I have a city in another world

Chapter 3428 Useless Peak General

Chapter 3428 Useless Peak General

Cultivators in Loucheng have one advantage that makes the indigenous monks incomparable, that is, they have extensive knowledge.

Whether it is from personal experience or from spoken classics, it is enough to increase the knowledge and experience of monks in Loucheng.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is both civil and military.

They may be limited by their strength and be defeated and beheaded by the native monks, but in terms of knowledge and skills, they can absolutely guarantee a complete victory over the native monks.

No matter what kind of environment you are in, or facing any crisis, monk Loucheng can always solve the problem and achieve the goal you want to achieve.

Today's hunting camp is in a difficult situation, and the monks in Loucheng show their abilities and try their best to solve this crisis.

The layout of the rune circle is not up to the low-level monks to take action. Even if they have dabbled in this, they certainly cannot be compared with the peak gods.

To be able to become a peak god general, there will be no simple people, and the means of knowledge are far beyond the imagination of ordinary monks.

No monk would be overestimated, but he wanted to take the opportunity to observe it, because this is indeed a rare opportunity.

In addition, it is necessary to refine elixirs and carry out the transformation of the camp, and the monks of Loucheng must participate in these tasks.

In today's hunting camp, there are nine giant rune cauldrons, which are being calcined by the monks of Loucheng who are constantly controlling the fire.

The surface of the giant tripod is covered with dragon and tiger cloud patterns, which looks vivid, and the mysterious runes are even more mysterious.

The flames controlled by the monks in Loucheng are also like swimming dragons, swimming around with the giant tripod as the center.

The same materials were processed, and then sent to the cauldron, where they were slowly boiled into liquid medicine.

The medicinal liquid was dried and mixed, and then condensed into pills under the control of monk Loucheng.

The steps in the refining process are only to stimulate the medicinal properties and form a special reaction, and the existence of the pill furnace is only for more convenient operation.

Around each alchemy furnace, there are a large number of Loucheng monks busy, and they cooperate with each other quite tacitly.

There is also monk Loucheng as the commander, patrolling and pointing alchemists back and forth to prevent accidents from happening.

Regardless of the refined material itself, or the operation steps of the monks in Loucheng, it will lead to the accumulation of massive energy.

The energy is forcibly compressed together and gathered in the alchemy furnace, relying on the monks' exquisite operation to maintain balance and stability.

If an accident occurs and the alchemy furnace explodes, the entire hunting camp can be destroyed instantly.

There were even incidents where the alchemy furnace exploded and affected the entire cultivation world.

Fortunately, there are high-level divine generals in the camp, so even if an accident occurs, the suppression can be resolved in time.

This is not a reason to be careless. After all, once an accident occurs, the first person to suffer is the monk Loucheng himself.

Although the high-level god generals can take action to avoid losses to the hunting camp, the monks in Loucheng will bear the brunt of the damage.

Even if you don't die, you will definitely suffer heavy injuries.

The commander of the alchemy scene is particularly important at this moment, and it is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

When the implementation of the plan was announced, Tang Zhen was directly elected to serve as the on-site commander of refining the elixir.

But because of his status, Tang Zhen was unable to serve as the chief officer, and in the end he could only become the assistant of a high-ranking general.

Through this incident, it is enough to prove that Tang Zhen's prestige and strength have indeed been recognized and respected by the monks in Loucheng.

Tang Zhen just chuckled at this kind of love and trust, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it.

From now on, his plan has not targeted these ordinary Loucheng monks. If he is unfortunately involved, he can only blame his own bad luck.

After all, in the eyes of the peak god generals, those who do not set foot in the realm of gods and spirits are actually just ants after all.

What pity is there for the death of ants?

Not only Tang Zhen, but any peak powerhouse has the same attitude.

In fact, in Tang Zhen's view, the Fourth War Zone did not suffer too much, because after this war, the building city in the Fourth War Zone was enough to dominate the edge of the sea.

