I have a city in another world

Chapter 3460 Confrontation

Chapter 3460 Confrontation
A low-level god general plus a super strong man fell silently, not even leaving the remains of his body.

Even if someone has doubts, there is no way to question and check.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see clearly that the junior general and the super strong man have no good intentions at all.

When this group of remnant monsters attacked, the most likely outcome would be Tang Zhen's death on the spot.

As a result, a great battle came to an end, and the most unlikely result occurred, which shocked the general and the subordinates of the super strong man incomparably.

Their hearts were full of fear and doubt, but they didn't dare to attack at all, pretending to be ignorant of the conspiracy.

Although they could report this matter to Loucheng for a judgment after they got out, but the conspiracy would be exposed in that way.

As insiders, they did not stop and notify Tang Zhen, so they could also be regarded as accomplices.

May be punished, definitely not much lighter than the mastermind, and use this to warn others.

Tang Zhen followed his plan and killed the generals and superpowers, but there was nothing wrong with it.

Even if it is investigated for accountability, it can be explained by being forced to protect itself.

No matter how this matter is handled, Tang Zhen will not bear much responsibility, and he can even ask for compensation in turn.

After all, in this matter, he was playing the role of a victim, and it was absolutely impossible for him to bear the grievance in vain.

Although the perpetrator died, the battle merit points are still there, which can be used to make up for appeasing Tang Zhen.

After receiving more than 7000 Loucheng monks, Tang Zhen's mining team has expanded again, and has become a huge lineup of more than [-].

With the addition of these Loucheng monks, the mining efficiency has increased again, even more than twice as fast as before.

Seeing that these monks performed well, Tang Zhen used the fragments of the remains to start alchemy, and then distributed them as rewards.

Every time the alchemy furnace is opened, there are nearly [-] pieces, which guarantees that every monk can get it.

Tang Zhen's alchemy method has been recognized by the monks, and everyone who sees it feels ashamed.

The method of alchemy is not as good as Tang Zhen's, but the eyesight to distinguish the elixir is not lacking. After seeing the elixir distributed by Tang Zhen, the monks were suddenly surprised and happy.

It turned out that Tang Zhen used a special method to remove all the residual poison from the fragments of the remains, so that the monks could take it with confidence.

And its efficacy is extraordinary, almost called a magic pill.

This level of miraculous pills cannot be bought with money, and those who are truly capable of refining alchemy will definitely disdain refining this level of pills.

Tang Zhen used the top alchemy methods to refine the pills that are most suitable for low-level monks. Such an approach made the monks deeply moved.

The moment he got the pill, the monks of Loucheng bowed to Tang Zhen in unison to express their gratitude.

The captured tribal monk was even more excited. He didn't expect that as a guilty person, he would receive such a generous reward.

Obviously, in Tang Zhen's eyes, he did not treat them as slaves and prisoners, but treated them equally.

The mentality of being apprehensive and hostile, but also because of Tang Zhen's behavior, quietly changed and wavered.

After a while, the mine was also hollowed out and had to be moved to the next location.

Tang Zhen was in charge of leading the team, followed by thousands of monks, marching slowly above the sand sea.

There is no shortage of crystal mines nearby, but they are all small-scale mines that would be looked down upon by an ordinary team of a thousand people, let alone a large team like Tang Zhen.

The only option is to go deep into the desert.

After traveling hundreds of miles, a huge crystal mine soared into the sky, and its volume was more than [-] times that of ordinary crystal mines.

Any crystal mine like this will inevitably hide heavy treasures.

Around this giant crystal mine, there are more than one group of monks, who do not interfere with each other.

The appearance of the team led by Tang Zhen immediately aroused the high vigilance of these monks.

After approaching the crystal mine, it was discovered that there were not only Loucheng monks, but also tribal monks.

The two sides are evenly matched, and they have no intention of doing anything, but are just mining on their own.

The monks entered this space only for mining, fighting and fighting can only be put second.

If you can kill, you will kill, if you can't kill, you will temporarily endure it.

