I have a city in another world

Chapter 3451 Pre-War Meeting

Chapter 3451 Pre-War Meeting
News about the new mining area spread quickly.

Before the accident happened, the monks already knew about the existence of the new mining area and had a better understanding of the specific situation.

The Loucheng monks and the tribal monks confronted each other, and neither of them was willing to back down.

It's like two hungry wolves staring at a fresh prey, all wanting to keep it for themselves.

Although each other showed their fangs, the war never happened, and both were in a state of restraint.

The most important reason is that they are not ready for war.

The tribal monks did not dare to act because of their lack of strength. They had a fierce face, but there was an unspeakable panic in their hearts.

They were afraid that the monks of Loucheng would take the initiative to attack. Facing the vicious fangs and claws, the tribal alliance would be defeated in one blow.

Under such circumstances, it is only natural for tribal monks to seek foreign aid.

As for the monk Loucheng, he also has a lot of worries.

It is by no means an easy task to obtain the ownership of a new mine, and it is likely to pay serious casualties.

If the enemy took advantage of this opportunity to launch a sneak attack, it would be worse.

Coupled with the changes in the Forbidden Sea, the Peak God will continue to withdraw for support, which also led to the failure of this battle for the new mine.

However, with the return of the top generals, the strength of the camp has continued to increase, and it already has the capital not to be afraid of provocations.

Even if it is not absolutely sure, completely occupying the new mine, it will definitely inflict heavy damage on the provocateur.

Once the enemy retreats and retreats, the new mining area will belong to the monks of Loucheng.

No one expected that the suppressed tribe monks would take the initiative to attack before monk Loucheng made a move.

They had reinforcements this time, and their strength was quite strong. They even suppressed the monks in Loucheng guarding the new mine.

From the looks of it, it was obvious that they wanted to occupy the new mine and expel the monks of Loucheng from the country.

The behavior of the monks in the tribe aroused the anger of the monks in Loucheng, and vowed to punish him severely.

When I chose to accommodate the tribal monks, I just had a kind heart in my heart and gave them a chance to join the Loucheng monk camp.

It's definitely not what those tribal monks thought. The Loucheng monks are afraid of the strength of the alliance and dare not make a move, or they think that the method of killing them all will lose the hearts of the people.

The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself. The monks of Loucheng have experienced countless fights, how could they not know this?

As a result, these tribal monks always harbored resentment, believing that their interests had been robbed by the Loucheng monks.

He has been thinking about it all day long and wants to regain the lost ground, always making small moves behind his back.

But this time, the tribal monks obviously crossed the line, even colluding with foreign monks.

This is the bottom line of the monks of Loucheng. Now that the monks of the tribe have broken it, the nature of the matter will become completely different.

"Since these guys don't know how to live or die, then don't be polite, just kill them!"

In the venue at this moment, the gods will gather with the superpowers to discuss how to act next.

A servant monk made a suggestion with a resentful expression on his face. Although he was once a tribal monk, his identity has changed now.

To join the camp of the Loucheng monks, you must correct your attitude, and you must not be attached to the past.

Besides, there is no attachment to the past. Before the arrival of the Loucheng monks, they were also the targets of oppression.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the tribal monks took the initiative to join and hated the oppressors in the past.

Having the same origin does not mean sharing the same heart. For the sake of survival, we can do anything.

The vast majority of monks have this idea and want to completely eliminate these tribal monks.

If these tribal monks were pushed to the extreme, they might even trade their lives for their lives.

Whenever there is a slight possibility, Loucheng monks must avoid it, otherwise they may cause losses to themselves.

At the beginning, the monks in Loucheng did not kill them all, but they also had concerns in this regard.

However, there are so many treasures in this new mine that even the peak generals are not easy to fall in love with.

For the Loucheng monks who are determined to win the new mine, no accidents are allowed. Since the tribal monks are so reckless, they should be sent directly on the road.

This wave of enemies came fiercely, but the monks in Loucheng did not panic.

They have enough cards to deal with possible changes and guarantee the final victory.

The strength of the fourth war zone is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface, and it is even far more terrifying than imagined.

As the gathering place of the peak gods, if the monks of Loucheng want to start a war, they will definitely shock and frighten all the enemies.

In the Loucheng world, it is very difficult to meet the peak gods, and in the original extreme world, it is not easy to meet the god kings.

Only because monks who have reached the level of a god king will return to the world of Loucheng to sit in command, but the peak gods will choose to leave.

Never judge the strength of a monk in Loucheng by the superficial situation, that is definitely a very stupid thing.

Just like a strong man at the level of a god king, there may not be any other monk organizations at all, but there is definitely more than one in the fourth theater.

Based on this alone, one can know that the strength gap between the two sides is definitely not just a little bit.

The tribal monks tried to use external forces to kill and expel the Loucheng monks, it was like a dream

The opinions of the participants are so unified, naturally there is no need for too much discussion, and the monks can be directly selected to participate in the battle.

Most of the monks hope to participate in this war, so as to try to gain enough military exploits and benefits.

They actually know more about the new mining area and know that there are many good things here.

The vital blood that Tang Zhen obtained before is just one of the treasures, but there are actually more treasures.

First come first serve, this kind of priority mining opportunity must not be easily missed.

If the speed of action is too slow, the benefits will be taken away by others, and you may not even be able to drink the soup.

It's just that if you want to seize the opportunity, you must pay the corresponding price.

Not only do they have to deal with the resistance of the tribal monks, but also all the cruel monsters in the mining area must be eliminated.

These remnant monsters are so powerful that even the top generals dare not provoke them easily.

It is precisely because of the existence of these monsters that the new mine has never been owned, and each other is watching.

Coveting the wealth in the new mine, but unwilling to clean up the monsters first, because it will pay a heavy price and let the enemy take advantage of it for nothing.

But this time the tribal monks started to rob them blatantly, obviously with extreme confidence in their own strength.

Verbal disputes are meaningless at all. If you want to control the new mine, you must seize it with real swords and guns.

The monks of the tribe have already taken the initiative to fight, and the monks of Loucheng are naturally not to be outdone, and the battle for the new mine has begun.

After the discussion and resolution were completed, the monks in Loucheng acted immediately. On the one hand, they recruited monks to participate in the operation, and on the other hand, they asked for relevant intelligence information.

But in a short period of time, two-thirds of the Loucheng monks in the camp accepted the call for war.

The war between the monks was simple and crisp, and they started to act as soon as an order was given.

There is no need to worry about food and supplies, let alone the long road, even if it is thousands of miles away, it is only a short time.

Without waiting for too long, a group of figures with powerful auras quickly assembled, and under the leadership of the peak general, they went straight to the new mining area thousands of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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