I have a city in another world

Chapter 3454 Windy Sand Mine

Chapter 3454 Windy Sand Mine
There are vortexes all over the ancient river, all of which are mine entrances that emerged overnight, looking deep and dangerous.

Enter the mine through the vortex, but will be sent to different places, and the dangers encountered are also different.

Previous explorations have proved that the new mine has a huge area and is completely an independent world.

In fact, the ancient creatures themselves are equivalent to a complete world, with rules of evolution running inside.

Just like the kingdom of God in the mind of monk Loucheng, it has magical characteristics and can breed all kinds of strange lives.

Once the ancient creatures fall, the mysterious world hidden in their bodies will also be revealed in various ways.

The first way of manifestation is to turn into countless fragments and scatter them in the endless world.

In the process of falling and disintegrating, the size of the fragments will expand infinitely. It seems that a small piece may eventually become as large as a mountain.

Such a situation occurred because the ancient creatures themselves were essences gathered and always maintained a form of extreme compression.

Once it falls and disintegrates out of control, the flesh and blood will expand rapidly, reaching an incredible volume.

There are also some fragments and wrecks, which will form independent spaces due to the influence of rules, varying in size but very hidden.

The stronger the ancient creature, the more secretive the space formed by the wreckage, and it is difficult for monks to find and enter.

Because the interior is self-contained, the remnant monsters born will be quite vicious, and some savage monsters will also be bred.

They were born from the wreckage, possessing different talents and supernatural powers, and their strength is quite terrifying.

To enter such a special space, you must first find a way to deal with the hunting of these monsters, and then you are eligible to harvest treasures.

The rarest and most terrifying situation is that the ancient creatures remain intact after the fall, and then form a special space.

Even if a peak god general enters it, there will be many crises, and he may even fall into it.

After all, these ancient creatures are all existences comparable to the level of god kings, and it is easy to kill the peak gods in seconds.

Even after his fall, Yu Wei still cannot be underestimated.

But if they come across such a place, the peak generals will flock to them, trying to snatch the huge hidden opportunity.

If you are lucky enough to obtain a complete rule inheritance, it may not be impossible to become a god king.

In the core area of ​​the ancient land of chaos, there were rumors that a special space entrance appeared.

Countless lords were attracted to go because of the complete remains of ancient creatures hidden in that special space.

It's just that to this day, there is no news of the strong man who entered the space, and he doesn't know that he is alive or dead.

The new mine that appeared today is not that dangerous, but it will still randomly generate monsters of the lord level.

When superpowers enter it, they will also be blocked by monsters of the same level.

But no matter how dangerous it is, exploration and excavation must be carried out, and the opportunity must not be missed.

With an order, the monks of Loucheng entered the vortex one after another, and in an instant they saw a boundless desert.

The skeletons of giant beasts are scattered all over the place, as well as the half-covered remains of monks, filled with the vicissitudes of thousands of years.

Weird hot wind continuously blows towards the face, causing dust to appear on the armored bodies of the monks.

The scene inside the crystal mine space is related to the rules controlled by ancient creatures. For ancient creatures who practice the rules of fire, it is definitely difficult to see ice in the space formed by the wreckage.

The moment the monks entered, the yellow sand and those dead bones formed terrifying monsters, rushing towards them overwhelmingly.

A monk couldn't dodge in time, was bitten and devoured by the monster, and turned into a pile of gravel in an instant.

"Everyone, be careful, it should be a rule of desertification, don't touch your body, or be blown by this hot wind!"

After discovering what happened to their companions, the monks in Loucheng were extremely vigilant and kept attacking while dodging.

These desert monsters are everywhere, and they can form attacks anytime and anywhere, making it impossible for the monks in Loucheng to guard against them.

Fortunately, there are many monks in Loucheng, and once they find a monster approaching, they will immediately launch a concentrated fire attack.

Another thing that is fortunate is that the desert monster itself has a loose structure, as long as it hits a vital area, it will collapse and dissipate in an instant.

Whenever they are killed, the deserted monsters will drop wreckage fragments. Although the size varies, the quality is quite good.

Seeing this, the monks in Loucheng couldn't help but be filled with joy, secretly thinking that there are indeed many treasures in this new mine.

This is just a wandering remnant monster. If it encounters a huge crystal mine, there must be more wreckage fragments sealed inside.

The rich and astonishing harvest seems to be waiting for the monks in Loucheng to discover.

A large number of high-quality wreckage fragments, coupled with tribal monks that may be encountered at any time, is destined to be a harvest trip.

Before the joy in my heart dissipated, there was a sudden change, and the sky full of yellow sand suddenly swept over.

The whole world is like this, and there is no possibility of avoiding it.

"All the monks listened to the order and immediately assembled into formations to resist the impact of this wind and sand!"

The superpowers in charge of leading the team gave orders one after another, with extremely solemn expressions on their expressions.

The monks in Loucheng didn't hesitate, and released armors similar to shields one after another, and some of them disappeared in a flash.

Against the attack of the wind and sand that contains the power of rules, the effect of using magic defense is extremely poor, but the physical shield is more effective.

Or a special cloak that can resist wind and sand.

The servant monks of those tribes have an advantage at this moment, after all, they are better at this type of fighting style.

A more effective method is to use the power of rules to fight, which can definitely have a suppressive effect.

However, the vast majority of Loucheng monks have no power to master the rules at all, and the super strong are no more than that.

Facing the wind and sand sweeping from the sky, only by forming an formation to protect ourselves can we have a chance to break through the interception.

This place is only on the edge, and the real good things are all in the core area.

But in an instant, the monks in Loucheng formed their own defensive formations under the command of the commander.

Some are like balls, some are shaped like giants, and are tightly blocked by various shield artifacts.

Never let a grain of wind and sand touch the monks in Loucheng inside.

As a result, in the wind and sand, countless monsters suddenly appeared, or galloped on the ground, or flew in the air, sweeping over the sky and covering the earth.

There are also some remnant monsters, which are as big as mountains, blocking the way forward.

The strength of these monsters is comparable to superpowers, and even slightly better.

At this moment, the monks in Loucheng were secretly glad that the Lord did not enter, otherwise they would all die without a doubt.

The war at the lord level will affect a wide range, and low-level monks will also be exterminated like ants.

But this hurdle in front of him is also not easy to overcome.

But in an instant, the wind and sand collided with the monk Loucheng, and the roars and growls were heard endlessly.

In an instant, the world was dark, without a single source of light, and it seemed that only myself was left alone.

Only those who have experienced it will know how dangerous the situation is at this moment, and the other companions don't know whether they are dead or alive.

At this moment, the monks in Loucheng are all struggling to support, waiting to break through the blockade of the sandstorm and the remnant monster.

The screams and roars that came from time to time proved that breaking through the blockade of the wind and sand was definitely not as easy as imagined.

As time passed, the monks' perception became more and more dull, and they could only attack mechanically.

Whenever the commander gives an order, he will operate according to the command, and the whole process is like a mechanical part.

I don't know how long it took, the sound of wind and sand in my ears gradually faded away, and the sound of shouting and killing also seemed to disappear.

The monks in Loucheng cooperated with each other, killed an unknown number of monsters, and finally got rid of the siege of the wind and sand.

Looking at the surrounding environment at this time, the sky is still full of yellow sand, but on the vast expanse of land, crystals like sharp swords are distributed obliquely.

Among these crystals, countless ancient biological remains are sealed, among which are treasures like living blood.

There was no time to count the casualties, and the monks of Loucheng immediately rushed to the huge crystals, preparing to dig out the sealed wreckage fragments.

(End of this chapter)

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