Chapter 3472
As soon as Tang Zhen entered the mine, several monsters rushed towards him, looking like swimming flames.

The strength is not too strong, but it is also the power of the rules, and it must not be taken lightly.

If an ordinary monk encounters it and lacks a way to deal with it, it is very likely that it will turn into a pile of dry bones.

Regular monsters like this can be seen everywhere in mines, and their true strength cannot be judged by their appearance.

Perhaps an inconspicuous monster can instantly kill a super strong person.

In fact, these rule monsters are the continuation of the consciousness of the fallen monks, and they must not be taken lightly.

Fortunately, this type of monster also has weaknesses.

Some regular monsters are slow, and some regular monsters cannot move and must be approached to trigger.

Most regular monsters are weaker than superpowers, and must attack in groups to cause damage.

When encountering such monsters, monks can easily avoid them.

Some monsters can't be beaten, but they can definitely be hidden. If it is not necessary, then there is no need to fight these monsters.

After discovering the characteristics of regular monsters, it will be much easier to act. When encountering regular monsters that seem to be difficult to mess with, you can choose to take a detour.

In the process of traveling, it is necessary to continuously record the surrounding situation and analyze whether the route is safe.

The main task of the monks is to find out the correct route, and at the same time facilitate safe evacuation.

In the process of marching, I would occasionally encounter monks in Loucheng, but there was no communication with each other.

Now the environment is dangerous, and a group of Loucheng monks have their own thoughts, so it is really not appropriate to have too much contact.

No one can guarantee that when it comes to interests, whether the accomplices around him will attack.

The monks in Loucheng saw Tang Zhen with weird eyes, as if they didn't expect him to dare to act alone.

But when he thought about Tang Zhen's situation, he felt it was natural.

It is very likely that this encounter will become a farewell. Maybe at some point, Tang Zhen will die at the hands of the tribal monks.

For these Loucheng monks, Tang Zhen turned a blind eye, just looking for the way forward on his own.

He will not walk the path that others have walked. Not only will he be despised, but he will also bring unnecessary risks.

What's more, Tang Zhen's methods are inconvenient for outsiders to see.

After walking another distance, I found that the mine was at the end of the mine, and there were signs of collapse and damage.

It is very normal for such a situation to occur without being able to use spiritual detection. Not only Tang Zhen will go the wrong way, but other monks will also be the same.

In this way, it was repeatedly explored, and finally the correct route was found.

Tang Zhen turned around and saw a hunched figure at the exit of the mine.

The other party was wearing a torn leather robe and was constantly digging for crystal mines, acting like no one else was there.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen frowned slightly.

The monks on both sides of the crystal mine under this temple are just intruders, and the monsters transformed from the monks' remnants are the masters.

The figure in front of him was probably also a monster.

Rules Monsters are dangerous and weird, and their attack methods are hard to guard against. The wisest way is to avoid them as much as possible.

But the figure in front of him, blocking the exit of the mine, obviously did not intend to let Tang Zhen leave.

Ordinarily, with Tang Zhen's strength, he might not be afraid of this regular monster, but he has no plans to fight recklessly.

There was even a sense of crisis in his heart.

Just because from the beginning to the end, Tang Zhen didn't notice any signs of the old man's appearance, which is actually enough to explain the problem.

"Old man, you are blocking my way."

Tang Zhen was silent for a few breaths, then suddenly spoke.

Hearing the words, the stooped old man turned his head to look at Tang Zhen, lifeless in his cloudy eyes.

"Where are you going, don't rush to mine, the patriarch will come to collect it soon.

If you don't complete the task, I'm afraid you will be punished again today. "

There was a hint of helplessness in the indifferent and strange tone.

After the old man finished speaking, he waved the pickaxe in his hand and chopped at the crystal mine one by one.

It's just that the pickaxe it uses is clearly a light and shadow, and it can't cause any damage to the crystal ore at all.

The old man seemed extremely exhausted, but still insisted on digging continuously, as if he was a machine that was about to fall apart.

"How much is still missing, enough to pay the task?"

Tang Zhen looked at the stooped old man, and suddenly asked, obviously asking about the exchange just now.


The old man turned his head to look at Tang Zhen, and then turned his head back quickly, without answering his question.

Tang Zhen flipped his palm, and a piece of remains flashed out.

"Is it enough?"

He looked at the old man and asked in a light tone.

The old man didn't respond, and continued to dig the crystal mine.

Tang Zhen threw the wreckage fragments in front of the old man, then turned his palm, and ten more pieces of wreckage appeared.

"Is it enough?"

The old man remained indifferent, waving the pick in his hand wearily, as if he would fall down at any moment.

Tang Zhen flipped his hands again, and the 100 yuan wreckage appeared, almost filling half of the aisle.

"Is it enough?"

The old man who was digging slowly stopped and turned to look at Tang Zhen again.

"Enough, enough!"

It still had that dry and terrifying face, but there was a touch of excitement in his tone, as if the regret in his heart had been satisfied.

While speaking, the old man nodded to Tang Zhen, but his figure slowly disappeared.

At the same time, the wreckage fragments thrown by Tang Zhen also quickly merged into the crystal mine.

Tang Zhen was silent for a few breaths, and after confirming that there was no problem, he quickly left the mine.

Although out of danger, Tang Zhen was not in a hurry to leave, but hid in a nearby mine.

He found that there was a problem with the surrounding terrain, and he seemed to be deliberately guiding outsiders towards that weird mine.

As long as you pass through this area, it is easy to walk into a dead end.

Sure enough, not long after, four figures appeared, all of whom were tribal monks.

After they entered this labyrinth-like area, they researched around and ended up walking towards that dead end.

"Sure enough..."

Tang Zhen stared intently at the entrance of the mine, and saw a figure appearing in an instant.

It was still the hunchbacked figure, waving the broken pickaxe, digging continuously.

The old man appeared quietly, even though Tang Zhen kept staring at the exit of the mine, he still didn't find where the other party came from?
As expected of a monster generated by the power of rules, it cannot be easily detected at all, and its existence also implies rules.

Tang Zhen guessed the rules of the monster, so he chose to save money and avoid disaster, and he walked out smoothly.

The four tribe monks who just entered, I don't know if they can see through the rules and escape from this monster smoothly?

As soon as the thought arose, a roar was heard, obviously a fight broke out.

Rays of light flashed at the entrance of the cave. This was the impact of regular forces, but no movement came out.

Obviously this mine is more dangerous than imagined.

After more than ten breaths, a tribal monk rushed out of the cave, full of panic and panic.

The other three tribal monks have not shown up for a long time, and they may have encountered an accident.

The tribal monks who entered the mine probably didn't find the rules and didn't know the standard of this monster.

Or they found the rules, but were reluctant to bleed, and chose to fight against the rule monsters.

As a result, four tribal monks went in, and only one escaped by chance.

Judging by the appearance of this monk, it is obvious that he does not intend to rescue his companions, after all, he is too busy to take care of himself at the moment.

Just as Tang Zhen was thinking about it secretly, three figures suddenly appeared at the entrance of the mine.

It was the three tribal monks who, like puppets and clay sculptures, kept digging with pickaxes.

The old man suddenly raised his head to look at Tang Zhen, a palpitating smile suddenly appeared on his withered and terrifying face.

It seems to be thanking Tang Zhen for not preventing these monks from entering the mine.

Tang Zhen's heart trembled slightly, and he didn't want to stay any longer, but moved quickly towards the depths of the mine.

(End of this chapter)

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