior is similar to hunting in the forbidden sea, the difference is only in the way of hunting.

There is no forbidden sea in other forbidden places, so naturally there is no need for such trouble, but there are also other restrictions.

The hunting camp can produce stable output, it is definitely a rare treasure, and it cannot be easily discarded no matter what.

The next task of several peak god generals is to guard the hunting camp until it is confirmed that there is no danger.

Because it is a special period, the rewards are also very generous, which can fully make up for the previous punishment.

For such a task arrangement, the peak generals secretly said something bad.

As long as you are on this island, you are still not out of danger, and you may encounter crisis at any time.

Perhaps the only advantage is that there is no need to go deep into the island to investigate, which is undoubtedly safer.

When several peak gods gather together, there is no need to worry about being plotted against, and they can take care of each other even if there is danger.

This approach of the cornerstone platform is obviously killing two birds with one stone, and counting several peak generals.

With them guarding the hunting camp, we can guarantee that there will be no more accidents, and even if they do, they can be easily resolved.

They are also decoys, able to attract the enemy to attack, so that they can find the opportunity to solve the dilemma.

Not being rewarded by the mission, but still being involved in the mission, it would be too much of a disadvantage.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Cornerstone gave generous rewards, which can be regarded as compensation for the gods.

Being calculated by the cornerstone platform, the peak generals naturally felt depressed, but there was nothing they could do.

In fact, this matter is emotional and reasonable, and the generals are duty-bound to assist in the investigation until the truth comes to light.

Since you can't avoid it, then accept your fate obediently. With the arrangement of the cornerstone platform, maybe things will turn around.

According to the speculation of the generals, there must be a monk secretly responsible for the investigation, but they don't know the identity and strength of the other party.

Should we send more peak god generals to take charge of the investigation, or should the god king and powerhouse go out in person to find out the hidden mastermind behind the scenes?

No matter how it is done, one thing is certain, the Cornerstone platform will never give up easily.

How could it be easily settled when two top generals were involved?

(End of this chapter)

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