The sudden appearance of Tang Zhen immediately broke the original balance, allowing the number of monks in Loucheng to gain the upper hand.

The tribal monks looked gloomy, secretly preparing for battle.

The commanders of the monks in Loucheng consisted of three superpowers and a junior general.

During the meeting and assembly, I met Tang Zhen face to face, but there was no communication other than that.

Seeing that Tang Zhen had so many people and he was the only one leading the team, doubts inevitably arose in his heart.

As a result, at this moment, four heads appeared behind Tang Zhen, looking extremely hideous.

Seeing this, the superpowers from the various tribes became more and more gloomy, recognizing the origin of these heads.

Looking at Tang Zhen, there was a trace of hatred and fear.

On the side of the monks in Loucheng, seeing the four heads that Tang Zhen deliberately displayed, they also understood what was going on.

It's just that I was in doubt, and I didn't believe that Tang Zhen had such strength that he could single-handedly kill four super strong men.

Maybe Tang Zhen still has his hole cards and helpers of the same level, but they are just hidden in the monk camp.

No matter what the real situation is, an existence like Tang Zhen can only be wooed but not offended.

If Tang Zhen is willing to cooperate and exterminate those tribal monks together, it will be great.

The junior god general took the initiative to show his favor, and after meeting with Tang Zhen, he proposed to cooperate to expel the tribal monks.

Loucheng monks occupy the mine and can dig as they please.

Unexpectedly, Tang Zhen directly refused, expressing that he was not interested in participating in the fight, and only wanted to dig seriously.

After receiving Tang Zhen's reply, the junior general was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't say much.

Tang Zhen's identity is also a Loucheng monk, and he does not need to obey the command of a junior general, so he is fully qualified to refuse all kinds of unreasonable demands.

The two sides broke up unhappy, and the war naturally did not happen.

The tribal monks who watched secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not relax their vigilance.

They were afraid that this was a trick of the monks in Loucheng, and they would let the tribe's monks relax their vigilance before launching a sudden attack.

While being careful, he also secretly dispatched monks to search around, hoping to get reinforcements from other tribe monks.

The same is true for the monks in Loucheng.

The junior general was very dissatisfied with Tang Zhen's refusal to join the battle, but he didn't have the guts to take the initiative.

In private, like the tribal monks, he was secretly looking for accomplices, hoping to get more help.

Tang Zhen led his monks to find a suitable location, and then prepared to start digging.

The area he is in is located in the center of the area where the two sides are facing each other, and it is relatively deep inside the crystal mine.

The monks on both sides did not choose this area. One was to maintain a distance, and the other was that the area was too barren.

Tang Zhen is not picky about the location. When digging the crystal mine, he felt that it was not reliable.

With Fatty's detector in place, it is far more reliable than it feels, and the mining efficiency will be more than ten times higher.

Fatty's operation became more and more proficient. He swallowed a pill and activated the bloodline magical power to start detection.

Although the innate supernatural power was used frequently, it did not cause any harm to the fat man, on the contrary, he used it more and more skillfully.

The consumption loss caused during the period was also made up for by taking drugs, and the strength continued to improve.

Maybe after a while, Fatty will be able to complete the promotion and become a real super strong.

It's just that just after the detection this time, the fat man scratched his head, showing a puzzled expression.

"what's the situation?"

Tang Zhen noticed something unusual and immediately asked questions.

"In the crystal mine under our feet, there is a big guy buried, at least hundreds of meters in length.

With such a huge size, it is bound to gather powerful Cannian monsters, and they can break through the shell on their own..."

Tang Zhen understood Fatty's thoughts, and if he felt powerless to resist, he would immediately move the excavation site.

"When you come across such a benefit, how can you miss it easily, you have to dig it out.

As for the remnant monster, as long as it dares to come out, I have a way to destroy it. "

After receiving Tang Zhen's order, the fat man naturally no longer had any scruples, and once again detected it through the power of his blood.

(End of this chapter)

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