3457 - Catch miners
The beheading of the three strong enemies is equivalent to winning the war, and the remaining tribal monks are simply vulnerable.

Tang Zhen did not kill them all, but captured them all and turned them into miners.

No beating, no scolding, no killing, just use the opponent to mine.

For the rest of their lives, the tribal monks naturally didn't dare to play any tricks, and all of them cooperated in the excavation honestly.

Life is the most important thing, and a little effort is nothing at all.

The monks in Loucheng were equally happy, avoiding a catastrophe, and now they have a group of helpers.

Moreover, they are all veterans of mining, so they don't need too much guidance at all, and everyone has full experience.

With the addition of this group of tribal monks, the mining efficiency has become higher, which is also a surprise for the monks of Loucheng.

Some Loucheng monks secretly thought, if they could catch more tribal monks, wouldn't there be more gains?

They were not the only ones thinking this way, Tang Zhen was also thinking this way.

He recruited the Loucheng monk who was in charge of the investigation, asked about the situation with the outside world, and then took action in a planned way.

Compared with Loucheng monks, these tribe monks are more numerous, and they are also luckier.

After many teams entered, they quickly found their companions and gathered together to act together.

There are at least three or five superpowers, and at most there are more than a dozen, running rampant in this desert.

This is a matter of course. Only when monks get together to act can they ensure higher security.

But for monks in Loucheng, such a situation is very dangerous, and they may face a situation of being outnumbered.

Although the monks in Loucheng are strong, not all of them are as fierce as Tang Zhen, who can easily kill the enemy.

When the enemy has an advantage, it is necessary to dodge in time, so as to avoid casualties as much as possible.

The main purpose of monk Loucheng entering the mining area was to collect fragments of remains and hunt down enemy monks by the way.

If you can do some things, you can do it, and if you can't do it, you don't need to force it.

In a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak, it is a matter of course to properly avoid the enemy's edge.

But after switching to Tang Zhen, things became completely different. He would never be afraid to evade, but would choose to take the initiative.

Tang Zhen did it for mining and harvesting while others wanted to fight and kill, but he was faced with the dilemma of lack of manpower.

In this case, Tang Zhen must take the initiative and capture the strong men to work for him.

Without enough strength and self-confidence, I dare not make such an idea at all.

The Loucheng monk in charge of the investigation was shocked by Tang Zhen's bravery, and his heart was filled with awe.

After listening to Tang Zhen's inquiry, the monk immediately recounted the information obtained during the previous reconnaissance in detail.

After Tang Zhen listened, he decided to go hunting.

After arranging the monks in Loucheng, Tang Zhen went straight to the area where the enemy was active, without covering up his whereabouts at all.

The distance between the two sides was only a few hundred miles, and soon Tang Zhen saw a mine where many tribe monks gathered.

At the same time, there is also a super strong person who is responsible for guarding and preventing sneak attacks from enemies and monsters.

After seeing Tang Zhen from a distance, the strong man from the tribe roared and flew straight towards Tang Zhen.

When he saw Tang Zhen going it alone, he thought he was sure of victory.

As long as Tang Zhen is held back, his companions can quickly return to help, and then surround and kill Tang Zhen.

The plan was quite good, but as soon as he got close to Tang Zhen, three heads flew up.

The three heads had grim expressions and kept howling wailingly. They were the three superpowers who had left before.

Seeing this scene, the powerful tribesman who rushed towards Tang Zhen cursed secretly, turned around and fled without hesitation.

The three superpowers were all beheaded by Tang Zhen, how could he be the opponent?

Since you can't beat it, there is no need to hold on, and the right way is to escape from danger in time.

The tribe monks were even more frightened. They did not expect that three super strong men would chase the enemy cultivators, but only their bare heads would return.

However, the heads of these three strong men were still under the control of monk Loucheng, and they looked like they couldn't get rid of them at all.

Just when they were astonished, they saw that the Loucheng cultivator waved his hand, and the heads of three super strong men were shot out like cannonballs.

But in an instant, the three heads surrounded the super strong man, gnawing on them like a wolf.

In the process of gnawing, the head was still screaming wildly, with indescribable joy.

The super strong man who was devoured was shocked and angry at the moment, he did not expect to encounter such a crisis.

"Damn, are you crazy, why are you attacking me?"

While roaring, he was still desperately dodging, trying to get rid of the gnawing of the three heads.

"Because we can only live if we eat you!"

"Hahaha, take another sip, it's so comfortable!"

"Damn bastard, can you stop moving?"

From the mouths of the three ferocious heads, ferocious roars continued, and at the same time they spoke crazy words that made people feel crazy and collapsed.

Judging from their appearance, they are obviously delirious and in a state of losing their minds and out of control.

Obviously, these three heads were all refined by secret methods and became the enemy's weapons.

Realizing this, the super strong became more and more frightened, desperately trying to escape from this place.

The only way to survive is to escape from here.

As for the other tribal monks, he didn't have time to care about them at all. Whether they died or lived could only depend on luck.

The super strong man at this moment is already too busy to take care of himself, so he has no time to care about other things.

Unexpectedly, no matter how they are expelled, the three heads are like maggots attached to the bones, and there is no way to get rid of them.

Looking at Tang Zhen on the opposite side, he never made a move, but just watched him fight with the three heads coldly.

The super strong man gradually gave birth to despair, knowing that if Tang Zhen made a move, he would never have the slightest possibility of escaping.

"Asshole, don't force me..."

The body of the super strong man had been bitten to pieces, and there was not a single intact part at all.

But the more he wanted to escape, the harder the three heads chased and bit, and the panic in his heart was almost indescribable.

"Don't struggle anymore, you will die for sure."

When Tang Zhen's voice came, the face of the super strong man changed, and his expression instantly became extremely ferocious.

"No one can kill me, no one!"

The super strong roared angrily, and immediately cast the secret technique, preparing to detonate the power of the rules to escape forcibly.


I saw the smoke billowing, and the sky was full of flashing golden light, accompanied by bursts of heaven and earth spinning.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the three heads became as huge as a mountain, and they fiercely bit towards the super strong man.

The escape route was blocked, and the super strong man was about to collapse, but he still tried to escape desperately.

As a result, at this moment, a giant hand descended from the sky and grabbed the super strong man.

Before he could struggle to evade, the big hand grabbed it violently, directly crushing the super strong man's body in an instant.

The super strong man let out a miserable cry, but there was no further movement.

When the smoke cleared, Tang Zhen's figure appeared, with four hideous heads floating behind him.

The super strong man did not escape, and eventually became Tang Zhen's prey.

The tribal monks on the ground witnessed the battle and knew that there was no possibility of escape.

There was silence at the moment, waiting for the final verdict.

"If you want to survive, then obediently accept the slavery and follow me back to mine.

If you are unwilling, then try to escape and avoid the pursuit of these four heads.

If you succeed, you can escape from birth, and if you fail, you will be wiped out. It all depends on how you choose! "

(End of this chapter)

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