I have a city in another world

Chapter 3441 Crisis Hidden

Chapter 3441 Crisis Hidden
For the monks in Loucheng, there is no such thing as taking the wind and washing away the dust, and there is no such thing as a banquet.

Knowing the situation of the ancient land of chaos, the monks in Loucheng have become impatient and want to start exploring immediately.

The enthusiasm shown is extremely high, and there is no need to deliberately mobilize.

Emotions like laziness and slack will never appear on monk Loucheng, otherwise it would be the biggest perfunctory to himself.

With a tireless physique, as well as a refined mind, the monks are always working hard.

For the urgent thoughts of the monks in Loucheng, these master-level peak gods will definitely satisfy them.

In the following time, there will be servant monks responsible for leading the way, leading the Loucheng monks to the nearby mine.

According to the story of the monk servant, several large mines nearby belong to the monk Loucheng.

There are also some small mines that belong to some indigenous races.

Their strength is not as good as that of the monks of Loucheng, but among the tribes, there are also supreme beings at the level of venerables.

The strength of forming an alliance with each other cannot be underestimated.

In order to prevent unnecessary casualties, the monks of Loucheng did not take the initiative to launch an attack, but acquiesced in the existence of these tribal races.

"But these guys are not grateful, and instead formed an alliance to oppose us both openly and secretly.

It is said that behind these tribes, there are also some larger monk organizations backing them up to fight against the Loucheng monks.

If you are in the wilderness, when you meet monks from these tribes, try to avoid fighting if you can.

But if you do something, don't be merciful. If you don't show them some color, you really think that monk Loucheng is easy to bully. "

When the super strong man said this, his tone became very cold, and he seemed to have a lot of hatred.

Although they belong to the same indigenous race in the Yuanji Realm, they hate each other because of their different positions.

In fact, the small tribes in the forbidden area only hated the Loucheng monks for robbing resources, but never cared about their geographical origin.

The area of ​​the original polar world is too large, and there are countless races, big and small, fighting each other.

In this special environment, there is not much difference between outsiders and native monks.

What this super strong man said was actually based on experience, and the monks in Loucheng would naturally remember it in their hearts.

If you encounter a similar situation, with the communication at this moment, it will be easier to react and deal with it at a faster speed.

The number of Loucheng monks transferred from the hunting camp was less than [-] after two battle losses.

It sounds like a lot, but compared with those native monks, it is obviously at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, the quality of the monks in Loucheng is extremely high. Even if the number is not dominant, each of them has the means to outnumber ten.

As long as one skill is in hand, it is better than thousands of enemies with hands and no brains.

If the battle really started, the tens of thousands of monks in Loucheng at this time would dare to face the attack of hundreds of thousands of enemies.

It didn't take long for the monks to arrive at the mine.

I saw a piece of blue in front of me, mixed with traces of gorgeous colors, looking like a huge gemstone mine.

On this huge crystal, there are holes everywhere, which are obviously artificially dug.

In these densely packed holes, you can see from time to time, servant monks are constantly coming in and out.

If it is in the ordinary world, it is absolutely normal for such a mining scene to appear.

However, it was very surprising that the same scene appeared in the forbidden mine.

If you understand the characteristics of crystals, you know that this kind of operation is normal, because magical attacks can't damage the crystals at all.

Only by doing it yourself and using specially crafted utensils can it be possible to shatter this crystal.

The monks had no choice but to use this method to continuously excavate the crystals that manifested the rules.

There are also some monks who try to dig crystal ore through puppets, but the results are not satisfactory.

Because of this special crystal ore, the interior is spliced ​​with different massive crystals, and the lines and seams are completely different.

Tight and solid, there are no gaps in the whole body.

The monks must conduct detailed analysis and judgment based on the situation on the spot, and then find a method for digging.

Although the puppet also has such intelligence, it will be affected when it is running, and serious failures will often occur.

The most troublesome point is that these puppets are easily controlled by the remnants of ancient creatures, and they attack monks unexpectedly.

With Cannian's control puppet, it will become extremely powerful and can easily cause serious damage to monks.

It is precisely because of the existence of various disadvantages that the use of puppets had to be abandoned, and the monks had to excavate it by themselves.

But the monks are in the crystal mine, so they are more vulnerable to the attack of Cannian.

In the process of excavation and exploration, vigilance must be raised. Once an abnormal situation occurs, the excavation site must be evacuated as soon as possible.

In addition, inside the ancient crystal mine, there are still various monsters, some are purely made of flesh and blood, and some are condensed from remnants.

The seemingly simple mining is far more complicated and dangerous than imagined, and accidents may occur if you are not careful.

Cultivator Loucheng, who was full of expectations, finally became truly vigilant.

You must not forget that you are in a forbidden area because of the safety at this time, and forget that danger is still everywhere.

If you are negligent, you may lose your life at any time.

Soon there will be monks teaching exercises, which can be practiced silently while mining, and can effectively resist remnant attacks.

At the same time, he also taught the method of refining tools, so that he could refine tools suitable for his own use.

If the monks in Loucheng are not good at this, they can use their military achievements in exchange, but the quality may vary.

When everything is ready, the monks can find an area and start a long excavation.

When the remains can be dug up, everything depends on luck.

After you have harvested something, you can exchange it for military exploits, and the specific price will be determined according to the quality.

If you're lucky, it's not impossible for a monk in Loucheng to get rich overnight.

Such a rule is fairly fair, everything depends on strength and luck, as long as you work hard enough, even a small monk will have a bright future.

After everything was properly explained, the monks in Loucheng immediately took action and spread out over the huge crystal mine.

Every other distance is occupied by a Loucheng monk.

According to the refining method just learned, as well as a bone piece of an ancient creature given away for free, refine your own exclusive mining tool.

Although it is a free gift, the price is not cheap. It can be regarded as a gift for the monks in Loucheng.

The color of the bone piece is crystal clear like jade, and its size is not very large, only the size of a baby's fist.

Under the special method of refinement, the bone fragments of this ancient creature quickly became a softened form that could be kneaded.

If there is no matching refining technique, it is absolutely difficult to refine ancient biological bone fragments.

The Loucheng monks who had just arrived were all exposed to the remains of ancient creatures for the first time, so they must be curious.

It's just that the ancient biological bones in their hands have been specially treated, and there is no harm.

No matter how you observe, it is impossible to gain anything.

In the end, it is necessary to follow the refining technique and cooperate with other refining materials to make the required mining equipment.

Bones are too small to be used only for pickaxe tips, or blades like clamped steel.

If there are enough materials in the future, you can continue to upgrade, so that you can have higher mining efficiency.

(End of this chapter)

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