Those hostile competitors have been completely killed by Tang Zhen, and they will never have the opportunity to fight openly and secretly with the monks of Loucheng.

The fourth war zone lost two top generals, but Tang Zhen picked up a few powerful players, all of whom were sworn enemies of the fourth war zone.

From the point of view of quantity alone, it doesn't seem to be a disadvantage.

In fact, in Tang Zhen's view, monks at the level of peak god generals are not of much value to Loucheng World.

Those who don't know the truth may scoff, thinking that such a statement is unreasonable.

But if you have a deep understanding, you will know how special the peak god general is to the world of Loucheng.

Before reaching the realm of the peak gods, Lou Cheng Xius will do their best to complete the task in order to improve their strength level.

Because of its strong strength, it can provide a lot of help to the world of Loucheng, and it is definitely the best weapon to deter the world from crushing powerful enemies.

But once they become the peak god generals, the monks will stay away from the world of Loucheng and try their best to become god kings.

This trip is high and the road is far away. I don't know when and what month I will be able to return.

There are many examples in this special circle of people who have practiced hard for millions of years but are still unable to succeed.

It can be said that as long as you become a peak general, you will leave the world of Loucheng, and the return date cannot be determined at all.

If you don't return to Loucheng World, you can't complete the mission issued by the cornerstone platform, which is a waste of such high-end combat power resources.

The cornerstone platform can't prevent the monks from Loucheng from leaving, otherwise there will be hatred, unless there is a way to help the peak god general solve the problem.

It is precisely for this reason that Loucheng World built Loucheng in the Yuanji Realm and regarded it as a training place for peak gods.

Without delaying the practice of the peak god general, you can also issue corresponding tasks to obtain more valuable resources.

If it weren't for the vastness of the Yuanji Realm and its strength not weaker than that of the Loucheng World, it might have been conquered by violence long ago and became a special overseas base.

It is this series of operations that allows the nearly useless peak generals to contribute to the world of Loucheng again.

But not all the peak generals will obey the arrangement of the cornerstone platform, they prefer to find opportunities by themselves.

Break away from the control of the cornerstone platform, go deep into the polar restricted area of ​​the original polar world, or go to other great worlds to search and explore.

The cornerstone platform can be said to be quite strict in controlling the monks of Loucheng, but it can only do nothing to the peak god general.

What makes people feel regretful is that among these indulged peak gods, there are very few who can become god kings!

There are many God Kings in the Gulan God Realm, and there is no shortage of God Kings in the Yuanji Realm, and the same is true in the Loucheng World.

These are the accumulation of long years. Compared with the number of monks in Loucheng, which is like a sea of ​​stars, monks at the level of god kings can be easily arranged into a book.

After knowing all this, if you say that there are a lot of god kings, it is definitely a shameful statement.

Every peak god general is a seed of hope and has the opportunity to become a god king.

No one can guarantee that the peak god will be promoted to the god king, but there is a [-]% chance of not being promoted.

So in Tang Zhen's view, killing a few top generals would not have much impact on the fourth theater.

Cornerstone Platform certainly does not think so, even if there is a slight possibility, Cornerstone Platform will never give up easily.

It is really not easy to train a monk in Loucheng to become a peak general, and the resources consumed during the period cannot be counted at all.

After paying such a huge price, the cornerstone platform naturally hopes to cultivate more top-notch experts to make the theater more powerful.

If someone kills a peak general, it is equivalent to cutting flesh on the cornerstone platform, which is absolutely unbearable.

It is necessary to find out the specific reason of the matter, to see people in life, and to see corpses in death.

In addition to being responsible for the missing, it is also to eliminate hidden dangers and prevent similar things from happening again.

Just as the monks in Loucheng took active actions to restore the hunting camp, the special envoy who investigated the disappearance of the peak god general had quietly arrived at the forbidden island.

(End of this chapter)

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